User Reviews: Fast Like a Girl

Top reviews

  • Buggy

    There is good information in the app and it has so much potential. However, it hasn’t been updated in over a year. The app stays in the nature phase, no matter what you select. I had a hysterectomy and do not have a ‘cycle’ and selected moon phase, but it just stays in the nutrients phase like everyone else says.

    Currently I am using MyFitnessPal and another fasting app to track everything. It would be so nice to have this app work and have everything in one place, even if I had to pay a small subscription fee - having tools that work would be fantastic.
  • Please fix bugs!

    This is an amazing idea for an app. The info is great and super helpful—and I was so excited thinking it would help me stay on track with my food. It is stuck in the nurture phase though and the cycle calendar doesn’t seem to be working. All the dates on the calendar are 1 or 2. Everyday it says I’m still on day 20 of my cycle. I’m not using moon phase—just regular cycle. If they just fix the calendar so it syncs up with my cycle this app would be amazing!
    Tracking fasts and a food macro reference guide would be great bonuses.
  • So much potential

    The APP could be really awesome but it does not follow the cycle properly. After putting in my cycle date it puts me on the wrong time in the fasting cycle, I thought I found a hack by using the last day of my last period but then the app will randomly put me on a different day in the cycle. For instance, today I should be home in feasting and it’s got me in the power phase. The. Tracking app portion isn’t very good either. The information section on keto biotic and hormone feasting is nice. You can’t track your food and you can’t plan ahead. I really wish they would fix these things in the app because this could be a really awesome app to track your period tracker food intake, and keep up with the proper fasting cycles. Everyone I know who has read the book feels like they want a good app.
  • Wrong Recommendations

    I was so excited to find this app however, there are some bugs that need to be addressed. For instance, the Day 1-10 Power Phase lists the wrong food recommendation and the supplements are for the wrong phase. Initially, I had trouble with entering my cycle it kept putting me in the wrong phase but somehow it corrected to the right phase. I also noticed the formatting does not fit my screen, dates of the calendar are cut off. I think this could be a 5-star app if bugs are corrected and more options such as food tracking are available to personalize each user’s experience.
  • Great resource, but unusable

    The fact that you can’t adjust your cycle on the app makes it basically unusable, which is unfortunate for those of us who long for a pocket resource to Dr Mindy’s fantastic book. Because many of us are perimenopause, and ovulation days fluctuate (immediately after bleed, double ovulation/peak days, 10 day mark, 17 day mark, etc,) there needs to be a way to tailor it to each woman’s unique fertility cycle. If cycles could be adjusted - adjust period dates, ability to add in when ovulation occurs, etc - it would be a great app & I’d even pay for it! Unfortunately I’m deleting it because it’s just taking up space.
  • So much potential…

    While the app has the basics from the book, which is great, there’s so much more I’d love to see (and would potentially pay for). A couple things that would make a world of difference are: I wish it said which cycle day I am on (and potentially have the ability to enter ovulation) not just the phase. This would reduce the need for an additional cycle tracking app and aid in planning ahead. I wish it had a fasting timer, again, reducing the need for another app and switching between multiple ones to see what cycle day I’m on, what phase I’m in, and how long to adjust my fast for. I also would like to see it have a calendar to see where I’m at in my cycle and when my period is predicted, etc. and include historical data such as how long I fasted for each day. - incorporate the 30-day reset into the app!

    Additionally, it obviously needs some fixes since it doesn’t move through the days and phases correctly. For me, it went from manifestation right into nurture on day 16 and skipped power phase 2. Not very helpful!
  • So much potential…

    While the app has the basics from the book, which is great, there’s so much more I’d love to see (and would potentially pay for). A couple things that would make a world of difference are:
    - I wish it said which cycle day I am on (and potentially have the ability to enter ovulation) not just the phase. This would reduce the need for an additional cycle tracking app and aid in planning ahead.
    - I wish it had a fasting timer, again, reducing the need for another app and switching between multiple ones to see what cycle day I’m on, what phase I’m in, and how long to adjust my fast for.
    - I also would like to see it have a calendar to see where I’m at in my cycle and when my period is predicted, etc. and include historical data such as how long I fasted for each day.
    - incorporate the 30-day reset into the app!
  • Couldn’t get past set up

    Unfortunately, I can’t say how good or bad this app is at whatever it’s supposed to be able to do because it won’t let me enter accurate information in the initial profile setup. It asks for the last date of your period but won’t let you enter a date more than 30 days in the past. What about those of us in menopause?! I guess we are no longer considered “girls.” I *could* select “Moon Phase,” I guess, but I have no idea what that is. I haven’t read the whole book yet. Maybe it’s in there but I couldn’t find it in the index. This app needs some serious help.
  • Shows the wrong phase

    The App has some good information but consistently gets the cycle phases wrong. You are supposed to be able to enter the date of your last period and it will show you what phase of your cycle you are in and there provide recommendations on fasting, eating, exercise, and more. Unfortunately, it seems to be stuck on the “Nurture” phase (days 21-28 of your cycle). I tried changing around the dates to no avail.
    There seems to be an option to not follow your moon cycle, however, when I deselect the moon cycle it stays stuck on the “Power” phase (days 1-10).
    It would be great if we could follow along with our cycle, which seems to be the idea. Also, it would bale sense to let us scroll through the phases of our cycle so we can plan ahead.
    If they could fix this problem, the app would be amazing but sadly it isn’t working.
    Finally, I would recommend adding features for us to track our fasts and food that we eat so we can monitor our protein and carb intake. However, if they could just fix the moon cycle feature, that would be a good start.
  • So far so good!

    For those having problems with days not aligning with cycle, I took my settings OFF “Use Moon Cycle” and it seems to be back on track.

    App seems to be designed to provide bullet point information personalized to your cycle. I really like it! Good for what it is and sure appreciate all the info in one place!!

    I agree with others that an option for interactive tracking (in addition to the current moods/flow/sleep/appetite) be a nice next upgrade (ie logging fasting lengths; check boxes for supplements consumed; an overview style calendar to see what’s coming up next or a graphing overview to see trends or correlation between appetite/sleep/enegy/flow/mood and days.)

    Thanks for this. And for changing the world one lady at a time, reminding me we were designed and have evolved to go without food for periods of time; that we need to rest our digestive system to heal.

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