Best idea ever
I love this app. I always get the max discount even with a few dings. I mean everyone has to hit the breaks now and then so you can’t expect a perfect score but even with an event every few trips it doesn’t really hurt your discount. I honestly can’t see why there are negative reviews. I drive a cmv and carry that driving into my personal car usage too. I always leave at least 3-4 seconds between me and the car in front of me and double that at highways speeds. You almost have to in a higjh traffic area like Albuquerque when you never know when cars will come to a full stop on the highway due to stop and go traffic. As for the rest I mean how hard is it to not go ten miles over the speed limit. I’ve only gotten hit once or twice for acceleration and cornering (except when I was on a mountainous road doing the twenty five mile an hour speed limit and got dinged for every corner)so being a safe driver isn’t hard at all. If everyone would leave room for a couple of semi trucks to fit between them and the driver in front of them on the highway traffic jams would be non existent.
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I don’t want it
I am tricked off. I need to pay my wife’s bill that is due tomorrow. I started to add Drive Safe and changed my mind a month ago. Now I have been sent a device and the apps are not letting me get to my account unless i hit the ACCEPT button to all the legalities for Drive Safe. There is NO option to not accept. 😡 I did NOT finish completing enrollment. I was just checking it out a month ago. I found it to be extremely invasive so i backed out of the app’s application for it. NOW i am bring forced or I can’t get into my account to pay my bills. I have to NOW drive to my State Farm agent in another town tomorrow to pay the bill on time. This means that I ALSO have to cancel taking my friend who does not drive to her Doctor’s Appointment in a town the opposite direction. This is infuriating. I had cancelled the automatic pay on my wife’s bill due to changing agents. I don’t even know if i have a new agent because the new one that we were going to use NEVER showed up to her appointment with us because she was in Montana. SHE IS THE ONE that made the appointment with us. We waited 3 weeks only to have her NOT be there. We told her send everything to the neighboring town. I called them and told them that we were switching to them. They have never called with our appt. So What the heck. Disgusted with State Farm in Oregon
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Disappointed in breaking & cornering reports.
I live in the country. Gravel & 2 lane tar roads. Hills & valleys. Roads the have sharp corners, road junctures that are not 90 degrees. Entries to highways that do not have 4 way stops. Highways that at times are busy & you need to turn quickly & speed up to merge & get up to speed quickly. Braking is totally confusing. Slowing down without braking, braking lightly to help this process seems to get tagged. On rare occasion I am aware I have stepped on the brakes a little hard, but never slamming on my breaks, unless a deer runs out on road—and this does happen fairly often. I take all tags seriously. I try to be the best driver possible. When I see a tag on my report that I feels is unfair & accurate, I want to report it & give my side of the story. I can’t be the only person that has these issues. Your helpful suggestions how to fix my driving “problems” are frustrating, since I already follow those rules & I still get tagged. How about a place to report problems on this app. I truly appreciate the discount & I works hard to do my best driving. Safety has always been my top priority when I am driving. It will continue to be in the future also. Thanks for listening.
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Glitchy and doesn’t make sense
1: The app rated me at 97 yesterday for speed. Today it rated me at 96, even though no speeding incidents occur. 2: i drove to my daughter’s daycare. Parked. Took out my phone to check her in, then got back in my car and drove away. It counted that as “distracted driving” despite my car having been stopped and parked before i got my phone out of my pocket. 3: it doesn’t give you an east shortcut to the incidents, you have to go searching through the trips and tap and wait for each to load to see if it has the corresponding type of incident you want to see. 4: there should be a 4th option of “provide feedback on this trip” to indicate that “i was driving and i used my phone, but it was while i parked, got out, walked around with my phone, then got back in car etc” rather than be shoehorned into either “i was driving” or “i was driving but passenger used my phone”. Neither are correct but i’ll be damned if i get deducted score and subsequent lower discount for distracted driving cuz the app can’t tell i parked the car and got out while using my phone. If i mess up by speeding or brake too hard or corner too hard that’s on me. I take the hit in score and discount cuz that’s honest. Don’t make your app shortcoming fall on my bank account. Contact me for more ideas, State Farm app developers.
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Ridiculously sensitive
I mean, it does save money, but it’s ridiculously sensitive. And you get penalized for things that are out of your control. Hard braking events do not always mean you were following too close. It could be a kid or dog ran out in the road in front of you. 0 event trips are not that common as it requires driving in such a manner that is frequently dangerous for various reasons. It commonly causes road rage in other drivers around here. If you have to accelerate quickly to merge in to a highway? Event. You should go much slower and get rear ended by a semi instead. Have weird Texas highways where the exit from a 75 mph highway to a 45mph access road is only 20ft? (I’m not joking) Better slow down on that highway a good distance before your exit so you get rear ended by a semi. The basic problem is they’re applying the things they consider to be safe driving habits universally, where in the real world conditions vary greatly and things like taking a long time to accelerate can actually be dangerous.
I live in a location that you have to turn left from a good size road and it requires coming to a stop to let cars pass before you can make the turn. The app reports my braking to come to the stop there as an event every single time I come home. And I’m not slamming on the brakes. I actually take a long time to slow to a stop so as to not get rear ended by the people behind me. Still reports it as an event. Frustrating.
I live in a location that you have to turn left from a good size road and it requires coming to a stop to let cars pass before you can make the turn. The app reports my braking to come to the stop there as an event every single time I come home. And I’m not slamming on the brakes. I actually take a long time to slow to a stop so as to not get rear ended by the people behind me. Still reports it as an event. Frustrating.
