Tiimo User Reviews

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  • Lots of potential

    Having a visual scheduler with a timer attached has been helpful during my test run of the app these last few days. I will be paying for it when my free trial is up.
    However, that’s partly for the potential I see in the app, and their good communication about the app development roadmap.
    I am looking forward to the release that will improve routines.
    A few things I would find very helpful:
    -activities that are proportional to their size, so a 2 hour activity is four times as long as a half hour activity, etc.
    -Activity templates with more organization options, rather than a list of things I’ve made lately. And doing Delete This And All Future can’t delete the template.
    -A button that takes me back to the current day and time, rather than scrolling back up or having to pick out the correct day of the week up top (that last is actually a little hard for my particular brain).

    And thank you for working to build an app for neurodivergent brains!
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  • Great start, will stick around for more…

    I enjoy that this app gives me a visual schedule of my day. There are some features that I really feel are missing:
    1. Drag and drop to adjust times of routines or activities. Calendar items would be locked/static and then tasks can shift around as needed between scheduled events.
    2. Visual representation of gaps in the day. I like how the Structured app does this. It shows how much time there is between tasks/events on your schedule and asks if you would like to add anything. Also their time blocks(bubbles) are larger or smaller based on the length of the task/event.
    3. Option to add routines to schedule based on end time rather than start time. This takes away the headache of doing the mental math of trying to plug tasks/routines into my schedule. For example I want to leave the house or be in bed by a certain time and that changes from day to day. I would like to be able to set my morning / evening routines accordingly. Or have my afternoon chore routine complete by the time I start cooking dinner.
    I’m looking forward to seeing what’s next!
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    Developer Response

    Dear Rerun7. Thank you so much for your review and your support ✨ It is great to hear that Tiimo helps you to have a visual schedule of your day. And thank you for your suggestions, as you might know we constantly work to improve the app, and input from users are really valuable to us - so thank you! I have passed it on to the team for future development. Have a lovely weekend. Warmly, Team Tiimo
  • Wife with Autism, Husband on Night Shift

    This app is a lifesaver. My husband’s work schedule shifts between 12 hour day and night shifts. I have a solid day routine but when he works nights, I fall apart. I don’t know when to sleep, eat, do household chores, make dinner, etc. Enter Tiimo.

    A neurodivergent creator on TikTok recommend this app so I gave it a try. I sat down and thought out a routine for when he works on night shift and also a routine for when he has a day off but still needs to stick to his night shift sleeping schedule. It’s been amazing so far. No more oversleeping on my part while getting nothing done and he’s been sleeping a full 8 hours. Meals have been on time and the house is clean! My night shift dread and anxiety has finally gone away. I’m actually thinking about buying an Apple Watch so I can have my routine on my wrist at all times.

    Thank you so much for developing this app. No other time blocking or scheduling software has worked for me in the past. I Bullet Journal, but again, it’s not quite as effective as seeing my routine in real time and being able to be reminded of what I’m supposed to be doing.
    This app will change lives.
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  • FANTASTIC app & have suggestions!

    This app is the best scheduler for me, especially since I can make a widget on my Home Screen to remind me of what I need to do whenever I pick up my phone. Combined with reminder notifications, this 100% prevents me from forgetting stuff! And I LOVE having the ability to designate certain tasks as things that can be done anytime during the day (I’ll call these Anytime Activities).

    My only qualm is that Anytime Activites don’t show up in the Right Now view or in the Widget. So here’s a feature/tweak I would love to see: a button to show/hide Anytime Activities in the Right Now view, along with an option in Settings to set whether Anytime Activities are displayed in the Widget. That way, people who like how it functions right now can keep it like that.

