Reolink User Reviews

Reolink Digital Technology Co., Ltd.

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  • You need to correct.....

    1 year later: Hey wake up. Almost everyone has unlimited minutes and can leave it in “receive in cell service” it’s a pain to use flaky WiFi. Make a setting to leave it in cell service. Update for God’s sake! Old post: Ok Reolink, listen very carefully. You have two major flaws you need to correct. 1.) Where I use this app I’m just on the border of my WiFi reception. It often keeps trying to switch back and forth from WiFi to cell service, almost constantly to the point I don’t even get a chance to view anything. Make a switch to leave in cell service permanently. We live in the age of unlimited minutes. Give people that option!!! 2.) The monitoring only lasts 3 stinking lousy minutes before it tries to turn off. The gives you a 10 second warning with no beep to alert you and turns off. If we want to burn down the battery, LET US!!! But more importantly if we have it plugged into power constantly the for God’s sake put another stupid switch in there to NOT have it time out so fast, and stay on constantly!!! 3.) One minor inconvenience is that there is full screen and there is minimize but no panel (medium) screen to watch and do something else at the same time. Fix these obvious flaws and frustrating illogical settings.
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  • Very weak app ruins a decent camera

    Probably the biggest issue is the poor performance. Banners appear constantly at the top of the screen when I’m using the app, alternating between suggesting I switch to Wi-Fi and suggesting I switch to LTE. It doesn’t matter what type or how strong my connection is; these banners are always there and are always blocking key features of the app.

    With the camera on POE and my phone on strong & fast Wi-Fi, I know the connection is solid. Even though still, it can take 5 - 10 seconds for the camera image to show up on screen, if it shows up at all. Other cameras from different vendors on the same network work just fine.

    If reolink wants to sell more cameras, they need to improve their app.
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  • Does exactly what I need it to do

    I love my cameras & the app works fine for me. My WiFi connection is good, possibly because I have a great provider & the cameras aren’t too far from my router. I didn’t think it would connect from where I’ve placed all my cameras but it’s just fine. My only suggestion is that I would really like to be able to set up a different alert tone for each camera so I know which one is chiming by the sound of the alert tone. I have a very large property & certain areas I’m sure are just wildlife but my driveway & front door are most important to me so if I could set a separate tone for those two I don’t think I’d check my cameras when they alert as much if it’s for the rest of my property. 👍
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  • Pure frustration!

    Purchased two cameras quite sometime ago for a rural property. Before I got around to setting them up, the property was sold. Cameras have been in original box ever since.

    Recently another rural property was purchased and didn’t waste time setting the cameras up. Wow, what a PITA! Finally, after I don’t know how many times trying, was able to get them connected and able to view on my phone. Pop the champagne!

    Now no longer at the rural location and trying to access cameras for a look around. “Failed to connect” is all I get! So for what was intended for security purposes is absolutely worthless.

    Not sure where the fault lies, the cams, the app, or both? And it’s not like IP cams are a new technology. How hard is it to get it right? For Reolink, evidently VERY HARD. Read in other 1 star reviews that a fairly recent update screwed things up. If true, then get on it Reolink and fix what you broke with the update!

    I don’t have two security cameras, I have two paperweights! A simple rock will do for that purpose. When I return the property these cams will be removed, placed in a deep hole, a little gasoline tossed on top, and (from a safe distance) I’ll strike a match and toss it in the hole. May not solve the problem, but it will put and end to my frustrations with this dismal product. Caveat emptor!
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  • Love the cameras and our system! Please upgrade these few software app things :)

    We just installed 13 new 12MP cameras with an NVR and LOVE them and the image quality. They’re absolutely incredible. I’ve been taking the last 4-6 weeks since install to learn the system and settings. Here are a few things I would be grateful to see:

    #1 - an Apple TV app. I would LOVE this to be able to use my multiple existing TVs with Apple TV’s to monitor our system.

    #2 - the ability to switch users EASILY in the app. Specifically, I don’t stay logged into the admin user so settings can’t accidentally be changed. When I want to make changes, getting to the admin user is a nightmare on NVR. I normally view in a user that can’t make changes so me, my kid, wife, etc. can’t make accidental changes to important system configurations.