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Worst Programming Ever
My husband and I each have our own primary cars. We each have a cell phone and we each have a beacon in our car. However, if our car is in the driveway and my phone is near (it picks up my phone and me as the driver according the helpline - “it can pick you up anytime and anywhere.”) This explains why I would get random, your trip is recording while I was sitting in my office at my computer and nowhere near a car. Anyway, unless I turn my phone off when I get in the car with my husband or am anywhere near his car, I have to spend tons of time reclassifying trips which is a complete pain and I don’t always have the time to do. Even when I do that, my husband doesn’t get credit for the drive of his car. There has to be a way to indicate primary driver of a given car… then if that person’s phone isn’t found in the vehicle and the other phone is, then that person must be the primary. I think the reclassification is helpful on occasion (like if I was driving instead of my husband on a given joint drive/trip), but mostly I would want his phone picked up in his car and me picked up when we are in mine. We are really frustrated with this overall app experience! We are diligent about not touching/using the phone when we are the driver. There are many homes that have multiple drivers and cars that are essentially designated as a primary car for each driver. This should be taken into consideration and accounted for when programming this app and experience.
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Good App but can use some improvement
I like the app but I would like to see some improvements. The app has improved my driving habits and has made me more self aware of what I need to continue to work on. No drover is perfect and every driver is going to make a mistakes at some point. Using this app has got me to set a goal to be a top 98% driver. Some my suggestions for improving the app would be to allow feedback on the events that happens. For example, there is a a turn I make on a corner that is sharp. This is just a bad planned out intersection that I have no control over. I took the turn from a complete red light stop but I still received a turning event because of the design of the intersection. Another example should be to notate a hard break. I was cut out by a driver make an unsafe left hand turn. If I wouldn’t have braked hard I would have been in an accident. I’ve also had a dog run into the street. Some thing are just outside of the control of drivers so being able to make suggestions on intersections or a justifying an event would be nice. I know some people would try to justify every event some place a maximum on those justifications to a maximum. Like one per week.
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I don’t mind the app, like the perks, but you literally have to check each trip, because I was on the Interstate and the only reason I knew to look at the app, was because the Google Maps, picked up the 40 mph speed on the on ramp which was about a football field and a half long with the loop, so the app showed me as doing 51. And speeding supposedly because of the way it picked up on the ramp’s speed and not the fact that I was in a 50 mph speed area for over a mile and a half of constant 51 with that 40 in the middle and back to 50. So it is good that the customer can send reviews on the roads. Because sometimes when Road Work is going on speeds reduce. So I probably look like I don’t know what’s up. So it seems that I have to constantly let them know what’s up. But I give Drive Safe and Drive a 5 Star for their research on roads. Many go from 60 to 30 in no time. And I don’t get the steering idea! I am a good driver and have turned around to go get something from a house that I had forgotten an item and I get a bad turn cause I made a total turnaround. I don’t understand some of it.
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Too sensitive and unrealistic expectations of “safe” driving
Updating my review after six months of use. As mentioned earlier, I initially thought the app was overall fair in it’s tracking of “events.” It seems to be randomly hyper sensitive to certain aspects though. Lately, it’s been cornering. I’m talking about sitting at a left turn arrow, waiting for it to turn green, and then going at a slow pace and turning left. Twice today I received a cornering event for that. Same thing with roundabouts. You have to be going about 1/2 of the speed limit for it to not be an event. Breaking is consistently sensitive, and I’ve determined that if you don’t start your stop to a red light at least a quarter mile in advance, it’s going to be deemed too quick and trigger a breaking event, which is not realistic at all. (Ironically, I have chosen to go through a yellow light that turned red right when I got there because I didn’t want to trigger another breaking event even though I had plenty of time to stop.) Since State Farm (unlike some other carriers) doesn’t give you any indication of how your discount is being impacted until renewal time and you get the bill, It’s hard to know what impact these events have on whatever discount I’ll get, but if it’s not something significantly better than the 5% I was given just to sign up, I will be sending my beacon back.
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Lower scores for “braking” during inclement weather & road conditions.
I recently signed up for State Farm’s “Drive Safe” program and noticed a negative rating for “braking” on my score. After looking up when this occurred, it was on a day when we had snow & icy road conditions. My truck has a trailering package to assist the driver to help with braking - so I engaged it while going down a steep icy road. If I didn’t brake as much as I did, I might not be alive. The negative braking score happened again during similar weather & road conditions. I live in a state that gets snow & ice, which of course affects the way people drive. But, this program does not take into account road conditions or weather when driving. This is very unfair to the driver. This problem needs to be resolved and corrected, otherwise you are setting up the driver to fail & get lower scores. There also needs to be a way for people to be able to appeal & dispute these issues and have their scores corrected.
Also, recently I got score reduced for speeding! I live in a rural area where half the time you are not aware of what the speed limit is. So, could you please have your app show drivers what the speed limit is in the area they are driving in? If your app can reduce a persons score for speeding, you can develop a way to show a person what the speed limit is in the area where they are driving!
Also, recently I got score reduced for speeding! I live in a rural area where half the time you are not aware of what the speed limit is. So, could you please have your app show drivers what the speed limit is in the area they are driving in? If your app can reduce a persons score for speeding, you can develop a way to show a person what the speed limit is in the area where they are driving!
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