Tiimo User Reviews

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  • I really want to love this.

    It has a lot of potential, but it falls short in several ways.

    1) why does it check of items in a routine for me? If I’m a little late getting out of bed, half of my morning routine is checked off already! The start time is a goal. But even if I did start on time, why take away the dopamine hit of checking items off for me?

    2) I would like a deadline function. For instance, my cleaning routine could happen at anytime during the day, but it needs to be done by X time. (With an alert warning)
    I homeschool my ADHD kids. I want to use this for helping eldest structure her free time well. But also put individual assignments that need to be completed. If there is a project that she has a week to complete, I want to give it a due date, but have it show up on her screen every day.

    3) I realize that I am still test driving the free version. But why on earth would you make a pomodoro timer without notifications that you’ve completed a phase? Perhaps make the whole routine BOM thr
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  • Great for sleep blindness! Not easy to adjust.

    * I love how the big circle shows me the passage of time as I go through my work day routines. - I have disabled my iPhone’s auto-lock so that I can keep this on my desk near my keyboard!

    * I love the audible cues telling me it’s almost time to start the next task or a routine is finishing… - I’ve turned up the volume so I don’t miss that.

    * I love that I can “import” my calendar to show my appointments in line with my routines (to check for conflicts) and then un-import them so I can keep using the alerts from iPhone calendar for my appointments so I don’t confuse the audio alerts.


    There are some improvements I’d like to see. I have noticed that the help desk is responsive and it seems the developers are working hard. So…

    1. I would really like the ability to turn off alerts for certain tasks. Right now it’s all or nothing. I would like to customize my work day routine to alert on the start of some activities, and 5 minutes before other activities, and then halfway through my longest activities.

    2. I *need* to be able to customize each type of alert. I need to be able to recognize that a particular sound means “your activity is starting in 5 minutes” or “your activity is half over”. Those sounds must be immediately recognizable to me or they aren’t useful; they are just noise and merely distractions.
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    Developer Response

    Dear Powersk, thank you for your review, hearing that our app is great for sleep blindness means a lot to us here at Tiimo, thanks ✨And thank you for your suggestions, they have been passed to our teams to look into when doing future developments. Warmly, Team Tiimo
  • I’d give it 4.5 stars if I could

    I love this app! And honestly the annual subscription is worth it alone for the calendar syncing. The only reason I’d dock a half star is because of a couple features I’d like to see added.

    Maybe add a “did you finish your checklist” reminder to hold us accountable? Like when there’s only a few minutes left or whatever and we haven’t checked off everything in the list. And maybe allow different notification sounds for different things. I know I start ignoring the noises about 2 hours into the day saying “oh it’s just my reminder app” and then ignore all the other important activities
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  • So Close, Save for Bugs and Crashes

    Tiimo is a fantastic idea of an app for those with ADHD and other neurodiverse people! But it is so incredibly buggy even with the update and it’s left me frustrated when trying to habit stack my days and structure my routines. Every time I remove a routine or calendar event, I have to restart the app to see the results or the app crashes in the process of moving events around. It’s really difficult to restart timed routines, and it can feel really defeating when you start a routine late (such as a morning routine because you needed some extra z’s) and it starts to feed to the shame cycle that all many neurodiverse people struggle with, especially time management or being behind. Even editing routine templates before inserting them into my schedule became tedious work because every little edit would take multiple tries to save it, especially checklists or descriptions under each task. It was easy to become frustrated with the app because you can see the bones of what will be a great UI interface and experience. I was really hopeful that Tiimo would be my go-to planning and task management app, but it just doesn’t clear the bar in its current iteration. It is clear how passionate the dev team is for the community it is trying to support. I am grateful for this company, and I hope they keep working on it!
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    Developer Response

    Dear jamin0ut, thank you for your review and we are sorry to hear that you are experiencing bugs. Please contact us on our email: hello@tiimo.dk and give us more details about the bugs so that we can look into them and fix them, we will appreciate your help. And thank you for your feedback on the planned routines, it has been passed to the team. We truly appreciate your support, thank you for that. Warmly, Team Tiimo
  • Great!

    I’ve been using this app for a few weeks now, and I absolutely love it! I’ve struggled for years to find a system that works for me in planning and organizing my routines daily, and this app has really been helping me out lately. A couple things I would like to see are 1) a full monthly calendar view (similar to google calendar?) so that I can visualize what my month ahead looks like, but still be able to add routines to the day. Right now, I can see a monthly calendar used schedule event ahead, but I can’t see the events planned for that day unless I click into it. 2) more options for background colors would be appreciated! Even an option to create your own background color would be super cool! Overall, this is an amazing app, and I look forward to using it more!
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  • Few suggestions otherwise perfection.

