Shopify Inbox User Reviews

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  • Great app but ideas for dev team to improve

    Hey- first, this a great value to your SMB customers. Chat is working to drive more conversions for our store.

    1. Ability to only get push notifications for customer chat, I get 1-2 notifications a day from Kit with no ability to turn them off.
    2. Web interface, would be great if this was offered on web and not just mobile to improve productivity and response times.
    3. Chat as revenue source is not yet in reporting and I think you should add it.
    4. Offline hours should either have the chat disappear or give better chat bot prompts, such as hey we are offline, what is your name, what is your email and what is your question to figure out the issue.

    Thanks for listening to the feedback.
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  • Has shortcomings.

    It would be great if it had a feature where notifications don’t show up on the devices for messages sent outside of available hours. It could be optional. The point of available hours is not to be bothered outside of them.

    Also, Facebook Messenger integration doesn’t work very well. I have tried several conversations and none of the messages I sent were actually delivered. I could receive messages from FBM, not send them.
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  • Great concept, poor execution

    Ping is a great concept for small business owners to be able to provide live customer service via chat, but the app itself is clunky.

    When you’re having a chat with a customer, in Ping it gets broken out to different chat records (8+), so you don’t have the whole chat thread in one chat record. How was it built this poorly to function like this?

    Search is completely useless. So if you’ve chatted with a customer a few weeks ago, and you want to find that chat to look at the history, it’s impossible. All searches always come up empty.

    The welcome and away messages are nice, but they appear EVERY TIME a customer sends a message in a thread. So on the rare occasion that the chat is contained in a single thread, the welcome and away messages should only show once, after the first customer message.

    No desktop or web app? Luckily I use a keyboard with my iPad, otherwise I would have deleted it s a long time ago. Of course it’s nice to be able to respond to customers on your phone, if you’re away from your home office, but it shouldn’t be the only way to use if.

    Shopify is a phenomenal platform with excellent customer service. This app feels like it was thrown together as an afterthought.
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    Developer Response

    Hello Applover1236836, thank you for your awesome feedback! I can address some of your points here. The chats are broken up so the latest message is always first. Otherwise, it would be easy for new messages to get buried in chat threads and be missed. Welcome messages would appear in new conversations every time in Shopify Chat as it is tied to a browser session. Every new browser tab will have this welcome message, even if it is the same customer. However, for Apple Business Chat and Facebook Messages, this should not be happening as it's tied to an actual client and a thread can be continued. We are working on a web feature, please stay tuned and keep your app up to date to find out when this may launch. Feel free to reach out to our team directly if you experience any particular errors or issues, or to provide more feedback. We love talking to our merchants! Thanks again!
  • Great Tool, Couple Annoying Things

    Ping is a game changer for being able to help our customers immediately and effectively! It’s wonderful to have a tool that makes that communication possible.

    There are two annoying things: 1) there is a constant “new/unread” message prompting you to begin advertising with Kit. Imagine an ad that never leaves your inbox—especially if you don’t require the services it’s offering. Annoying.

    2) The other has probably been laid out a thousand times, but there’s no desktop application for Ping. So you can look forward to running all your online chats from your phone. Not really the way we like to spend our days! Nor is it very scalable — even with setting up shortcuts.
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    Developer Response

    Hello wavesdept, thanks so much for your review and feedback! I can certainly address these points for you. 1) For Kit, the app was built for it, so if you are not going to use Kit, feel free to text STOP to Kit or delete the Kit app from your Shopify admin. 2) We are hoping to release a desktop version but I don't have an eta on it. This is indeed a huge request from merchants and there is tremendous value in it. Thank you! If you have any other feedback or issues, please contact our team directly at Thanks again!
  • A good start..

    I’ve had my saved replies removed/deleted twice now.... why?

    I would like the customer to fill out who they are and possibly see if they've ordered before, if they have abondoned cart, etc so you know who you are talking to. Right now it's just a generic ID being assigned to each person and I find that most conversations because of this are very unnecessary. When I fill in my info on a chat box it's because I need something or help. I find because it's so easy to enter anything, useless time is spent responding to people who don't respond back.
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    Developer Response

    Hello Siraj0110, thank you for your feedback, it is really appreciated! In regards to saved replies being deleted, do you have the latest version of the app installed? Your replies shouldn't be deleted, so perhaps reach out to our team directly if that hasn't been resolved yet. Apple and Shopify have strict privacy policies, so the generic number is assigned to new conversations. However, you are most welcome to ask for their name and we have now incorporated that into the new busy banner! Hope that helps. Thanks for using the app!
  • Keeps crashing after latest update? Normally good

    For the past day and a half (since March 19) every time I open the app it immediately crashes — I’ve tried closing the app many times and restarted my phone but it hasn’t helped. If a customer sends a message I can’t reply to them because the app won’t even let me get to the full message. Hope this gets fixed soon! I’ve never had this issue with the app before.
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  • Slow notifications

    Notifications seem to be clumsy and slow, the inability to send pictures/videos from the me to clients is also super annoying. Not being able to have at least a first name for a person you’re chatting with for the sake of “privacy” is absolutely stupid.. I just find myself continuously annoyed with this app and am thinking about going back to Podium for the better more rounded experience.. even though it cost $400 a month..
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  • When you get it set up it is awesome

    I love the chat and my customers do also. When you set up your products in the chat channel you can send over recommendations 3 at a time all they have to do is click and go but the chat follows them so you can close the sale. I used to use LiveChat and this is 100% better for me as a single store owner on Shopify.
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  • It’s pretty great!

    It’s pretty great. I love the automated messages that are available, etc. since it’s only me responding. The only thing I’m having trouble with is that I noticed that if the same person reaches out twice, the second time they aren’t sent my hours and I just had an issue with that today. The first time they reached out was a month ago and this time they reached out at 4am and and obviously I was asleep, but the message about my hours didn’t send to them and they yelled at me.
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    Developer Response

    Hello Christiana1993, thank you very much for your honest feedback and review! So sorry to hear you were yelled at...yikes. IOS devices use the built-in iMessages so the same customer and you continue via the original thread, even if it's a month later. This is why they would not receive your listed hours again. Only new conversations would receive the listed hours if outside of your available times. However, we are working on a feature to help with this, so please keep your app updated! Thank you again!
  • Lost all Saved Replies and Can’t recreate them

    Very disappointed in this version, we seem to have lost access to all our saved replies (without any notice) and have no way of re-creating them nor is the app allowing us to do so. The few that we have been able to recover, keep saying that keyword already exists, but they are not available in the latest version.

    Please fix ASAP! We rely on saved replies greatly to provide a lot of info without having to spend the time writing them again and again each time.
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