    #3 - Easily move the camera order on an NVR system. I still haven’t figured out how to do it to this day on the iPhone/iPad app. Figured it out on Mac but use the iPhone/iPad more and the channels don’t make logical viewing sense.

    Thank you! I’m sure I’ll amend this as time goes on. Overall, great system and great quality. I love the build quality of the cameras. I’ve had cheaper ones that I won’t and don’t miss.
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  • Good but needs improvements

    I like the app very well I recently started using reolink cameras I like them very clear but I would like to see the notification section improved because any lil bug or movement sends a notification and that drains battery like crazy if I can turn off push notifications for a certain time of the day and it comes back on later in the day or night also the option to set a The ir leds to come on and off with a custom schedule instead of automatic because I have a issue where there is a light but the camera stays in colored all the time during the night and certain spots are dark because the ir leds are not on the camera is seeing enough light not to switch to B/W
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  • Works great, support is amazing

    I bought a 16 camera system earlier this year and only have 4 up so far and have no complaints. The picture quality is excellent for both live viewing and playback. I did have a problem with one camera after a few days use and after going back and forth with support with some diagnostics and troubleshooting steps, they finally determined the camera was bad and sent me a replacement. Other issues I had were resolved as quickly as possible. One had to do with Adobe Flash going away at the end of 2020 and they notified me when a new version of NVR firmware was available which settled that. One other issue dealt with a change to the iPhone app. They listened to my feedback and gave me a beta version to try which addresses my comment. Can’t wait for it to be available in the App Store.

    It may take a day to get a response to an email to support and based on the time stamps of the return emails, they must be on the other side of the world from me but believe me, they will respond. No complaints on their following up to completely resolve any issue.

    To people doing research based on these reviews, let me say that some of the negative comments are from long ago so it is likely they are no longer relevant.
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  • Excellent Option for Anyone Who Wants Local Storage

    Quick tip: Spray around your cameras with insecticide. I kept getting spider webs around my cameras because of the night vision LEDs attracting bugs. You may have to spray once every 6 months or so, but it has worked very well for me to maintain visibility

    I love my Reolink cameras! I have ran CAT6 through my walls (took an entire day of walking up and down 3 flights of stairs, but worth it!) from my NVR to my 4 cameras. I am thrilled to have a camera system that will not stop recording if my router or modem decide to stop working. I’ve used other apps for security systems out there. I’m in IT and have helped businesses set up their security systems. I can say without a doubt that this app outdoes those by a long shot. The only app I’ve used that is better is Arlo’s app. The motion detection is terrible, however, so I’m considering moving to use Blue Iris to manage my recordings (AI detection of people/cars/animals). If Reolink could add full AI detection instead of the current pixel-based detection, I would be thrilled and would happily keep using their NVR and app.
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  • Edit: New update

    It takes so many try to connect to cameras. The new update isn’t working. Please fix soon. Other than that. App is good.

    Edit: I initial gave 3 star. But I realised that the fault was not reolink but the new Apple iOS 14 update. You have to give apps permission to local network in order to view the cameras. That’s why I couldn’t view it. The app is great and the cameras are good. It’s better than paying monthly for ring and Arlo services. I have a basic wired one that I installed myself. Cameras are clear and crisp. Would recommend to anyone.
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  • Works well

    I’m surprised to see such a low average rating for this app but after reading many of the negative reviews I realized most were complaining about their system and not the app. Most are having trouble with wifi cameras. This likely has nothing to do with the app.
    I bought the Reolink PoE NVR with 5MB cameras so I don’t have any wifi issues. Setup was straightforward though the instructions were lacking. Superb system at that price point BTW.
    After setup, I installed this app. Again, the instructions lacking but it was intuitive enough that I was up and running in minutes.
    Very pleasantly impressed with the functionality, interface design, ease of use, and control over the whole system. While the system has 2 TB of storage, the app gives me the ability to take stills and snippets from individual cameras and store them locally on my iPhone as a photo or video. That is great for capturing something of interest and not needing to sort through 2 TB of data to find it later.
    My one request for additional functionality at this point is for variable playback speed though that is probably a function of the NVR so sticking with 5 stars for this app.
    Edit: I just noticed the drop down to control the playback speed. So, really the only negative is documentation/instructions are minimal. The app and the system are great.
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