User Reviews: ShopGoodwill

Goodwill Industries of Orange County, California

Top reviews

  • Bad will

    Customer Service needs improvement! I agree with another reviewer that goodwill is greedy overall! Many items are way overpriced, especially jewelry items. While there are several locations who have been kind & understanding if I needed to cancel an order, some of them have re-sold items that took too long for payment on, but it still shows as an unpaid item on my account, and ive been penalized for it! After 3 of these instances, your account gets flagged & you’re unable to bid on any more items. This sets up a very unfavorable relationship for the customer. Customers should never be penalized! I am not interested in continueing to patronize a business who acts as if they are doing me some kind of favor by ALLOWING me to purchase from them. And I agree with another reviewer, who said sometimes the item arrives in much worse condition than was depicted in the ad. Yet there’s no recourse for this.

    If you’re trying to get rid of stuff, please avoid donating to goodwill!! All they do is line the pockets of the uppers in the company. Donate to a local thrift store with a good mission & a documented program of giving back to your community.
  • Poor Design & Poor Customer Service

    Usually I don’t mind some clunky apps as they tend to improve over time with popularity, however what I have found is that this app (which sells their inventory that they got for free) can’t seem to put a little bit of that cash back into their apps, or into their customer service. After having an issue with a bid I won and noticing I should contact customer service I was surprised to find that customer service didn’t exist. You will talk with the seller for any technical issues you come across. And I say talk loosely because I had NO communication. Granted a few stores are highly active but there’s a lot that refuse to respond.

    Also, more of a nitpick but how is it that some stores are willing to ship large heavy items and other make you pick up your item in store even if it’s a small printed painting that would easily fit in a 1ft x 1ft box. There’s no consistency in what is shippable and non-shippable. After COVID-19 you would think more places would be apt to ship items to homes ESPECIALLY an app that does online bidding. If the item is too big to ship then put it in your store and sell it on the floor. Plain and simple.
  • Needs fine tuning.!

    The back button freezes. The search bar doesn’t work with the search circle you have to click search. In iPhones you drag the screen down with a swipe to refresh the screen. You can’t do that here so all those auctions are ending but still in the feed. And the banner blocking our acct buttons needs to go. We shouldn’t have to back track to the Home Screen to access favorites etc.
  • Pros & Cons 🤷🏽‍♀️

    I am appreciative that they created an app. It does make it easier to purchase items and makes me more likely to purchase more often. That being said, Goodwill definitely is a bunch of greedy people and this app just makes it easier for them to be greedy and make even MORE money off the items they get for free. It also keeps the local shoppers from being able to find good stuff because they take all the good/valuable items and list them for auction to get MORE money. I will admit, I do find good deals on the app from time to time because I know what to look for. However, alot of the items are either fake/inauthentic or MUCH more damaged than they show in the pictures/description. So it’s definitely a risk.
  • Almost unsuseable

    It logs you out too frequently. The banner on the bottom moves your search result thumbnails in a way that’s frustratingly difficult to use. The search result update in the middle of a results page, which throws you right back to the top of the page before you’ve even had a chance to reach the end of the page. That’s after the three tries it takes to find which “search” button actually initiates the search. It made a folder in my iPhones files that I just discovered. Every time I use it I’m frustrated and go right back to the web page. I’m deleting it.
  • Excited to have app, but crashes

    I’ve been on shop goodwill for a long time, and the app interface has been something I've wanted for a while! However, app keeps crashing when I open up a listing :(
  • Freezes at the worst possible times

    Trying to refresh the page to check how much time is left in an auction and boom freezes so I can’t put a bid in. With 2 minutes left it’s a scramble to get back to the item to bid. Doesn’t matter because it’s too late and the auction is over. Happens on their website all the time. I’ve missed out on at least 3 things because of this and no it’s not my internet connection.

    Personally I don’t think goodwill should be in the auction game anyway. They cherry pick the good stuff from the stores which just takes the fun out of it.
  • Needs updates

    Search using blue magnifying glass isn’t functional. Why have it there if it’s non-usable? There should be an easily seen, open blank search box with ONE search button on the top of EVERY page. Make it super easy to start a new search!

    I can’t find/use the app’s shipping estimate calculator. The website is easier to use for determining shipping cost.
  • Needs notifications

    The app is functional just like the webpage but the app needs the ability to send notifications like when you placed a bud, been outbid, when an item ends that you won, when an item ships. If it doesn’t receive that then there’s no difference between the app and webpage.
  • Ok but needs some work

    I don’t understand the purpose of the Goodwill Mission banner at the bottom of every page after leaving the Home Screen. That needs to be removed to access the home/favorites/my goodwill etc. When searching why can’t I just click the magnifying glass instead of a search box. I do like that when using saved searches I can use the back arrow to get back to the last saved search item. The website always takes me back to page one of my saved searches.

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