DietBet User Reviews

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  • DietBet is a great motivator!

    I’m a big fan - joining the best sets a concrete, specific, and reasonable goal to achieve and provides a community to support throughout the process. The game aspect of it for me has been super helpful and motivating, the coaches and participants also provide lots of support and encouragement. I also live the accountability of having to weigh in regularly - it keeps me honest.

    I pay the extra for the membership fee and I maximize it by playing membership gains where the winners split the whole pot.

    The program is simple and elegantly designed in my opinion. Some complain that the company makes too much, but that seems uninformed to me about how much it takes to operate a business - there aren’t too many services and businesses that can operate on only 25% of their gross revenue. Rather, because the program works and if I make my goals I’m not paying for the service at all - that’s a win win. If I lose a bet, I knew going in what the risk was, and even if I lose the bet I’ve lost some weight.

    I highly recommend this program to all my friends and family. I also love StepBet and WayBetter games for the same reasons.
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    Developer Response

    Thanks for the awesome review. We really appreciate you taking your time to provide a fresh and positive perspective!
  • EXCELLENT customer service!

    I’ve been using DietBet and its sister app, StepBet, for a few months now. They have both been great motivation during lockdown when it would be too easy to sit around doing nothing. l’ve lost 15 pounds! If you’re wondering how much you “win”, for a $100 bet (non-member games, which is usually a lower payout because they take out a percentage for overhead) I’ve gotten back amounts ranging from $4-15. I hear that lower stakes games actually give a better return, but I’m not trying to invest here, my motivator is not losing my $100. :)

    The main reason I’m writing this review is that I am continually impressed by this app’s customer service. They reply very quickly, replies are personal and kind, they clearly read your message and take the time to understand your problem, and 100% of the time I have been happy with the resolution. I don’t have any more weight to lose but I will keep using both apps (DietBet has weight maintenance games) in large part because of their great support staff. Give those ladies a raise!
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    Developer Response

    Thank you so much for your great review! We love the detailed information you've included for other potential users - and our team really appreciates the shoutout about our customer service. All of our referees were players first and they do truly love helping our players. Thanks again and congrats on your progress!
  • Should have read the 1 stars...

    TL:DR they make way more per person than you ever will

    I always read the one star reviews and the one time I didn’t... long story short this is not a site/app to profit from your weight loss. I guess maybe if all you want is a “community” to lose weight with great. I’m not that person. I found this app because I wanted to be motivated by my investment and my potential return. Bought into a $100 game, paid the $5 membership fee and lost the weight. Enough of the field didn’t make it to where we should have gotten around $40 bucks profit. After my membership fee I made 5 bucks. Not gonna say scam, but definitely comfortable with rip off.

    PS DietBet please do not auto respond to this with your line of congrats on my weight loss and you have to keep the lights on 🥱🤥
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  • Easier consumer user experience

    So I love this app I do however think there are a few consumer user experiences that they can do to improve the app. 1. Link weigh in dates with calendars for the obvious reason it helps keep top of mind awareness of the competition. 2. Pop up from app notification of weigh in or even if competition randomly to keep people going and pushing.
    3. Pop up if motivation posts 4. Link up with existing free fitness app to do pop up of tabat exercises. There definitely can be a lot more amazing engaging consumer used features that can be added to make the experience amazing.
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  • Taking my winnings to the store for new clothes!

    I found Dietbets a couple years ago. It has always helped me shed a few pounds here and there but recently, after having a baby, I’ve had a lot more weight to lose. With a simple $30 bet, I have pocketed over $100 and lost 4 pant sizes. Today I cashed out and am on my way to the store to buy myself some new pants. I’m so grateful for this app. It gives me the extra motivation I need to keep going and allows me to earn extra cash for simply reaching my goals. Highly recommend if you’re looking for a little extra fire to help you lose the weight.
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  • Unfair “improvement” don’t update the app!

