User Reviews: Fast Like a Girl

Top reviews

  • Useless

    Bought the book. Wanted to use the app as a supplemental resource. It’s horrible. First of all, you can’t even scroll all the way down to read all info on a page. Text and images overlap, as if it weren’t built for a mobile device. Secondly, as I read in other reviews, there is no information to help for those of us who have an IUD and do not menstruate. No explanation of what the moon phase is or how to track using that option. I too, just like other reviewers, am now stuck on day 20. Until they completely revamp this app, the book alone will have to do.
  • This app and its contents will keep you miserable

    Downloaded the app before reading the book. First, there is no new relevant information in the book or the app. I still decided to give it a try, the experience was unpleasant, to say the least. I don’t like being hungry, which I am never on a regular Keto with IF. This app and the ideas of the book put me in a constant hangry state. Deleted both - the app and the book. Going back to my OMAD keto.
    On top of everything, the app keeps changing phases and really needs a lot of work. Very raw product.
  • Has loads of potential!

    This has so much potential to really make this fasting journey so simple and easy to understand and follow. I’m post menopausal and want to follow the moon cycle but it has me in bleeding phase when the new moon is a week away. The app really needs a fasting timer as well and a calendar or something to keep track of your fasts.
    Love Dr Mindy and have told so many about you and your books. You are definitely on the right track with this app and I know you are always working to improve it. I believe the app can be life changing for so many. Can’t wait for all the bugs to get worked out!!
  • App does not work

    Great idea of this app, however it does not perform the main function it was set out to to - track the cycle. I hope the bug is fixed soon and so many people can benefit from it. I truly loved the book, it was eye opening and very easy to understand. Thank you Dr. Mindy!

    Will really look forward to bug fixes and using this app along with my new fasting lifestyle!
  • So much potential…but it’s crap

    It wouldn’t be hard for any reasonable app developer to put in the functionality needed as a true companion to Dr. Pelz’s excellent book. The ability to put in your actual cycle dates (it just asked during setup for your last period, but there’s no option to edit), so you can truly see what phase you’re in and get recommendations for fast length and foods—this is SO basic! But, for example, I’m still 12 days out from starting my cycle and the app is telling me I’m already in it. Come on!
    What would make this app truly great in addition would be a fast timer/tracker like the Zero app, and a weight log. Back to the drawing board! Hire a real developer!
  • Stuck in Nurture Phase

    I want to love this app (and I will say Dr Pelz is amazing and I am so grateful for her life-changing work), but the app just doesn’t work. It had me in days 16-19 power phase for 1 day and then went to Nurture Phase for the past 13 days. This has happened to me several other times. I’m deleting it, because it confuses me as to where I actually am. I’m feeling a little frustrated about information for how to track when you don’t have a cycle as well. I am on an IUD and have maybe 2 days of a little spotting. I haven’t found the answers- am I out of the Nurture phase when I stop bleeding? How do you tell? Really wish the app could be relied on.
  • Doesn’t work - problems

    Agree with other reviewer.

    Downloaded last night, in putted period start. Correctly had me in Manifestation. I should be in the 4 day Power Phase today. But it’s showing Nurture phase.

    Like the concept but the apps utility seems extremely limited.

    —wish there was an easy, clear calendar to track and log fasting hours or to select desired fast length and input time of last calorie intake and have it start a timer for you. Then you could see your fasting history over time.
    —combine period tracking with fasting tracking. Cycle lengths. Visibility into how your cycle might adjust in parallel to fasting regimen.
    —envision the best period tracker combined with best fasting tracker.
    —design is pretty, but static and clunky

    Pro—finally someone who gets appetite related to hormone cycles. No period tracker gets that! They make it all about tracking cravings (the whole pms cliché of just wanting sweets and carbs and sitting on the couch—drives me crazy).

    Whats real for me (and many other ladies I’ve talked to) is a surge in *hunger* at ovulation and at the week before my period starts. I call it the bottomless pit syndrome. I have no desire for the “bag of potato chips” — I still eat my typical foods, but I am hungry almost immediately after eating and can’t get satiated. No one talks about this except for on random Reddit threads.

    Excited to see this app recognizes that phenomenon but the execution isn’t there yet.
  • Incorrect phase

    Same issue for me as someone else mentioned. I should be in day 16 - 19 of my cycle which is a power phase but the app skipped it so it went straight to day 20 to bleed which is the nurture phase. I was hoping I wouldn’t have to do a separate calendar every cycle to keep track since the app would have everything I needed but unfortunately it has that issue. 😢
  • Not working well, no support from the support team

    It’s a great idea , and would be even better if it actually worked. I tried to delete the app and reinstall it and the same problem continues. It stops on day 20th and doesn’t go any further . I contacted support team twice . First time over a week ago , 2nd time 3 days ago , no help, no answer, no fix . Said .
  • Good concept bad execution

    While it shows you your current phase it doesn’t show which day you are at in that range. For example if you are in the manifest are phase ( day 11 through 15) it doesn’t show which day in that phase you are on. If I want to do a 24 hour fast on day 16 I don’t have a way to prepare without using my own separate tracking calendar which really defeats the purpose of this one. It’s extremely basic and not very helpful which is a shame. There is a lot of good information in the book and a working, cohesive app would be a helpful way to reference it all.

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