Grocery List User Reviews

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  • Don’t Use This. Find Another App.

    I used to LOVE this app. But the developers overthought it. Why? Because the app now syncs your list with the cloud automatically. Great, right?? Wrong. It does this every few seconds. And when it does, everything you’re doing at that moment is lost. It’s absolutely maddening. Want to add an item to your list? Go ahead. Try it. Chances are, the app will sync while you’re typing. Remember, it does this about every 10 seconds. Why is this a problem? Because your entry, or list reorganization, or whatever you’re doing is then lost. It reverts to the pre-sync list. I have literally typed the same item over and over and over and over and over and...
    Look elsewhere for an app. This one is no longer useful until they allow the user to turn off the annoying sync feature, or at least regulate it. So sad.
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  • Useless SYNC delays

    Who needs to have a SHOPPING LIST on any other device than their iPhone? Um, almost no one. Instead of making this app function efficiently, the developers prefer to capture your data after you enter each time via sync with their own backup server instead of allowing users to OPT OUT of SYNC. The delays are so annoying and well-known that the developers have devoted a pointless narrative on their website to make users believe there is a fix and it’s only user error. Where have we heard that one before? Instead of addressing user concerns by allowing us to OPT OUT of your data mining sync routine, you chose to throw meaningless words at us blaming everyone & everything but your own data grabbing activities.

    DEAR APPLE: iCloud should be a mandatory backup option on EVERY APP SOLD IN YOUR APP STORES to allow those of us who PAY EVERY MONTH to have ownership of our data via backups. DATA MINING MUST BE STOPPED AT ITS SOURCES and Out of Milk App is one of them.
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  • Used to be Great

    I used to love this app, for look, feel, and ease of use. I tested many and chose Out of Milk. Following “upgrades” a couple of years ago, the aesthetics of the app decreased and more problematically the functionality that I used as critical (categories which facilitate efficient and organized shopping) no longer works. Multiple private inquiries to avoid giving a bad public review have been recognized with similar answers to the effect of other users have submitted the issue is already being worked on to resolve in the next 2-3 months. However, it has been well over a year without any improvement. Manually re-organizing shopping lists each time items are added as the app no longer successfully stores and utilizes user-defined item and category/shopping aisle relationships requires a LOT of time for the user making the app no longer friendly and functional. Expect repeated duplication of categories, items going into the app-native category vs your last user-defined category, items not going into either the app-native category or your last user-defined category, unsorting of categories, and possibility of app-native categories just not matching your grocery store’s aisle organization. Unlike a couple of years ago, there are now better apps.
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    Developer Response

    Hi, thanks for your feedback. We are sorry that you're not happy with our app. We'll forward your criticism to our developers. Kind regards, Out of Milk Team
  • Sync Issues—Highly Irritating, Almost Unusable

    My wife and I use this. We started running into issues early on where she had added items and I couldn’t see them. We discovered, through trial and error:
    1) Never have the app open on two devices at the same time. Seriously—ask your family members before opening the app.
    2) Always close the app when you’re done
    3) Always sync the app to the online version before you close (pull down to “refresh”)
    4) Always sync the app after each item is added—otherwise sometimes the list will overwrite itself even when you’re the only user, and you’ll lose items
    5) Randomly, shared categories will duplicate to un-shared categories, and you cannot tell the difference until you delete the unshared category and manually move everything one-at-a-time back into the shared category, then sync the app for good measure
    6) Emailing each other or texting is more reliable.

    Update: In response to my review, Out of Milk claims they have fixed the issue. As the last update to the App was 11 months ago (I hadn’t even downloaded the App prior to their last update), this is blatantly dishonest and manipulative of the review system. Also, their response contained multiple misspellings, so they’re not exactly inspiring confidence or professionalism.
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  • I love your app but I have an important input

    I have been using your app for about four months. My husband and I love it because we both add items in our own phones and the information replicates nicely!!!