    Anyway, my favorite part about this app is that the Widget displays bright colors and pictures that I can’t overlook on my Home Screen. Tiimo is fantastic and I’m excited to see it continue to improve!
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    Developer Response

    Dear Mc tuna, Thank you so much for the taking time to leave us a review! It truly means a lot to us. We're really happy to hear the app helps you remember things. Thank you for the feedback regarding the activities to be done 'Anytime'. You're right, they don't show up in the widget or in the 'Right now'-view unless you've started the activity. But maybe you use them in a way where you check things off right away instead of starting them? Kind regards, Signe from Tiimo
  • I love this! Two suggestions though

    I’m autistic and I love this app! I get depressed when I don’t have an externally imposed routine and this helps create that for me and literally avoid depression! I love the interface and the colors. Two ideas: color themes - you can pick in the settings which color scheme you’d like and then when you select the color for an event it gives you those colors as options. For example I love neon colors or pastels and I wish it let me pick one of those as a theme so I didn’t have to build a bunch of custom colors. Second idea: make the ability to not give a task a duration. Sometimes it gives me anxiety to put a duration on something that I don’t know how long it’ll take. On these tasks we could simply check them off when we’re done. It would ease a lot of stress in creating schedules.
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  • A Game-Changer

    I cannot speak highly enough of Tiimo. I found it a few months ago through an Autistic blogger and it has improved my time management significantly. As an Autistic adult, I frequently find that most tools for Autistic people aren’t designed for adults, nor are they created by Autistic people ourselves. I love how this app is easy to navigate with endless customization options, and I’ve recommended it to people of all ages. It doesn’t feel like I’m using an app made for a toddler, and even my neurotypical friends say that the format has helped them too.

    Bonus points for being a small company run by neurodiverse individuals and for an engaging blog presence touching on a variety of important topics. Worth every single cent.
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  • I looooove Tiimo!

    I love my paper planners, but if I forget to look at them for a few days, I lose all sense of time. I’m always on my phone though, so this is perfect, and better than alarms I immediately ignore because they’re annoying. The way reminders are set up in this app really helps me keep on track. I love the visual layout, and how customizable it is, it makes me WANT to open the app, and the widget for my home screen is so appealing. I’m still playing around with how I use it, but overall really enjoying it so far! And I love seeing how Tiimo listens to users, and makes timely updates to better suit our needs. I’ll report back in a few months to see if I keep using it!
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    It’s probably the only routine app I’ve really truly enjoyed so far and that I will plan on using for a long time. Reason for the docked star is just honestly a little suggestion. Sometimes in the routine I like to change where something goes, like I wanna make my bed first instead of after I brush my teeth for example. It’s really hard to change the location of it because then you have to change all of the times individually. I just wish there was a way to like, drag the activity somewhere else and it would immediately change the times of everything after it to match instead of the times overlapping. I don’t know if this makes any sense. But then also if I wanna add something to my schedule, it’ll just end up overlapping with whatever is already set at that time instead of pushing that current activity further you know?
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  • I adore this app

    This app is amazing for me as someone with ADHD. The visual timer with the added notifications for beginning, halfway, and end of a task really ease any anxiety that comes from wondering how long I’ve been doing a thing.

    The only addition I would ask for is a sort of “nag” function. Maybe it asks if I want to start every x amount of minutes and won’t until I say yes? I have a bad habit of seeing the event start and if I’m not quite ready, it leaves my mind. But if I could maybe add 5min and it asks me again, or similar, it’s much easier for me to remember and get started on my task because it won’t allow me to forget.

    Thank you so much for this app. Life is a little less chaotic with it
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  • Almost Amazing! Almost-

    First off, I absolutely LOVE this app. I have chronic ADHD and it can be really hard to stay on task and remember things. This app helps me so much, and for a very reasonable price in my opinion. The only thing I have a problem with is that as of right now, it doesn’t sync up to other calendars. I use my Apple calendar for “non normal” things like appointments that won’t be reoccurring. I wish that Tiimo could sync up to 3rd party calendars because it takes a lot of time out of my day to enter in 1-time appointments. Maybe it’s just me.

    Other than that, a wonderful app! Thank you
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