User Reviews: MyMedicalGuardian

Top reviews

  • Poor CX

    Never sent the verification code either by email or text. Customer service helped get access onto the website, but this app is stuck on the “need to verify email” page no matter how many times ai’ve d and reinstalled. Frustrating.
  • Developers…Update this App!

    App is buggy, it could be promising if any developer spent time on it.
  • App is unreliable

    Unlike some reviewers I am able to log in. However, checking the steps data to verify that my loved one is up and about leaves absolutely no confidence in the data. For example, this morning at about 9:00am it showed 25 steps. However, at noon it showed only 20?? And that was actually 1771.12 MORE steps than yesterday. If I look at the data for the week, every day, including today, shows 0 steps taken. But yet the daily goal of 3,000 steps is being met?!?

    What kind of programmers would allow something like this to be released????

    I have not tried other features because I am so disgusted with what I have tried.
  • For a company, so highly rated, their app is awful

    This app is terrible. The company was very highly rated when I did my Google search. But their app is awful. The customer service department is OK but several people I have talked to are very unfriendly. I will try this for a couple months and see if it works. Very disappointed.
  • Doesn’t work

    No matter what I do, it will not let me log back in! I requested a code to change my password (even though I am already using the correct password), but THAT method doesn’t work either!
    There’s simply no way for me to log into this app!!
    Completely useless.
  • The worst app ever

    Customer service is horrible and was put on hold for an hour more than once. The product didn’t work as advertised. Will never do business with this company again.
  • Broken

    Just keeps spinning never logs in
  • Forget Medical Guardian

    Best go to a different company before spending money on this junk. App only circles and if you are lucky, you will get info from hours ago—or from 1969. This app is totally useless.
  • USELESS: Verified, but no access

    Downloaded, requested access to dad’s system. He granted it and got email confirmation. App still says “requested” on next day; delete & reinstall did not fix it. USELESS and disappointing, which makes me doubtful that his wearable device will work either.
  • Are you guys joking???

    In theory this app is supposed to be used to potentially help save lives.
    It’s not TikTok or Snapchat. People are relying on this software to keep tabs on loved ones!!
    And it doesn’t work at all.
    Not even a little.
    You’re real quick to sell the hardware but don’t care about this part of it???
    Fix your app!! Beta test it. Make sure it’s working correctly across all platforms. People’s lives are at stake.
    Jesus Christ…there are 14 year old kids developing functioning apps. Get it together.

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