    I was looking for the best possible to-do list app that I can organize with that would satisfy my ADHD an OCD at the same time an this definitely working so far

    I love the option to be able to add reminders for each* different task or group of tasks an you can put them each at different times. when you start one it has a timer showing how much is left which is really convenient. the checklist drop down for any task is so helpful too. it’s really customizable. I love how you can even change the sound it makes when you check it off, that is really satisfying.

    I wish that there were different options to change the format of how the feed looks though, like being able to minimize or zoom out the daily activities an routines that way I don’t have to scroll really far (cause I have a lot of different routines added an it takes up a lot of space ) or maybe a way to see them all at once? Or smaller font options, etc. if you know what I mean.

    I do wish that there wasn’t a forced subscription to access the best features…I definitely prefer a one time purchase..but for this one it was worth it for me cause I needed a changeable to do list with notifications lol.
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  • Good, but needs to be great

    The app is great if you’re a patient and one of very few who have such a great visual representation of your time. I want to use it in like it but keep getting frustrated, unfortunately I’m moving back to Structured. It does all the most important things this app does but cleaner simpler and much less confusing. As others have mentioned, I am experiencing bugs and lack of updates. Since the new update of iOS, the lock screen widgets don’t work, and I don’t like that you can’t add a widget to the very top spot like you can and structured. Also, whether there is a Way her not to permanently delete activities I can’t find it. Whenever you try and create a routine and go to add an activity, every activity you ever made by accident shows up and if you delete them, they just pop back up in recent activities again. It made me so anxious and frustrated trying to find the correct one amongst all the old ones and making a routine that I gave up. i’m sure there’s a way to permanently delete or clear that list but if there is, it’s too difficult to find. As someone with ADHD and dyslexia, I get frustrated very easily. If it’s geared toward ADHD people, it has to be as flawless as possible because the first step to using one of these apps when your ADHD is getting yourself to stop and use it in the first place and if it’s confusing or difficult or overwhelming you want.
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    Developer Response

    Dear skinner1488, thanks for your review and we are sorry to hear about your experience. Kindly give us more details about the bugs that you are experiencing, this is will be very helpful. The bugs that have been mentioned by the other reviewers have recently been fixed on the latest updates , therefore it will be of great help to our team if you could be more specific on the bugs that you are experiencing so that we can fix them too. Kindly reach out to us on our chat or at hello@tiimo.dk. The Lock Screen widgets issue has been fixed in the current update (2.9.7), if you are still experiencing widgets with no data on this update, kindly also let us know about this. We do not yet have the new iOS widget feature where the widget gets displayed on the top of the screen- our team is working on this and it will be available soon. You can permanently delete activities by going to the library => activities and then delete them in here. The app does not have mass deletion option unfortunately, you have delete them one by one. We look forward to hearing from you on the bugs issue, so we can look into them! Warmly, Team Tiimo
  • Has potential

    Could be a great app but it’s missing some obvious conveniences, making the app incredibly tedious to set up. Setting up a routine on iOS is maddening. If you edit a routine after you’ve already added it to your plan, the edited parts don’t carry over to your plan. So you have to go back to your plan to delete the unedited version of the routine. What’s worse, when you edit a routine, the time and day and repeating get deleted. So you have to recreated them. Also, on iOS, rearranging the order of the tasks in a routine is a real pain.

    Another terrible thing about the app, there is nothing to track tasks that are not completed on the day assigned. You could easily forget to reassign them. Also, to be truly helpful, this app would have a persistent reminders.
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  • Without the bugs, this is 100% a 5 star app!

    I never write app reviews, but this app has made my ADHD so much more manageable! The visual aspects and using routines have been so helpful. I also love that I can use the notes section to make a running to do list that can quickly be popped into my daily schedule.

    Tiimo does better than what the iOS calendar, reminders, and notes apps did for me all together. I will definitely keep using it but a few of the bugs that have been really annoying are:

    1. It’s nearly impossible to check off checklists on my Apple Watch, it just glitches out and won’t check off. It would be AWESOME to just use my watch for my “right now” tasks during the day, but I won’t even bother with it now.

    2. When my “right now” task finishes, it doesn’t always go to the next task in my routine without me backing out of that tab and then going back to it.

    3. Checking off a checklist and not ending the activity will often uncheck all the bullet points.

    4. The worst one; widgets often won’t work. A sort of blank template placeholder will show up instead.

    Despite the bugs, I seriously appreciate this app. I really hope they get fixed soon though because they’re really frustrating at times.
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  • Great bones but very buggy

    This app does just about everything I need it to do in a way that I find visually appealing and intuitive. It could be perfect, and might be when it’s fixed up. But for me, it’s pretty buggy. Holidays cause your main tasks to get the order messed up, or to get skipped for no apparent reason. Notifications don’t come through, I have to constantly turn them off and back on again to get them to work. This is the most important reason I use this app and if the notifications don’t work, it’s not useful to me. I hope they can fix it up because I desperately want to keep using it.
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