Grocery List User Reviews

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  • Frustrated!

    I have use this app for several years as a shared grocery list with my spouse. I’m really frustrated by the fact that my shopping categories seem to keep being duplicated. For example if I put milk into the list, I have to go back and add the category, though I did this last week, and there are two beverage categories in my list. I logged into the PC to manage my categories and delete a bunch. It doesn’t seem to have Saint over to my phone though.

    Maybe the most frustrating thing is when I go to manage my list history, I have to click delete wait for it to load before I can collect delete on the next item. I Soum this is where the auto populate feature comes from when typing in an item in my grocery list. I shouldn’t have to select from 8 different bread purchases. One will do.

    Why isn’t there just a checkbox that I can check everything I want to delete and delete it all at once? Same with the tax exempt categories I have to go into each individual one to collect tax exempt. I want to uncheck all the tax exempt at once
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    Developer Response

    Thanks for your feedback! We fix a few bugs about the sync - if it´s still not working properly please write us at Unfortunately the issue with the list history is very complex and we might need a little bit more time to fix it.
  • Great way to stay organized

    My ONLY suggestion is to add a “due date” and “completion date” for items on to do list. My husband and I share this app and it’s literally changed the way we grocery shop and stay organized. We utilize additional features to add more specialized list for our specific needs. No more forgetting. No more duplication of efforts.

    I’ve always believed having a grocery list not only obviously reminds you to get what you need, but if you stick to ONLY what’s on your list, you can control impulse buying.

    We have list for movies we want to watch, books to read, music, camping gear list, fishing gear list and most recently Christmas list! This app is a game changer and other shopping apps I’ve used can’t touch this one!
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  • Used to love it but...

    I’ve been using this app for about 3 years & it’s the best app available for making grocery lists. No other apps do all that Out Of Milk does. Unfortunately, for the past 6 months or so whenever I am making a list, the app will just suddenly delete an item. Sometimes it’ll even add the item to a different list that I’m not even working on. I’m a very forgetful person which is why I make lists so it’s really frustrating bc if an item gets deleted, & I don’t notice it, I end up not buying that item & have to make a second trip to the store. I’ve had to resort to writing a physical list then copying into the app... which sorta defeats the purpose of even using it. I’ve tried uninstalling then reinstalling, & have also tried making another acc. Don’t know what else to do. I really love this app & there aren’t any others like it so I’d hate to have to stop using it. If it wasn’t for this problem, I’d certain give it 5 stars. Please, PLEASE fix this issue! Thank you.
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    Developer Response

    Hey there, sorry to hear you've been having problems :( Please send us an email at so we can investigate this.
  • No sharing

    My husband and I got this app just for the sharing feature. We don’t want to have to keep emailing or texting updated lists back and forth. That feature worked one time on this app and since then, nothing. It keeps saying that the list sync failed. We have plenty of service for the feature to work. And now I cannot even log off of the app and log back in to see if that will help. This looked like it was going to be a very useful app. We also could not really find anywhere to get help for this. I normally wouldn’t post something like this on a review, but since we couldn’t get any help, here you go. If you are wanting to use this app to easily share your list with someone, this app isn’t for you at this moment. You can still send via text message or email, but I can do that with the notes on my phone without needing this app at all.
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  • Best Ap Ever

    So glad to have learned of this a few years ago and have told others about it. You almost always have your phone with you, so you can add to your shopping list wherever you are and whenever something pops into your mind. And since you almost always have your phone with you, you’re going to have it with you at the store, instead of a piece of paper sitting at home on your counter! There are many great features, some I’m still discovering. Probably my favorite is the availability of having different lists for different stores. Oh, and the fact that you just check off each item as you put it in your cart, which makes it available for the next time is amazing! This has made shopping much better. Wish it had been around when my six children were all home.
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  • Difficult navigation

    I find getting from one list to another is next to impossible sometimes. I use this a lot but the update has been a nightmare. Not sure if it is the ap or my phone. Have used it for years but only used the update taste week or so.

