User Reviews: ReadyRefresh

BlueTriton Brands, Inc.

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  • Hmm!

    During the pandemic, this company has been a savior for me and my family. I will never forget that. Deliveries were always on time. I was so proud to reference Ready Refresh to other people.
    But, recently I lost my job and I wanted to cancel my subscription. I did that but, surprisingly I received an email saying that I have to let them know why I wanna leave the company. After that I received a call from customer service telling me the same thing. I told them that I sent a request to the company about the cancellation. The lady on the phone said yes and I also told her that they have to cancel the upcoming delivery because I don’t have money to pay for it. She said ok. Next week I received a delivery that I told them to cancel because I don’t money to pay for it. Now I keep receiving emails and now you sent a case to debt collector for $90+. When I was subscribing to that plan, no one in that company ever asked me why I want to use their services but, when I wanted to leave, you keep harassing me about what I wanna leave instead of cancel the order, the subscription, etc.
  • Worst business intent by the company

    I never needed this product and was happy with the filtered tap water. The sales rep in Costco literally pleaded and explained that the device is free and you just need to pay for water once ie two cans after a month I can cancel the recurring delivery and use my own water and the device would be mine. I did not want it but then upon her insisting and requesting, I thought like ok it’s not a big trouble, just I have to pay couple of cans which I don’t need but I did it for that sales agent. Little did I know that it was an organized scam. You can’t reduce the number of bottles below two, you can’t cancel recurring delivery, you need to pay for delivery which I was told is free. Your only option now is to keep skipping the delivery and be a slave for this company. Such companies needs to be banned in my personal opinion. Never ever go near this company unless you really need water delivery for a very high price.
  • Poor communication and unorganized, happy to be free!

    I was having trouble with the app bc every time I “skipped” a month they would charge and deliver water anyway until I got sick of it and called to cancel my account. When I called the guy was super nice and convinced me to keep my account and he delayed any deliveries until October so I was told. I scheduled a pick up for all my empty bottles I guess since I live on the 3 floor the guy just looked from downstairs and claimed he didn’t see anything. When I called they said my account was already closed and there was never a pickup scheduled (after many confirmation emails and texts from them) so I was like you know what that’s perfectly fine. I can’t wait for them to this stuff out of my home so I don’t have to call these people again. The poor communication, lack of notes taken under my account when I called and lazy delivery guys, I’m so happy to be free!
  • Where to begin?

    The app got this low a rating because I just realized that the product offerings on the website, and those on the app, appear to be different. I found the app hard to use, as when I filtered for San P, I couldn’t see one of the products in stock that I’d just added, IN the app, to my cart. Overall, I’ve had a ton of issues with RR in general. But, now there seems to be issues with the app too. It’s really unbelievable. I spend over $1000 s year with RR, and the disappointments just seem to never end. My husband will only drink Poland Spring. That’s the only reason we stay with them. Customer service is impossible to reach by phone. Driver is friendly enough, but had to be asked to please put the cardboard boxes in the part of our porch which has an overhang (up against the house), instead of leaving them at the edge of the steps, exposed to the elements. Just basic stuff that seems to be missing.
  • I’m grateful to have water delivery but…

    This company is awful! I love Zephyrhills water but sure wish there was some other choice for delivery! They don’t answer the phone and they don’t answer emails. If you have an issue, you’ll have to figure it out yourself. Now we have to tip the driver! For doing his/her job?? Are they only making $2.75/hour? I don’t mind tipping people for going above and beyond, but I’d like it to be MY choice. Having said all of that, they nearly always deliver my water on time and I’m thankful for that!
  • Just take the money out when I schedule the delivery!!!

    As far as the water itself, it’s fine, I have no problem with it. My issue is with the billing. I’m attempting to schedule an additional appointment between my regularly scheduled appointments and they don’t take the money out right away. So, I don’t realize that it’s not charged and then when all my other bills come out they aren’t able to process the charge. I wish they’d just take the money out at the time I schedule the delivery. It’s annoying.
  • Good luck keeping customers!!!

    Not only have I had very few deliveries on time but you have raised your prices a couple dollars at a time at least 2-3 times within a 3 month span..Inflation is not a reason to pass this price hike onto customers..billion dollar companies should take the L…I wouldn’t have as much of a problem w a price hike if you didn’t prioritize members for delivery times and it care about the other paying customers..raising your prices to ridiculous levels in that short a time is not going to work..when I started this service a little over a year ago, I was paying somewhere between 5-8 dollars for a 5 gallon jug of water…now…15!!!!!!…Thats not it guys..revisit your marketing and prices and figure out why none of your drivers are getting tipped..absolutely horrible customer service on top of outrageous prices..not to mention being rescheduled every single delivery I get..and your drivers never leave the correct amount. I’ll stick w buying bottled water ✌🏻
  • Keep getting deliveries I don’t want

    They were great until they started outsourcing to third parties and failed to tell anyone that the third party doesn’t get the delivery date changes that you make in the ReadyRefresh app. Two months in a row I’ve gotten deliveries that I have cancelled or skipped. And since they don’t deliver to my house, 25 cases of water gets delivered to my elderly in laws driveway. So twice my husband has had to leave work to get water deliveries we didn’t want and I get charged $130 each time. I called the third party and cancelled today and they told me that they do not get delivery changes from this app, yet they didn’t have any problem getting my credit card info from this app and charging it for deliveries that I didn’t want. I’ll be reversing charges from here on out since asking twice for my acct to be cancelled hasn’t worked.
  • Appreciate the water, but…..

    We have been receiving water deliveries for over two years now. When we were approached by the sales person in the store we were shopping in at the time, he told us about the rental of the water dispenser and that it included maintenance (cleaning) of the unit. Yearly cleaning pro-active maintenance is NOT included. Until recently, I could access the app to change the delivery dates, if I had extra company who consumed more water than we usually do. Now, the date of delivery is locked in. If you need more or less water, or the schedule conflicts with travel, etc., you have to schedule a separate delivery and skip your locked in delivery. Beware of this act as well! The first time I had to do this, I had to message them, as it did not arrive, yet they messaged me that it had and charged my account. The second time, it did not arrive as scheduled, and although I had ordered an additional bottle, I only received my normal amount. They raised their delivery prices, but fail to execute the deliveries properly. And, they have the audacity to want a customer to include a tip now?! I love the convenience of having a water delivery, but they could do a much better job.
  • Awful service lately and increased delivery charge

    Before- no delivery charges, then later added $3 and a limit of 3 bottles per delivery, in home Delivery pre -Covid ( At the time, two of my neighbors across the street also gets deliveries too, I see the trucks on my street 3 different times in one day and see it later on in the week as well (awful planning routing system on Poland Spring). This is still happening.)
    Post Covid- must use App to change, add, cancel delivery, a service charge will occur if you opt to talk to a real person, delivery only outside, on porch.
    Present- delivery is left in the driveway, did not pick up empty bottles, won’t come back until next months delivery to pick up bottles, $7.49 delivery charge, no warning of increase in prices.
    Suspected future deliveries - I will have to take off truck myself, and load the empties onto the truck when driver pulls up in front of house and honks!!!! Time to choose another option before this happens.

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