Inner Balance User Reviews

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  • Love it

    I’ve had my Inner Balance for about a week. Ive been testing it in many situations. During teaching my Yoga Nidra class, while walking the labyrinth, while clearing my chakras with binaural beats and hrz. While grounding and I must say the coolest thing that happened was when I touched an amethyst and how my heart rate variable mellowed out.
    I got a 100% in coherence for the first time tonight watching the main page of the ap while concentrating on my breath, and petting my puppy, and feeling grateful for her.
    If you like techy health gadgets I highly recommended this. Plus it makes you Meditate more since you made this investment.
    Suzi in WY
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  • Behind The Times

    This is absolutely one of (if not the) best app to reduce stress of all kinds and be introduced to a way of living and feeling that is truly from the heart. It requires the purchase of a sensor. What I don’t understand is why there isn’t an option to use the Apple Watch, especially for a Bay Area company. Steve Jobs would have been all over this app. I sure hope it isn’t about the revenue from the sensor, just make the option to use the Watch-as-sensor an in-app purchase and make your money. It will be much less costly than manufacturing and selling hardware and open up a new audience, those not interested in buying and managing another device. $9.99 to buy the Watch portion, or just call it ‘premium’ like all the other developers. Or, even though I am loathe to the subscription model, charge $3.99/month.
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  • Very good system to improve focus and concentration

    I’ve used many techniques for meditation and also tried a number of Apps. I have this one the most effective because of the ability to get instant feedback from a number of sources in this App. They have made it very easy to choose among a number of feedback displays. I’ve used them all and switch depending on my mood.

    If you tried meditation and not sure it’s working for you. You may want to give this system a try. It’s got all of the science to help keep you on track.
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  • I wish it had...

    I wish that the phone app had more of the capabilities that the computer program has like making the screen change with better coherence. That was my favorite. I also wish that the app could do a slide show of the pictures that we choose from our camera roll for our inspiration as well as I wish the app offered the music that comes with the computer program. Finding relaxing music is not my forte. However, I did finally figure out how to add one picture and one song that I was able to download. I am still very thankful for this app as I am learning how to use this tool to help me gain better control over my emotions. Thank you to the creators.
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  • Wanted to Love It

    This device and app were recommended to me by my naturopath. I had high hopes for it after using a device in his office and seeing how well it could work, but when I got my first sensor it just didn’t seem consistent. The times of high and low coherence seemed completely random, and were confirmed when I took the sensor off to troubleshoot and it continued “reading” my heart rate. I returned the monitor and was sent a new one. This one seemed slightly better, but still loses signal frequently, as I can see when using the app and the line is more faded. I started feeling again lately like the times of high and low coherence were random, and decided to wear both the HeartMath sensor and my husband’s Apple Watch at the same time. The readings are wildly different, and when my BPM lowered on the watch to say, 58, the HeartMath monitor would shoot up to 108. The heart rate variance on the Apple Watch is much more believable and consistent. I tried the sensor on both ears as well as the webbing bEtween my thumb and index finger. I may contact the company once more, but at this point I’m ready to give up on it.
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    Developer Response

    We’re sorry you are finding Inner Balance problematic. Please note some fundamental differences: 1. In standard use the Apple Watch reports averaged Heart Rate. This means it measures a number of heartbeats over time and averages out the values. This is useful for some health and sports applications. 2. In reality each heartbeat will vary across a range - this is called heart rate variability or HRV. 3. Inner Balance reports this variation, plots it, and applies the coherence algorithm to reflect the pattern of variation. Smoothing this pattern using quick coherence provides a beneficial psychological and physiological impact. Averaged readings to the watch should be similar. If you see wild variations as well as unusual spikes in the plots you might want to check the sensor position on your ear. The self oscillation you are reporting is a by-product of trying to achieve a very high gain to help people with weak pulse. As the sensor is hunting for a valid signal and adjusting its gain, it might in some cases look like a valid signal. Interaction with a real person will override this. You will see this pattern on other plethysmograph based sensors. Electrical pickups like Polar do not show this issue. We validate and calibrate our design using a broad range of people comparing against medical grade Electrocardiograms (ECG.) Please contact us to help you (800) 450-9111. We have hundreds of thousands happy users across the world and would want to count you among those. But if you are not happy, we will be glad to refund you. All the best, The HeartMath Team
  • Give your Meditation & your Heart a BOOST!

    Having feedback on my Heart Rate Variability (HRV) through InnerBalance app & Sensor, allows me to get more out of Meditations. By Practicing 3x/day for *only* 5 min each, I am experiencing greater Emotional Resilience—especially Resilience to Stress—during those days I practice (more days I practice, greater my resiliency). Also, with *only* 1x/week for 15+ min, I am building up my Capacity for Resiliency. Beyond Emotional Benefits, there are also Health Benefits – see: Moss, D. (2004). “Heart rate variability and biofeedback,” Psychophysiology Today: The Magazine for Mind-Body Medicine, 1, 4-11.
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  • Awesome validation of my inner state!

    Love this device. It has helped me to tune in to my emotional and physical states. Now I know what it "feels" like to be in Balance & I can replicate it without the device.

    As a HeartMath Certified Master Trainer, Coach and Mentor, I refer to this as “emotional boot camp" - flex those emotional muscles &, over time, you raise your personal emotional threshold. What derailed you when you began longer has the intensity of significance! Under pressure, you are better equipped to handle what arises by “responding” rather than “default reaction”. This has been transformational in my life - helps me to "be the best version of me" - priceless
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  • Amazing Tool!

    I have been using the HeartMath desktop version which I love and I’m grateful that the Inner Balance App offers a lot of the same features. My favorite screen is the one that shows your coherence as a numeric score. I find this helpful to see what score comes with the slow, rhythmic breathing and how that changes when positive emotion is added to it.

    One thing that has been especially great in using the HeartMath technologies is that I am becoming more used to being in a coherent state and it’s starting to feel strange when I feel stress and now I catch any moments quickly and can then shift them.

    Thanks for creating great stuff HeartMath!!!
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  • Easy and effective

    HeartMath is an easy but very effective method that can be done anywhere anytime, eyes open or eyes closed. The app is important to make sure you are going into coherence because some people, especially meditators, think they are in coherence when they are actually not. HeartMath has a profound effect on our entire being. Coherent energy radiates out to every cell in our body and to the people and beings around us. When you are coherent, the environment and people around you tend to become coherent. Win/win.
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  • Buggy as all get-out

    Two years after writing this review unfortunately nothing has changed. I also see others commenting on the unreliability of HeartMath's extremely expensive but poorly made hardware. To plug in the sensor, connect it up and be told "No heartbeat detected" is supremely frustrating - the exact opposite of the relaxed experience HeartMath sells for big bucks. To have to replace a $125 sensor every year or so to maintain a product is not an option especially when the hardware costs HeartMath about $5. Shameful.

    When it works (on my iPhone) it's great. But for the past 4 months, every time I've tried to use Inner Balance, it crashes after about 4-5 minutes, taking my session data with it. I wouldn't recommend any of HeartMath's products. The software is poorly written and the hardware doesn't last. I've had lots of problems with their emWave2 as well as it's software simply not work as it should. Good ideas; extremely poor execution which renders their products virtually useless. As HeartMath charges a pretty penny for their products I wouldn't recommend any of it as it's extremely poor value for the money.
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