User Reviews: PeopleOne Health

Top reviews

  • Glad it’s still available

    I do miss the old spark people, there just will never be anything quite as good. But this app is almost just as good and the full site, spark America, is almost there too. I wish they still had the old ticker that moved toward your end goal. It was a strong motivator to watch that move and I don’t know why they won’t bring it back. I also miss all of my old saved recipes and meals and don’t really have the time to input it all again like I used to, but it’s way better than the other weight loss apps out there that just feel so clinical and boring. Just bring back the weight ticker!! That was the best feature and most of the reason why I ever lost weight with the original spark people.
  • Hhhm

    Tried signing up and it keeps telling me it doesn’t recognize me. Of course because I haven’t signed up yet.
  • Keeps getting better

    While staying easy to use, I love all the new features. Makes staying fit fun.
  • Would give a zero if I could

    Couldn’t even get logged in… asking for very personal information…. No thanks
  • Old fan of sparkpeople. New fan of PeopleOne

    I lost a lot of weight using sparkpeople.

    After a week or so of tracking my food I realized my fat calories were too high and adjusted my eating.

    Over the years some old habits crept in. I want to lose fifteen pounds. I entered my food into the food tracker and am eager to get things started again. So far it looks very similar. I am sure this will work.
  • Social security to register for health app?!

    It’s too bad they got rid of spark people, it really helped me lose weight, I lost 50 lbs with its help of tracking my weight, calories and exercise. Now with this app they ask you for a social security number and I just don’t get why..all I want to do is track my health details. To bad I’ll have to find something else :/
  • Something New - I Like Change

    So far, I am enjoying exploring the app.

    I use to use Spark People (SP) for years and was successful in my weight lost. However, I never reached my goal weight - I got bored with SP after the constant “improvements” and didn’t use it as much as I did before.
    I would always try to come back but the constant “improvements” just completely change it for me and just the overall community of the app and website.
    It was bittersweet to find out it was all coming to an end but most people I interacted with checked out years ago.

    That all being said, I am exploring the new app and Spark America. I am feeling more motivated to start a new fresh journey using this app/SparkAmerica…will update how that goes at the end of March 2022.
  • Can’t use without SS number?!?

    I tried to sign in as a new user with my email. The app wouldn’t accept that (even though it worked before as a Spark People email). Then it suggested I try to sign in instead with my social security number. I don’t go around giving out to my social security number—much too risky and not an appropriate request at all.
  • What Happened? SpearkPeople GUTTED a great app…

    I was a happy user of SparkPeople years ago. It was easy, fun, motivational- a WELCH of information. What is this?!? They made it both more difficult to get signed up, AND they stripped away all the great features of the original. This app just seems- naked. Wanting. Sad. Just paid for a yearlong subscription to LifeSum rather than use this depression, unhelpful app. LoseIt!, MyFitnessPal- there are a PLETHORA of apps that TROUNCE this sad excuse for a well ness app. Do yourself a favor: Keep your personal, private info to yourself and look elsewhere for a GOOD app that’s worth your time, effort and trust! Not sure what the endgame here is, but this feels like a betrayal.
  • Disappointed

    I had been with Sparks for many many years and was easily able to sign in. I am no longer able to do so. I’ve had to delete this app a numerous amount of times.

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