DietBet User Reviews

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  • Unclear instructions on final weigh ins

    So my fiancé and I joined a game because we need to fit in our wedding clothes. Do our initial weigh in. Easy set up. We make progress, I’m a guy who has an easier time dropping weight. I easily make what I need. My fiancé is making progress but struggling. She makes it on the final day. We do a weigh in on the last day of the competition. Both under weight after some serious work, effort, and sacrifice. We submit what we think is our final weigh ins. We relax and have some food we have been denying ourselves. We find out that final weigh ins have to happen AFTER the competition is over and that our weigh in on the final day doesn’t count. Utterly terrible system, promotes crash dieting, do not recommend. I will be deleting this app.
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  • Still doing it to lose weight but

    I had the same issue as everyone. Losing money…even though I won. Specifically mine was StepBet, and I was doing really well, I was up to 20,000 steps even tho my goal was under 9,000. I was feeling amazing, and then another issue happened. Since it was my first game and one w a prize I didn’t realize that they awarded the prize before the game was even over. I mean the prize was a pair of shoes, I mean I need a new pair of shoes like I need a moose for a pet, but I still feel like the prize should go to someone who has won the game, guess that’s just crazy talk? I slumped into a depression like no other. I went from 20,000 steps to just doing my goal of under 9000. By the time I “won” I was fat and weighed more than my original starting weight, I never would have thought it would be that much of a mindkiller, but it was, sucked the joy right out of me.

    When I first signed up for this particular app the screen page was misleading it made it look like you had to either buy into the monthly membership or the yearly membership, however if you looked at the far right corner there is an “X” if you click that you don’t have to pay a membership and can be a nonmember. I see that they keep claiming “operating costs” for why they take 25% of the pot…but I mean it would be nice if they detailed what those operation costs were, then maybe people wouldn’t be so miffed.
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    Developer Response

    HI Callie - Thank you for taking the time to leave your review. We are sorry you had such a negative reaction to the prize offered in the game. We feel that all participants in a game deserve a shot at the additional prize. Winners get their cut of the pot, but everyone who tries should also have a chance at winning something exciting, at least from our point of view. Also, we are sorry for the confusion regarding membership. Operating costs are just the same as other businesses; equipment, paying employees, access to outside programming, developing new programs, etc. We also offer prizes pretty regularly across all our products, some being big ticket items like smart fridges and pelotons - so whenever possible, our costs go back to our amazing players.
  • Love this app and community

    This is my first time using the DietBet app. I do not like writing reviews but felt this on was necessary. I’ve been straddling the fence with my weight loss and using this app for a couple of years. I finally decided to hop off the fence and take charge. I finished my first short challenge 4weeks in length today and lost 10.6 in that time frame. I am soooo proud of myself. The community I was apart of was very encouraging. I plan on reinvesting the money I won right back into myself to keep it going.

    Don’t hesitate just do it! You and your body will be thankful for it.
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  • Motivation I needed!

    I recently had a baby 4 months ago and was struggling to drop the last 10lbs on my own as I had a hard time being consistently motivated. My weight would fluctuate, and I’d give up. I joined a DietBet as the goal was both achievable (drop 4%) in a reasonable amount of time that was fairly short term for me (in 4 weeks). I’m more than halfway to my goal now, and I’m even more motivated to keep going. If you are competitive at all, this is an amazing tool to motivate you to achieve your health goals!

    (**Important Note: I will say that you need a healthy way to drop weight though. No one should be starving themselves to win or manipulating your calories to eat junk food. I used the 2B Mindset method, but you should find a healthy, safe way to get to your goal. You can do this! ;D)
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    Developer Response

    Thanks for your review!! Congrats on your new addition and congrats on your success so far - losing weight isn't easy, let alone as a new parent so we are so excited to be a part of this achievement for you!
  • Misleading.