    However I have a big problem. It appears that if I leave my iPhone XR open in the Out of Milk (OOM) app it doesn’t lock. It can stay for a long period of time showing the OOM app and is opened for anyone to use your app or any other app in my phone. I tested it with other apps and I don’t have that problem. I use face recognition with my iPhone XR and I keep the phone and all my apps updated with the last software version. It may be a phone problem but it happens only with OOM. Please advice.
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  • A Couple Suggestions

    I’m a new in, I’m actually still trying to figure out the whole system. So far, I like it. I was a GroceryIQ user for probably 6-8 years, and I believe that app is being discontinued. This is the closest thing I’ve been able to find to that app in terms of store, category and item organization. I have two requests/suggestions, however. The first is that a weight option be added to pricing. I use the price by weight tool for cheeses, meats, and some produce. Being able to price things according to weight will help keep the accuracy of my overall budget when shopping. My second suggestion is a reverse info input on barcode scanning- right now, from what I can tell, the scanner either knows the barcode or doesn’t. The feature to add UPC codes to the item info is helpful, but it would also be neat to be able to scan and, if the barcode is unknown, immediately be able to fill in the necessary information for the product. That way the user doesn’t have to manually add the UPC numbers. So far, this is the most comprehensive shopping list app that I have been able to find, and I appreciate the features it already has- especially the option to add or remove sales tax (we don’t have sales tax on groceries in CA). If the developers are looking for new features to add, I think the price-by-weight and reverse barcode input would be two great ones to add.
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    Developer Response

    Thanks for the feedback! We're glad you like our app and we'll forward your suggestions to our developers. Kind regards, Out of Milk Team
  • Very very slow to sync

    My lists are shared with one other person. I pull down to sync every time I make a change. The other person pulls down to sync before starting to shop. And vice versa.

    But, this app doesn’t sync immediately. Most of the time, we have to pull down/sync several times before the updated list shows up in the other person’s app. This is especially true when I check an item and that item goes in the Completed items area. Completed items don’t sync and show up as completed items in the other person’s app. In order for the Completed list to show up in the other person’s app, we both have to have our apps open before I check an item.

    Really slow syncing makes this a very inconvenient app to use. I’m going to remove this and just use shared Notes in iCloud. That way, changes to a note appear immediately in the person’s phone and he even gets notification when the Note is modified.
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  • Fantastic app for groceries!

    I had been looking for a new app to organize and make a grocery list for awhile. I have a family a 5 so our list is huge by the time I need to go shopping. This app categorizes the foods and other household essentials into their proper areas. So when I’m at the store and in the dairy area for example I can get everything I need from that area easily. You are also able to easily check off your items or delete them from the list entirely.

    Also there’s an option in the app where you can keep your phone screen awake while you shop. I love this because I frequently need to use my calculator to keep a total. The app does let you price each item and you also can choose to add sales tax for a total however I prefer to price in store because typically I don’t know what the exact price is.

    Finally, this app also includes a pantry list and a to do list. I really recommend this app to definitely anyone who has a large family and that is looking for a good app to keep things organized!
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    Developer Response

    Hi! Thanks for the great feedback! We're really happy you like our app so much! Best regards, Out of Milk Team
  • Please update some things!

    I love the app and use it daily. My only problem is with the pantry list. It’s great to be able to separate my food list from everything else but there are no settings to mess with it like the others. It’d be great to be able to check things off the list like the others. It’d also be cool if we could change the default settings for the format (if we want to use quantity instead of the low/full feature) so we wouldn’t have to edit each entry. I can’t think of anything else 😅 I really love the app though, and if anyone is reading this to see if they want to download it, GET IT, YOU WONT REGRET IT!! AND ITS FREE!!!!!!
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  • Almost but missing a few key items

    Overall it's a good list tool but I can't rate it higher than a three at the moment because of three major issues that reduce its convenience:

    1. There is no way (that I have found at least) to alphabetize your master lists, such as the Pantry List. When you are talking about a very large selection of produce for example, it would be much easier to find broccoli if I could just scroll down to the Bs. As it is now, I have to scroll through the whole list to find it between Limes and Green Beans.

    2. No search function - this is especially annoying given issue 1. There is no search field to find things and the text field at the top is to add items to the list.

    3. No easy way to avoid duplicates. If I can't find something in the list and add it (as a result of issues 1 and 2), it's not uncommon for me to find later that it was there all along so I now have two listings for the same thing but in different locations in the list, not together where it would be easy to see duplicates (see issue #1).

    That bring said, there are definitely some nice elements to this. I'd love to rate it higher if these issues could be addressed. And if there is a way to take care of 1 and 2 already, I'd love to know how because it isn't at all clear when using the app.
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