    I have been using DietBet on and off for the past year and have lost about 17 pounds. I like the idea and am happy with my overall progress for my general health. On the old app version, you were able to see your progress pictures in addition to your documented weight trend. However with the new version, you are no longer able to see your own pictures side by side, instead you have to pay extra to become a member to see your own progress! This is unfair! When they list the update in the App Store with “improves bugs” they don’t tell you that they will be taking away previously permitted functions. This is frustrating because I was able to see my progress and be motivated by the visual improvement. I am very upset by this finding and encourage all users to avoid updating the app, because you lose this function and motivating factor. I am unsure if I will continue using the app, and will likely request a pay out from my previous wins.
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    Developer Response

    Thanks for the reply. We have been working to improve and streamline the app to focus on the most-used features. You are still able to view your progress pictures on the site. We may get this added to the app in the future. If you have additional feedback, we'd love to hear it. :) Please email us at
  • The only thing that works for me

    We all know how to lose weight. But something keeps us from it (will power.). I’m a dietitian so I know all of the diets out there (most of them anyway.). So why was I overweight? Because I enjoy wine at night, dessert after dinner, tacos. Need I go on? DietBet gives me will power to say “no” to second servings and that second glass of wine, and gives me motivation to go exercise. I am motivated by not losing money and also by the win-win of actually winning money AND losing weight. I highly recommend it. Never thought I’d be at my “pre-kids” weight of when I got married. I’ve had to buy new clothes!
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  • Success!

    I started using the DietBet app in February 2019. I’m down 30 lbs. since 1 January, 25 of that list in the program. I appreciate the accountability, community, and competition. Trying to take a full length photo of myself with the scale numbers visible is challenging when you live alone, but every other aspect of DietBet has been easy. I’m very happy with the friendly, helpful customer support personnel. They answer email or messages in the app very quickly. And, they appear to be actual humans— encouraging, upbeat people who actually care about the customer— not programmed machine answers you get from most tech support now. I’m within 3 lbs. of my goal for the end of this game on 28 July. If I keep steady, I’ll easily make it and start on a new game. I’ve struggled with weight for decades. DietBet is the first success I’ve had in a while. To be honest, I don’t know why DietBet is working for me when other programs didn’t. Whatever the program variables are that are helping me to success, I’m going to keep on using this app. First success in years, and I don’t argue with success. I hope it works for you, too.
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    Developer Response

    Thanks for your review! Congrats on your success and for being part of our community!
  • Not quite sure I did it right!

    I am just one week in on my first bet and I’m not sure I’m doing it right! I am finding the app hard to get started with. I wish it had a get started tutorial to walk me through the first weigh in and all the aspects of it. I just saw my message this morning that I needed to resubmit my initial weigh in. I weighed in last week and submitted my photos, but just now I’m understanding that my weigh-in word was supposed to come from the app. I didn’t realize that last week and since I lost 2 pounds since then, I don’t want to start over now!

    I love the concept of it and I’m only taking away one star because maybe I just didn’t take enough time before I tried to submit my photos to understand the app first. I have organized and ran weight loss contests before for the firemen and their families at our local volunteer fire dept and this would sure make it easier than keeping track and figuring all those weights and percentages on my own.

    Excited for the next few weeks, and good weight loss progress!
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    Developer Response

    Sorry about the confusion with the weigh-in word! We are continually working on the app to make the weigh-in instructions easier to understand. We'd love to hear any specific feedback on the process itself, if you'd like to share. :) You can email us at Thanks!
  • Text too small, and other issues!

    As you will see from these reviews, this app needs work. I hope the developers are taking stock of all comments, however, I’ve been on this app on and off for over a year and can’t say I have noticed substantial improvements. Not good! For starters, INCREASE the text size!!! This app has the tiniest text. When I asked support about it they told me to adjust text size in my phone’s settings. It did not work with my iPhone 6. It works on my iPhone 7 however, in order to get it to an appropriate size, everything else on my phone is ridiculously huge! Come on DB! Another issue I have with the concept of this game is that the winnings are inflated by payments to paint a rosier picture. The fact is, when I win it may be $5-$10 over what I paid for the game. But if you lose, your lost payment was likely $25-$35! The risk here is much greater than the benefit! You just need to know that going in. Knowing this, I have played multiple games, but at this point I am just trying to recoup one lose I had last year and stay ahead!
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    Developer Response

    Thanks for your thorough review! We are going to be releasing a new version of the app shortly, which will have significant changes. We hope the new version will address your issues, but if not, please email us at as we are collecting all feedback. Thanks!

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