Grocery List User Reviews

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  • Drocores

    I have been a user of this app for over 5 years and have previously given it 5 stars. The recent updates have downgraded it to barely two stars.
    What happened to the easy entry process? Used to type a few characters of a frequently used item in the shopping list and the drop-down would come up with the item. Now if you type "water" you no longer get "distilled water", Sam's Choice water"' etc. - you just get "water".
    Further, why isn't there a process, when selecting from your list of previously used items, to index (for a long time user's long list) to the alphabetical section of the list? If you're looking for "sardines", it takes 8 hours to scroll down to the "S"'s.
    Why can't the Categories be sorted - Alphabetically, by frequent use, by flow in market?
    New and Different is not necessarily Better. Clean up this mess and perhaps your ratings will edge back up towards the "5" category!!!
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  • Love this app! (Updated!!)

    I still love this app and have used for many years, but the new update took away adding previously categorized items. Used to you would start typing and it would drop down showing the time and the category it was assigned to. Now you have to click on history to add previous items. While that is nicely alphabetized, you can’t even type to bring up items that are farther down the list. Makes it less user friendly when you use it frequently at same store.

    **Previous 5 star rating: By far my favorite grocery list app. So simple and I can arrange my categories to go with the aisles at my grocery store. So when I add my items each time it goes in order by aisle. My grocery list knows my grocery store better than I do. 😆
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  • Don’t Understand the Rave Reviews!

    Just gave this a try as it’s the only one that integrates with Alexa. I figured with a 4 star rating it must be pretty good, right? So what am I missing?
    So far my issues are:

    I apparently have to manually ADD my categories? What?
    When I pull an existing item, it may or may not have a category - so MILK- obviously dairy, right? Nope. Had to pull and delete multiple entries before I found one that is dairy. And of course, that entry has the K randomly capitalized. How many people use this database and yet, a “milk” entry is messed up? When I tried add the tag manually, it created a duplicate dairy category. When I added “olive oil” via Alexa, it correctly added it to the list but didn’t assign it a category and the only way to add it is to manually type in in, apparently. Where’s the pre-loaded list? I ended up adding another entry which did identify a category and deleting my original entry. And most humorous - it creates an Alexa list but then when you add things through Alexa, they don’t actually go on this list!
    Font size on the screen is also small but with tons of white space between entries so it doesn’t actually let you see more on the screen. So why?

    As burdened down as Grocery IQ has become with coupon clutter, at least it does the basics right. For the life of me, I can’t understand why OOM has a higher rating. It’s a clunky mess.
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  • Used to Love the App, Hate the updates!

    I have used Out of Milk for several years as my grocery shopping list. I have tried several others but always kept coming back to this one, that is until the latest update. My needs are relatively simple so I am sure that I don't use nearly all of the potential of this app. Unfortunately the latest update not only changed the UI to something truly awful but it (once again!) messed with my categories that I had so painstakingly setup. It seems like every time there is an update this happens. Why??? I wish that I had not updated and could go back to the old version. I would have rated the app 5 stars previously but these awful updates are getting tiresome. Please just leave well enough alone!!!!! As other have mentioned, when I spend hours painstakingly creating categories exactly the way I like them and arranging them according to my store layout, PLEASE DON'T MESS WITH IT!!!!! And another thing, please include an indicator so that I can differentiate between default and custom categories with the same name. I want to delete ALL of the default categories and create my own. And please don't create new default categories like the current version seems to like to do repeatedly. This is getting tiresome. LEAVE MY APP ALONE, PLEASE!!!!!
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    Developer Response

    Hey there thanks for writing in regarding the categories, and being able to customize their order. This is actually something we are going to reintroduce in the very next update, which should be out in about 2 weeks.Due to certain deadlines, we were unable to squeeze in the ability to rearrange categories in the first version of this new look. However, reintroducing this is one of our main priorities, and will be back on your app in 2 weeks. Here's a link on the progress: If you have any other questions/comments, please contact us at We'd also really like to know what in particular you don't like about the new UI, seeing as the old UI was horribly outdated, and completely against best practices for the App store (which would eventually lead it to being removed by Apple)
  • No longer a great app

    I’ve had this app for over 2 years. It was great. Then suddenly they updated. I got locked out for a week cause I didn’t remember my password to an app I never had to log into. Then when I add my items it automatically chooses a category for me. Not one of the ones I had before even though it was part of the history. Then when I move stuff into the category I want it either bounces back into the default category it chooses or it bounces into uncategorized. So basically everything is jumbled and makes no sense to me the way I operate. It seems like either a glitch or they want you to do it there way without consideration for those of us who have been using the app for a long time. I’m leaving this app and looking for another as it’s so frustrating I rather take the time to write this review then actually recreate my list again. Oh yeah one last thing I found random lists it created and when I deleted them it did so without warning that I was about to delete an active list. So I lost the 30 items I had already taken a frustrating amount of time to document. Go find another app.
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    Developer Response

    Regarding login, login has always been there, but after logging in the first time, you're not prompted to login again, like with emails and other accounts. Regarding those category issues, we're currently working on them as we know it's a bit confusing at the moment. For more help, please contact us at

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