StrongLifts Weight Lifting Log User Reviews

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  • #1 Favorite; love Apple Watch app, my 2nd year renewal of premium

    Overall great app and I love the Apple Watch app too. If I have my phone in hand I will get distracted by other things during a workout. It’s best for me to review the lifts, start my workout and music, put the phone down, and run the workout on my watch. I won my first amateur weightlifting competition at age 44 after using 5x5 for about a year. I was the only guy that showed up to the YMCA for the contest, but I still got the trophy. So, literally I was only competing against myself! Haha. But my point is this isn’t an exercise app, this is a training program that increases weight on each workout until you finally fail some reps, then pauses until you can can complete all reps, and increases the weight again. The library of videos with proper form are amazing training tools. It’s highly customizable. During lockdown i cobbled together a garage gym, first with only dumbbells. All the dumbbell exercises were there. When I finally got a barbell with only a few plates I adjusted those exercises to higher reps for lighter weights.
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    Developer Response

    Thank you for the kind review, and congratulations!
  • Worked great for years, now it's even better!

    I’ve had the app for at least three years, and it has always been rock solid, worthy of 5 stars. However, with the latest updates and features available to the new Pro subscribers, it is absolutely the best fitness app out there. I was hesitant about an annual subscription (I'm not a fan of reoccurring bills) but the one time lifetime fee seemed steep, so I decided to do the annual to try it out. Simply put, I wish I had bought the lifetime to begin with. NOTHING can touch this app. I alternate between the apps default 5x5 program, the Ketogains 5x5, and the Beaxst Program from Jeff Cavaliere (I switch when I plateau). The app allows me to perfectly replicate any program I want, with the set timer to keep me focused, the history to review, and the awesome graphs to kepp me motivated and pushing harder. I can even track my Interval HIIT training that I do a couple of days a week. This is the only fitness app I will ever use.
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    Developer Response

    Thank you for the kind review! You can still switch to lifetime later on. Email us and we'll take good care of you - (please refer this review)
  • Make working out exciting again!

    Over the last couple years I’ve dabbled in the gym. I would aimlessly wander the gym and hop on a variety of machines. Every once in awhile I’d try out some “program” I had found on the internet, but would only stick with it for a couple of weeks before getting burnt out. This 5x5 StrongLifts app has been a game changer for me. I look forward more than ever to getting into the gym and “leveling up” my workouts. The app is super simple to use and the tracking over time is really cool to see your progress. I’ve only been using for about a month, but I expect to stick with this for a long time. Even considering purchasing the pro version! Worth the download 100%!
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  • Easy to Use: More Motivated

    Before having a kid I was in great shape, worked out daily, and strength trained. During my pregnancy, I had to stop doing all that because my pregnancy was a rough go. After having my son I didn’t work out much anymore because I was no longer what I used to be and it was disheartening. I felt unmotivated and had a hard time getting back into working out. I wanted to go back to old routines but it was a lot made me feel like I would never get back in shape. I started this app because of a friend recommended it. I like it now because it’s easy to use, sets a rest timer, and calculates your progress. I may not be seeing physical results right now, but I can definitely see them as my workouts get tracked with this app. It’s motivating to workout more and it feels good. Having something simple to start off with has really made me feel like I can get back to my former levels of lifting. I can’t to see where I’m at 12 weeks from now!
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    Developer Response

    Thank you so much for your review!!!
  • Clunky Garbage - now I see why they don’t offer a trial

    Immediate buyers remorse. The ads led me to believe the subscription would open a ton of extra features. Nope! Only allows two workouts with a very limited number of exercises. Granted, you can create your own, but for a recurring subscription, this is hot garbage. The workouts are not easily modifiable. Based on my previous lifts, it gave me the weight to lift for my workout. The weight was comically light. The entire workout didn’t even make me break a sweat. It was a fraction of my normal warm-up. Maybe this stuff is changeable somehow, but I don’t have an hour to figure out a poorly designed, clunky app. They don’t offer a trial, because nobody would ever subscribe after. The only legit feature is the plate “calculator” for those that can’t do basic math.

    Hoping I can get a refund.

