Creators' App User Reviews

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  • Unbelievable ignorance

    With so many negative one star reviews of this ridiculous app, I just can’t understand why all the stops aren’t being pulled to fix this thing. How ignorant and self absorbed can a Company be?
    I’ve just wasted another hour of my life trying to get this app to work. It connects to my camera and then ……. nothing. No remote control. No image transfer. Nothing except inane prompts for me to do something I’ve already done. After spending the amount of money I have done on Sony products, I’d expect better service than this. I can connect all sorts of devices to my phone. How difficult can it be to connect my expensive, technologically advanced camera? Pathetic!
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  • Geotagging

    The worst thing about my Sony Alpha cameras is the lack of GPS.

    This works the same as imagine edge, no difference. The biggest issue is that the phone/app does not automatically connect to the camera when it turns on.

    This means every time I turn the camera off and on - which happens a lot when you are travelling - I need to take my phone out of my pocket and open creators app.

    If you make this auto connect to the camera without me having to manually unlock my phone or open the app then I am happy to make this a five star review. Until then, I’m still an unhappy user of this app.

    Either put GPS ability into the Alpha cams or fix this process. (Or make a hotshoe gps attachment - whatever just give us easy GPS!!)
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  • Not connecting to camera

    Background location information lost every time the A7iv is switched off and will not reconnect when you turn on the camera, unless you open the application again or open the iPhone Bluetooth app. In practice, the app is useless for location information as it’s not possible to open the application every time you want to take a shot. So many users have reported the same problem and Sony does nothing about that for months. Very poor service for such an expensive camera.
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  • Still can't get it right. Buy a dongle instead.

    It vexes me that most camera companies, even a huge conglomerate like Sony, can't seem to figure out how to make a usable, reliable app. Connection is a mess.

    So far, Ricoh's app is the only camera app I've used that consistently and instantly connects with my GRIII, while Sony's app continues to be barely functional, if at all.

    A better alternative is a dongle to plug the card in directly.
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  • GPS Link is unreliable

    I had no issues with the Edge app which this one is replacing. The Edge app reconnects every single time like a clock. This one does not. Not only it won’t connect unless you run the app manually it also will will probably disconnect after some time for no reason. That’s very bad experience and should be fixed ASAP
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  • Retrograde App Unintuitive and Impossible to Connect with Firmwsre 2.0 A7IV

    Extremely disappointed. Why is it so hard to create a firmware upgrade and new app for Sony cameras and bordering on impossible to connect between iPad and camera. Sony... You had one job to do.
    Upgrades should not take your photographic experience backwards. You need to fix ASAP as firmware 2.0 doesn't work with IEM... Who QAs your apps?
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  • Where’s your testing Sony?

    This is advertised to support the Sony ZV-E1 out of the box. Of course it doesn’t work. It doesn’t connect. It just shows an empty list of cameras to connect to. If it’s a firmware update required, I can’t install it since I can’t connect to it. If it’s an app update that’s required, well, it’s not here. It’s been months since both this app and the ZV-E1 were launched. Is integration testing really that hard at Sony HQ?
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  • Absolute garbage and can’t even use the previous app

    Sony you are an absolute disgrace releasing this pile of junk. Crashes all the time and won’t import photos onto the iPhone. The last app finally worked and your stupid corporate culture of utterly appalling apathy needs to change. I wish I had gone down the canon route but now I’m stuck with a truck tonne of great glass and useless software! How your corporate overlords haven’t even noticed there brand new app at 1 star is evident that they are asleep at the wheel. Sort it out and start releasing fixes as you haven’t even got the Hampsters to get running to get the lights on!
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  • Location linkage doesn’t work

    Marketing material suggests that location data is transmitted from the app to the camera automatically even when the phone is locked; however the reality is that the bluetooth link between phone and camera can only be established when the phone is out and unlocked, and only persists until the camera is switched off. In practice you need to fiddle with the phone before almost every picture in order to have GPS location tags.
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  • Still doesn’t work properly

    Even this latest release hasn’t fixed the problem of my A7iv not reconnecting when I switch the camera on. If I leave the app running and switch the camera on, it will connect (for gps info), but if I switch the camera off for a short period (eg driving to another nearby location) then switch it back on, the app won’t reconnect. I have to get my phone out and restart the app. Camera firmware and app are both the latest versions. I don’t know why this can’t be fixed - my Sony headphones connect to my phone instantly every time! Come on Sony - please fix this issue!
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