Bluebird App User Reviews

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  • Holy cow this app is terrible

    I am so confused. I was using this app for quite a while (and although I got hacked once and someone tried to steal some of my money, Bluebird made good and replaced the funds) the app worked pretty well.
    I set this up so I could give money to my kids easily and they would both have cards with limited amount of money to spend, and it was working fine. Then suddenly the app changed, and now I can add money to the main account or transfer money to my kids account. It says “this feature is not yet available in the app” and you have to click to go to the bluebird website. And then that website also barely works.
    What the heck? This whole system is terrible.
    Is Bluebird an American Express company? How is this possible, they must be getting inundated with complaint phone calls.
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  • Newly designed app

    I literally hate the new design to this app.
    Absolutely hate it.

    When I go to log in, it takes forever to even load the screen.

    Never mind that, when it brings you to the new designed screen, all it shows is your balance.

    I cannot understand how this new design has been made to make things easier for users like myself. Please bring back the new design forreal, everything was quicker that way. If anything, all you did was make it even harder and less manageable than the last design!!
    I’m super disappointed and I’m sick of the other buttons not working to send or receive money.
    Have to go to the actual website to even do that.

    Like i said, everything was more convenient and quicker with the last design!!!

    I LOVED the old design better because everything was in one spot on the page you were brought to as soon as you logged on to this app.

    I could transfer money into my savings within a second!!

    This new design gives way too many buttons to press to get to where you need or want to be at.

    I have to press one thing after the next just to get to where I want to be, along with not even being able to see all transaction right on the front page.

    Makes me not want to have a bluebird card anymore because this design is super inconvenient and time taking into doing a simple task!!
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  • New version isn’t complete

    I’ve used bluebird for years because it was an easy way to move money to my daughter when she was younger and the age restrictions on the card were lower than other options and it didn’t have fees attached to it. But the new version won’t let you add, request, or send money because the functionality for those hasn’t been implemented yet- that’s the actual message you get when you try, and it redirects you to the website. What brain dead complete and total knuckle dragging cretinous moron approved a staggeringly incomplete version of the app to go out the door to replace the older but actually working and feature complete version? I’m going to just drop the card and find another means to quickly send and receive money between my family. These people should be ashamed of themselves for doing such a crap job of application development and lifecycle management.
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  • Poor choice for your money

    If you are using this app then you likely have issues in your financial life. There are many better apps that offer more convenient use. Many months back, I was restricted from cashing checks, the reason was unknown to me & explained to me as an error after some effort in my part. The “mistaken user”, as I was told was to be corrected, soon”..It never was. It was never explained to me as to what it how or why it happened. I had used this feature for a couple years, when I didn’t have a bank account. Course, I never did bother to call back in again. I continue to use this account, as a direct deposit account only. Not for check cashing.
    The family feature that allows me to move my money freely among the user under me ( family ) is what I like about it.
    It also, has a feature to save funds automatically into a ‘rainy day’ account, a good idea if you have the funds for it. It is fee free for the uses I have it for.
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  • Newest update

    The newest update seems problematic so far. Was having issues even launching the app, having it force close or tell me something went wrong. Once finally in this “beautifully redesigned” app I noticed loading things was SIGNIFICANTLY slower than the previous version, some menus just seem sloppily implemented, and a lot of features that are “coming soon”. I think the version before this was just fine, but like anything these days of course will be continually “improved”. I can deal with your app makeover, just fix the longer loading times you’ve created please. The only reason I use this app is to monitor direct deposits and check account balance, so the quickness of checking the previous version is something I’ll miss.
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  • Ok app but not able to load money on it.

    This has been an ok app but for the past 2 months, I have been unable to add funds into my account from my external bank debit card. I keep getting a message saying “Due to technical difficulties, We are unable to process your request at this time.” I’ve tried reinstalling the app but that didn’t correct the problem. This seems to be occurring only on the iOS app but not if I add funds through the Google Play App or the website. Also it does not give me a choice to add funds using a check when it is supposed to. When are you going to fix these issues? Understandable that sometimes an app goes down for a couple of hours or something (as anything technical has its hip cups) but not over 2 months and don’t even bother fixing the issue. Please fix this issue.
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  • Wow. Just wow.

    You people are something else. Most of these reviews are iffy about your product but the idea seems helpful and useful so I decided to order a card and download the app. Not only has there been a “Technical Difficulties” error message for like a week, but also there’s no way to get ahold of a human being for customer service. Seriously? I have been charged a dollar numerous times to “verify” my debit card I’m trying to link yet I can’t link it. You’ve charged me but it says technical difficulties numerous times and will not let me proceed. You say there’s customer service to call but no, it’s an automated voice repeating your card balance or transactions. There’s no way to email apparently and the phone is useless. If you have a problem with them.. you’re basically on your own.
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  • Poor customer service and poor management!

    This company has no Idea how this new generation works. They block access for the smallest things often. The time consuming its really not worth it. Routes calls over seas and making it even harder to get a five minutes issue, turns more like an hour. From blocking you account for the dumbest reason to the amount of time you waste trying to fix THEIR mistakes its really not worth it. Great features but poor management for those same features. If you really like wasting time on the phone with someone you can barely understand and like to being ready to use your card and find out its not going through for no reason, especially when you know for sure you have the money then go ahead. Otherwise don’t waste your time with this card or service.
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  • Don’t use BlueBird customer service

    Use the ingo customer service, they apparently own blue bird now and are actually extremely helpful. For whatever reason though, bluebird still has a bluebird customer service being run except they just take your info and hang up on you when you try to call back. I’m guessing this is how everyone’s account is being hacked and stolen from. They are not apart of bluebird and are scammers that just lucked out with bluebirds old number on the back of the debit cards. Go through the app and call the ingo customer service (in the add funds portion of the app) they will get your stuff straightened out.
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  • So far not looking good!

    I created an account activated my card had access to the app a few days then all of a sudden it says my password is wrong... I’m positive it’s not I use the same one for everything then it asks me to answer my security question. Who is my best friend? My husband his name is 3 letters it’s says error can’t complete. So for days I cannot access the app I’ve tried to email myself the forgotten password link even though I shouldn’t have to at least 10 times not once did an email come through checked all folders just Incase. So now I have no access to see anything add money from my debit card like it said I could when I bought the card. It’s useless to me right now. I’m positive what my password is and my security question is yet it’s all in error and locked out. Or stuck on stupid I’m really frustrated I can’t believe this I used it 4 days and this is already all screwed up on me... what the heck is going on?
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