    R: Yeah, thanks, but I’m already familiar with the 5x5 method. In fact, I’m already doing the 5x5 method, which is why I was so excited to find this app and why I was so disappointed to waste money on this clunky garbage. Your workout isn’t the end all, be all of workouts. Mine might be better. What if I want to rotate between 3 workouts or what if I want to deadlift every day. The lack of custom options for a paid subscription is wicked frustrating.
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    Developer Response

    Thank you so much for your feedback! We've changed a lot in the latest version. What's new: 1) easier to change weight if it's too light 2) new plate calculator 3) new workout customization screen 4) add/remove/reorder any exercise 5) dozens of exercises to select from 6) Deadlift every workout possible. That means you can create your custom a/b workouts with any exercise, set, and rep range you want. A lot more is coming -take a look and feel free to send us your ideas/feedback at
  • If you are serious about getting in shape read on...

    Being someone who is now broken the 50 year old mark, health and exercise has become very important to me. Having said that I have been on an endless search for just the right combination of ease of use and results and let me tell you it is right here.

    I have tried many other subscription services that had me running all over my gym to perform certain specialty exercises that usually involved having to wait until a price of equipment is free. Not any more.....

    This program allows me to achieve greater overall results without traveling more than four feet within the facility. It is fabulous!

    I have been guilty of shying away from the compound exercises and sticking to more “boutique” movements because a certain bodybuilder said this was the way to gain mass and and definition. Baloney!!

    Let me tell you this program systematically works all of the right parts to accomplish what you are looking to do. Also I will tell you there is not another site on the web that provides as much quality information as Stronglifts... Guaranteed. Follow the program = happiness.

    Great job and thank you!!
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  • Solid

    It's a good program for anybody. I've been lifting with compound movements since I was 13. 36 now. The old programs I did had a lot of the same exercises but were split a little different. I've gotten out shape due to injuries and a career change from physical labor to a desk job. This seems like a good way to get my base strength back and avoid injury or overtraining. I'm about a month in on Stronglifts and I'm optimistic I'll see some good gains. I think the key is starting very light and just being patient until the weight adds up. I used to squat 400 lbs and bench 300lbs. I started this program at a 125 lb squat and a 110 lb bench. I think I'll surpass my old personal bests in 6-8 months. The app is very user friendly . I really like the way it's set up. The advice is sound too. Big compound lifts, stay consistent, eat right, rest, ignore all the complicated advice from magazines and the www, you don't need supplements because they're mostly garbage other than plain creatine monohydrate and whey isolate. Right on bro.
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  • There is no replacement for hard work.

    Full disclosure, I’m a life long skinny guy, 6 feet tall and 155 lbs. My friends hate me because I can eat whatever I want and never gain a pound. This has its draw backs though. True raw power requires weight. As a firefighter there are things I need to do that require raw power to get done. These tasks would take me longer to do. I have tried for years to put on weight and gain that ever allusive raw power. 5x5 was the answer for me. I would never dodge the hard work and commitment of lifting free weights. I just didn’t know the proper way to put on mass. (And I hated squats). The 5x5 program worked for me. After one year I put on 19lbs. My squat went from a very uncomfortable and awkward 135lbs to 260lbs with perfect form. I am much faster at my job now and my recovery time is a lot shorter. Thank you for putting this app out there for guys like me.
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  • Great program

    Between the app with the Pro upgrade and the awesome website, you can’t go wrong unless you don’t follow the program or you lack the drive. I’ve been training for over 20 years. An injury took me out of the gym for a while. Using 5X5 StrongLifts got me strengthened again to the point I was back to weight training with no problem. I started at a low weight. A weight that could. E considered embarrassing at the gym. I mean 95lb squats and bench press. But I followed the program and I was up to bench pressing 315 lbs 5 times and squatting 405lbs 5 times in a matter of 6 months.

    It’s only three times a week. If all you can do is Saturday and Sunday and one day during the week, then you’re doing the program. With time, I added assistant exercises. I grew bigger and my body fat decreased. I love 5X5 StrongLifts and recommend it to my friends and people on Facebook bodybuilding groups I belong to. There’s a reason it has the high review score that it does. Enough said!
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  • The best weightlifting app ever

    I love this app and have recommended it to multiple people. If you want to really increase your strength, overall fitness and balance (with added benefit of looking better), this is your app. I’ve been weightlifting for 30 years and this is the program I come back to anytime I’ve been injured, coming off a running cycle or to switch up my workouts to focus on strength increases. The plan is simple but the app makes it very efficient and easy to track the progress you make. And you will make lots of progress. Give this a try for at least 8 weeks and then reflect back on how far you’ve come and you’ll be blown away. I’d also recommend reading the long explanation of the program on the author’s website. It’s very helpful and you’ll find yourself more motivated the better you understand the science behind why this works and avoid a lot of common missteps people always make when they pursue this without expert advice and a disciplined plan.
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