Dexcom Clarity User Reviews

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  • Very Good

    This app helps me to see what my blood sugar has been doing, like patterns, average, time in range, etc. Another good app is Sugarmate, which connects to Dexcom. It is like an advanced version of the Dexcom app, like how long you’ve been in range for that day, and it’s MUCH easier to track insulin/carbs taken. Both highly recommended:
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  • Great information!

    I had a CGM for a time about 10 years ago and wasn’t very impressed. I’m giving it another shot and so far have been blown away at how helpful the clarity app is for me. I can generate beautiful and easy to understand charts in a couple of clicks and see trends to help me manage my diabetes better. This is a wonderful tool. I don’t understand the negative reviews I’ve seen- everything has worked flawlessly for me. Great job Dexcom!
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  • Alarms

    I agree with an another reviewer that it would be good to have the option to temporarily disable low alarms, at least the sounds (& maybe keep a low vibration), to avoid awkward public situations where I have treated / am treating the low with glucose, but there’s a lag in the glucose reading obviously which results in a beep. Any workaround solutions would be welcome. Otherwise this app & CGM is amazing and life changing.
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  • App is good enough for my purposes, but needs improvement

    The app displays my sugar accurately enough (usually within 0-15 off) and works on my iPhone without crashing. One thing that I would like the Dexcom app engineers to reconsider is how the urgent low alarms work. I am in a situation where I need my phone turned on, but all noises and vibrations to cease. This app put my in a very embarrassing situation in front of my boss’s boss; to make a long story short I ate my glucose tablets and corrected for my low sugar before attending the event mentioned, but the urgent low alarm went off 3 times during his speech before I had a chance to turn it off. Please for the love of God let us silence those low alarms completely. I understand the liability aspect, but putting a simple disclaimer would prevent any potential law suits. Thank you for reading.
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  • iPad Support? Nope! Useless features? Sure!

    The useful bits of this app would be perfect for native iPad support for the same reasons you don’t usually paint or write music or essays on your phone. I want to see everything. Instead I get to see very little.

    I have no idea why the "percentage while you were in range metric" is even there, much less why it gets top billing. I think it’s worse than useless in the same way frequently measuring how much you weigh gets in the way of losing weight. It doesn’t tell you what you are doing right and what you are doing wrong. It doesn’t help you understand how to do better. It only needlessly adds complacency that you are doing good enough or anxiety that you aren’t doing good enough. It doesn’t tell you why your diabetes does what it does which is kind of the point of a continuous glucose monitor.
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    Developer Response

    Please check the website for the most up-to-date list of compatible devices. (United States & International may have different available options.) We will pass your feedback along to our Product Team.
  • Great App - How About Formatting for iPad?

    Dexcom is the best we’ve got, so I can’t complain. The app works well for me, and I like the options, screens and reports. However, it would be a much more enjoyable experience if we could see it formatted for horizontal view on the iPhone and for iPad, also in horizontal view. The limitation of having it only in the vertical view is that the font is difficult to read. I end up using Sugarmate to view the data only because I can see everything so much more clearly! But I like the data and reports in Clarity better... thanks!
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    Developer Response

    Hi Carol. Thank you for taking the time to leave a review. We will pass your feedback along to our Product Team.
  • Finally fixed!!!

    I am so glad! After a very long time of this app crashing Everytime you open it, it has finally been fixed! This app offers amazing information that I am so happy to be able to access again.
  • App Crashes with New Update

    I used to love this app - it was far more reliable than even the Dexcom app was, and I could get a great gauge on my bg control issues/successes before I went in to the doctor.

    However, since the latest update, I cannot open the app. I click it, and it immediately closes. It does not even open the home screen before shutting down. I tried restarting my phone with no success. This is extremely disappointing. PLEASE FIX THIS. The app is unusable.
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  • Great information but.......

    I love this app, used it all the time to track Average +/- the Standard Deviation. However, for the past 5-6 months I’ve been unable to use it, login information is not recognized. Called tech support several times to work with me resetting the password, etc. but to no avail. Periodically use the website version but that too has been difficult, at times. I have found the given information is extremely useful keeping my A1C around 6-6.5
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  • App won’t open

    Every time I go to open the app at my Drs office, it will never open. I’ve restarted my phone, I’ve done (I think it’s called) a hard restart, where I press the sleep button and home button at the same time till it restarts, and that doesn’t work. I close the app all together and restart it, nope, nothing. I press the app, the beginning shows up, and then it just closes all together after that. This is very inconvenient just because my dr relies on it to view my numbers every time I come in, so I have to view my numbers by other means. Please fix this problem!
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