    I’ve used App for about 3 years and have played about a half a dozen games. Overall the idea is good to reward one by allowing them to be motivated to earn their fees back. First of all, this app alone does not lend to long term weight change. If you look at the weight loss journeys off most of the patrons you will see a yo-yo of their weight. Of those that pay and play the averages seem to be about 50% of the people that play are winners and several must lose some but a lot give up. Admin fees are 1/2 out there close. I’m sure you can look up the exact admin fees but it’s pretty steep. I’m done with dietbet for the above reasons.
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  • Scam

    First off, you can lose weight with diet and exercise without putting money towards an app! This app is a scam! I’ve participated in three dietbets, so far, and lost money on all three! Not because I didn’t lose my 4% weight, I succeeded my weight loss goal each time, but the whole point is to have LESS people in your diet bet succeed so you don’t have to split the money pool! The more people succeed, the less money you get AND when you initially sign up, you have to read the fine print and un click to their fee or it’s an added hidden charge, so you lost additional money! Each time I won my diet bet, I was in the negative from my initial bet because of the app charge and from almost everyone meeting their goal! I want people to get healthy! I want to root for others, but this app has you only rooting for yourself and wanting others to lose so you can, at least, make back what you bet! In this app, you earn less if more people win! What a scam! Just exercise and eat less calories than you take in and save your money from this app scamming you!
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    Developer Response

    Thanks for your review, though we're sorry you did not enjoy your experience. We do have a "no lose guarantee" which means if you are a verified winner, your winnings will be at least the bet amount - if not more! However, that does not cover the optional membership fee, as you explained. Winnings will vary from game to game, as winnings are dependent on the number of other winners. While it's nice to get a large payout, we hope you can find satisfaction in knowing others were as successful as you were.
  • Find a BETTER way

    The app itself works just fine, it’s the policies of the company and the % they’re taking now. This is an app/website I have used off and on for years, but I’ll be moving on to something more upfront and more respectful of the members.

    Many of the people in my just finished game actually “won” their weigh-in, but LOST money. The app is set up to trick players into buying their “membership” for $5 (not required, but if you’re not familiar, you can easily think this is part of it, as it’s automatically added to your cart and you have to go out of your way to delete it.) As the game only awarded about $2 above the $35 buy in, that means they paid $40, and only got back $37. Additionally they heavily promoted bonuses (i.e. “we’re adding $5k to the pot!”) but then took 25% of that bonus back for themselves right off the top, which is questionable as far as business practices go.

    In the end, you do not want to use this app or website. There are better alternatives out there (I’m not naming them, because then it looks like I’m only here to promote them. I’m not. I’m a real customer, who will quickly be a former customer.)

    Do yourself a favor and skip DietBet.
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  • Great App! Make sure you read the details

    Or you will feel disappointed your winnings. I am not a fan of the “membership” which is now automatically added to your cart. This is my only negative. Otherwise, I’ve never been motivated to loose weight until money was on the line. I’ve cycled through ups and downs (four pregnancies) and have played about 30 games (you can play 3 at once) and have always come out ahead. I wouldn’t recommend a January bet, as the majority of people win and the winnings are exceptionally small, after DietBet takes their cut. But it is a business and as long as I win something, I’m happy. If you are looking for big bucks, this probably isn’t your platform, but with the average bet at $35, what do you expect? I’ve averaged about 50% profit per game, so definitely worth it for me!
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    Developer Response

    Thanks for your review and for sharing your experience!
  • Changed my life!

    UPDATE: I’m surprised by the recent negative reviews! It’s not a scam, that’s for sure! I had put on a little weight over the holidays and quarantine so I jumped into some New Year’s games. I won! Not a big payout because there were a lot of winners - yay us!! The weight is gone! That’s what I came here for! ORIGINAL review: This app was THE motivator to keep me focused on my weight loss journey. I’ve lost about 70 lbs, am very close to my goal and feel amazing. I wasn’t worried about making money, I just didn’t want to lose money! That kept me focused when things got tough...having money on the line. It’s a fun, engaging, supportive community and I am so thankful to have found it! I highly recommend DietBet! LOVE IT!!
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  • Hesitant at first... LOVE IT NOW!

    When the idea was first proposed to me by my sister-in-law I was not interested. Not interested in using an app. Not interested in the photo weigh ins as they seemed “too complicated”. Not interested in some thing I knew nothing about. She started a game with about 12 family members of ours. That put it into a better perspective for me as I was competing with people I knew and would “judge me”/know if I didn’t lose my weight. The concept makes you bet on YOURSELF. Its not a typical competition where you feel like you’re competing to lose the most amount of weight humanly possible with other people who are in better shape than you. If you lose your weight %, you are a WINNER. And thats a good feeling. Photo weigh ins are super easy. I would and have recommended to so many others :)
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    Developer Response

    Thanks for the great review. We're glad you gave it a shot and congrats on your success!

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