    Update: still find this app challenging although after reading about it on line, find there is info that might make it more user friendly. I hate to start over with a new grocery app. I don't usually want to uncheck and remove everything from the list, just want it to archive so I can recheck it for active use another day. Some things I want gone, though, but find removing just one item more challenging than before. I must be a slow learner. It has not been all that intuitive for me. I squandered over an hour recently just trying to figure it out. I hope I've got it now.
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  • I love Out of Milk...

    ...but recent upgrades have made it less user friendly. The problems I have seen are with sorting categories and editing items. I shop at the same grocery store every week. I walk through the store the exact same way every trip. When I create a list for that store, I should be able to pre-set the order of the categories on that list. However, no matter how many times I sort the categories on my list...every week they go back to being ordered a different way! The app forces me to re-sort my grocery list every week, which is ridiculous, because it won’t save my changes to the Manage Categories list. Second- I have to add prices to my items EVERY WEEK. For example, I buy Cheerios every week. But every week when I make my list, the edited item from the previous week (where I’ve entered the price) is sorted to Uncategorized. So I have to select the correctly categorized version of the item and re-enter the price EVERY WEEK. Or, I have to choose the correctly priced version of the item, and re-categorize it to Breakfast EVERY WEEK! Out of Milk is intended to make shopping easier and more organized, and it used to do that! But recently, it has more than doubled the time it takes to make a list, and increased the amount of time I have to spend in the store every week. Please, PLEASE, fix these issues because I love Out of Milk and I don’t want to use a different list app!
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    Developer Response

    Hey There, I am very sorry you are experiencing issues with the custom categories feature. This is actually a known bug that is currently on our roadmap for development. While I cannot say exactly when it will be fixed, I promise you we know about it & are working really hard to address it. If you have any further questions, or would like to discuss this further, please reach out to us at Thank you!
  • Love this app

    I’ve used an app for groceries for years and finally got fed up with it. This one just works WELL. Kudos to the creator.
    I have two favorite functions - The pantry and the quantities options. The pantry will take a while to fully stock up properly but you have a full screen to just keep all your pantry staples. You can mark when they are low/full. Fantastic.
    The quantities options are extensive. Everything from weights, to packs to dozens. Some items aren’t worth marking quantities but particularly if I’m cooking off a new recipe and I need something exact, I had no place to mark that before.
    And then it has everything that all the other grocery apps has. Plus, the display is just easy.
    Nice job. Hasn’t crashed once.
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  • Good for sharing with all

    So wife and I needed a new way to cover the shopping and not get home with out something that the other knew we needed. Sharing the lists we can update and get what we need even when we don’t go together to the store.
    That makes it useful when one of us is making a trip on the way home to pick up something we can get together with out having to review each other’s lists.
    The only 2 issue I am seeing is duplicate items to pick from and duplicate categories. The second is that list update does not seem to work in the background and in our area need to be sure that we have allowed time when adding to app or before entering the store to update to make sure that we have an accurate list.
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  • Categories appear to be fixed

    Love this cleanly designed and easy-to-use grocery list that I can add items to whenever I happen to remember them. After using this app for years, I was getting very frustrated with some category issues mentioned by other reviewers. I started looking for other solutions, but this app still looks nicer and functions better for this purpose than any of the other grocery list or regular list apps I tried. I agonized over what to do, since this really affects my workflow. I finally created a new account on Out of Milk and started fresh. When I started out I had no categories, so I added my own and so far so good. It seems that the developers released an update before they really should have, but that the category issues have finally been fixed. I like having a separate app just for groceries, because I need different functions than on my regular to-do list. The only wish I have is that the to-do list section, which I'm not even using, be turned into some type of menu planning tool, which I would absolutely use. I tried another app that lets you store recipes and make menu plans, but it was cumbersome and ugly. I really don't need to store recipes because it would take too long to constantly add new ones (I like to try new things, so I'm not an "every Tuesday we have tacos" kind of cook). However, it would be nice to have a basic calendar where I could just list what I plan to cook each day.
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