Bluebird App User Reviews

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  • Why mess up a good thing?!

    I’ve had my Bluebird account since 2010.....NEVER had a problem with the card nor the app.....I tried to log in about 2 months ago and was told that I had an outdated app, I got the “new” app and HAVE HAD NOTHING BUT PROBLEMS!!!! I have called Bluebird numerous times to complain and get the SAME pre-scripted answers!! Last night I called yet again because now trying to log into it I get a message that states “oops, there seems to be a problem, try again later” I explained that this is now 2 weeks of me NOT being able to access my account and asked exactly what is going on....they told me that they’re working on the app and to use the website..... hung up, logged into the’s now 26 hours later and it’s still now I can’t even get into the website!!! Can’t understand how they messed this up!!! I’ve read over 1000 comments on the same thing that I’m going thru so why hasn’t the techie at Amex even acknowledged that there is a problem!!!
    Get your act together Amex/Bluebird....,there’s loads of other cards out there that I can apply for and won’t have this many problems!!
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  • What happened!

    I usually enjoy an updated app...not this one. Miss the side swipe balance feature, find it confusing to transfer between members cards linked to account now. Confusing (although they tried to simplify it) to transfer money. I shouldn’t have to reread the options example: do I want to transfer from sub account to main account in new screen or do I want to transfer money from bank to bluebird in née screen. Before you could easily swipe down which account you wanted to the money to go to. Now it’s different screens for each account that you select then transfer. Hopefully they bring back the old way aka the easiest way, to access all linked accounts & sub and select all them. Also should really have a chip for card, but that’s not an app thing but hey, it’s worth a shot if they read this.
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  • Older version was better

    I have been using this app for well over a year with zero problems. I recently downloaded the upgrade because it said it was better only to be Extremely disappointed not only is the app incomplete for the last 6 months it no longer allows me to transfer funds from my checking. Rather it insists on using debit cards.
    Which really screwed me up because I had lost debit card so I had to order another and during which time I could not transfer funds to pay little bills and ended up in tons of returned fees.
    Also when it came time to upload my new Debit it had set my old card to where I could not fix via my phone and had to find a desktop to do all the work. Its still not fixed. I’m very disappointed in this upgrade to the app and the loss of not being able to ise my checking to transfer cash. Also it will not allow me to transfer funds from my Paypal account or Paypal debit card. So frustrating.
    I hope they fix all this soon otherwise I will be finding another bank and card app very soon.
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  • This WAS a decent app...

    I’ve had my Bluebird account for years now with absolutely no problems. It’s been a mobile bank account for me and I have loved getting most, if not every one, of my deposits early. Until the update hit. Now all the basic features I used to enjoy the most—like simply moving money from my set-aside account to the main balance account—now have to be completed straight from the website via browser only. does an update take away features that have been in the previous version for YEARS??? It’s utterly annoying, considering it takes extra steps to just moves a few bucks over when it took a few seconds before the update. It’s annoying that they have “fixed” things about the app that were never wrong in the first place.
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  • Used to be a good app....

    This used to be such an easy way to send money to my children’s individual accounts for their allowances and use online if they wanted, and an easy card for me to transfer money to when I wanted to buy something online (for security I do not like to link my debit cards online that feed directly into the accounts where money is sitting). I should never have downloaded the update, as it took the usability of the app completely away, and now redirects you online which takes longer and is riskier. You literally cannot do anything on the app without it saying you need to be redirected online. You’re losing a customer, and will probably lose more than just me in the future. It has been this way for a month or two, so obviously they are in no hurry to address the displeasure of their consumers.
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  • It’s all good

    I’ve been using this account for about 7 years. Direct deposit, atm withdrawal at 7-11 and PNC banks for free, weird pre auth checks, mobile deposits, family sub accounts, add cash at any Walmart- these are all convenient and free. Though annoying, they over authorize the card if you use at a gas tank, so if you’re right on cash don’t use the card at the gas pump but rather at the cashier inside or they’ll hold $100 until it clears. Their customer service is outsourced to Vietnam or India or some place, they’re nice but not very helpful or empowered to fix your issues. Overall I’ve never had any issues with them in over 7 years.
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  • New app update is a deal changer

    I got Bluebird many years ago, when Walmart offered double cash back on receipts scanned in through their app onto the bluebird. I’ve been using it since. I’ve had nothing but headaches with it. I can’t change to my married name on it, because I don’t have access to a fax machine to fax my information to someone “somewhere” in Bluebird headquarters (that was 3 years ago). I kept getting locked out of my account, once while trying to pay a dentist for work he had just done and the only way to fix the problem was to call...with a mouth full of cotton and numbing agent. Now, the app has auto-updated and it’s worse than before. I have $2 left in this account that will likely be gone ASAP. And then I am DONE with this useless app and this USELESS card. Venmo and Cashapp both offer free debit cards with zero hassle.
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    I have been using Bluebird for numerous years. It had always been easy to add funds, transfer, bill pay etc. up until a month or so ago when they decided to update the app and even the webpage.
    Now, each time I try to do something it directs me to the webpage (what’s the sense of the app if you are directed to the webpage) - once on the webpage you still cannot do the things you need to! The debit card I use to add funds expired just after the “update” and I cannot edit it or delete it nothing!
    I have called numerous times each time I was told something else as well as hung up on because they didn’t know how to answer the questions or they didn’t wanna deal with me.
    I have a normal bank account but bluebird was something I still used, I am seriously considering closing this account that I have had or at least 6 years if this isn’t figured out very soon!
    All these complaints and detailed issues and nothing has been corrected?!? Why? This is just crazy to me that a card backed by AMERICAN EXPRESS would have such a terrible set up but even if the old one was out of date it still worked smoothly-
    Fix this please! We are begging you to just go back to the old but working format
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  • Do not buy nor download this card it’s a fake and a scam

    We had money taken from our card and the say they are fdic and they are not it’s a lie. For months we have been battling them over this. I ask google for your assistance to remove this app from the web cause you put money on the card and they steal it. Have my brother and did the same to his card. They won’t give us back our money. This is a FAKE APPLICATION and it is not even an American base company. I’ve called the F.B.I. And filed charges against them. I’m a reviewer for google and this app is a fake and scam. Do not buy it or download it. I’m a retired F.B.I. Agent and charges are filed against them. They lied about everything and they are not FDIC that was a lie. And if you try to call them they act like there phone is messed up and it’s not. Google please remove this app from the store till you get all the right legal information and paperwork before you have them place a fake app you can also be sued too for accessory after-the-fact.

    Thank you google and have a nice day
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  • New update

    I hate to only give 3 stars, it’s always been 5 for me. I have used Bluebird for many years and love the simplicity of the functions -to move and save money, pay bills and order products online. The new update needs to be fixed. I loaded money on the card to pay my dads bills like I always do and it show the money has been deducted from the balance but doesn’t show the transaction information. I’m assuming it will on Monday like my actual bank does but that is one of the things I loved about bluebird. You always knew exactly how much was in your account and could see the transactions for everything you spent. Please correct this, and please implement the functions that allow you to move money and send money. I use this to send funds to my kids. I got the Bluebird Visa card and was excited to get it but it has the same updated platform.
    Thank you, I truly love the app but need the functions it had before the update.
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