User Reviews: Fast Like a Girl

Top reviews

  • Lack of Applicable Info

    This could be so much better. Not sure if the tracking works but when in the cycle module on left, FOOD lists one good item - one! Why not make this a useful app and list ALL the recommended foods from the book for that phase? Same with supplements - instead of using shorthand, write out the actual names for non-medical folks. So many opportunities to make this app really helpful.
  • I love the concept it just does not work correctly

    I love the concept and it worked great for the first few weeks and then it didn’t . It puts me in a different phase like five days too early. I should be at the beginning of my power phase 2 on today which is the 16th day, and it already has me in the nurture phase. It’s not that big a deal because I keep up with my cycle via the calendar and I put my faces in my phone so that I can fast accordingly and if I didn’t know I wouldn’t know… Please fix it because I so want it to work correctly because all the tips and tricks that you offer on here are absolutely amazing
  • Confused

    I just started listening to mindy pelz and I love what she is saying. I’ve been struggling with menstruation pain for a long time and the doctors are not helpful they recommend a hysterectomy. I really like this app because it’s easy to use simple direct and helps me understand from day to day what I can be doing found in one place. But it took me from day 15 to day 20 in one day and I’m not sure how to bring it back to where I am. Please trouble shoot because I want to utilize this tool in my fasting lifestyle journey!! Thank you so much for Al the research and information you share!
  • Won’t even open

    I enter the date of my last period and it jumps to the next screen and then immediately back to asking the last date of my period again. I have deleted the app and reloaded 3 times and rebooted my phone twice, same result every time, cannot get past date screen. Very disappointing.
  • Want to live this app but…

    Want to live this app but it’s not there yet, so we can only be friends for now. Keeps crashing. All the text and images overlap and you can see everything. Needs a lot of help… iOS v16.5 iPhone 12 mini.

    Update: I’ve realized that the app doesn’t support Dynamic Type text sizing. I’m guessing most people that are using this for their menopausal reset will have dynamic type text size set to a larger display. Therefore, it would be beneficial for this app to be able to incorporate that the design so you can see the text and not have look all overlapping…
  • A more user UNfriendly app there never was.

    I don’t know what the exact purpose of this app as, but it’s stuck on one cycle page…the manifestation cycle…and I can’t change the day or do ANYTHING useful with it. I loved the book Fast Like a Girl and I’ve heard Dr. Pelz talk up this app like it’s amazing. Not. It’s horrible y’all. Don’t even bother with it. I found another one called Simple that is working better for tracking my fasting. Dr. Pelz has missed the boat on this one. In fact if it worked and I could actually adjust and track my daily fasts with it according to cycle, I’d plunk down money for it. As is, this thing is useless and it kinda makes Dr. Pelz seem disingenuous.
  • Why isn’t there an IF timer???

    I was pretty excited to have a cycle tracking app that also includes intermittent fasting. It is useful in that it gives recommendations based on where I am in my cycle. But why is there no IF timer??? Then I could delete my IF app and do everything in one spot! You missed an opportunity there.
  • It’s All Over The Place

    The first day was great. It gave me the right day when I was fasting. The next day it said I was on day 20 when the previous day I was day 11. Also, it doesn’t let you allow to edit when you had your period. I’m not always regular so I would have to delete the app and start all over again. Great book but this app sucked.
  • Could be SO GOOD

    Just doesn't seem to work. I'm on cycle day 16. Every other counter I have says day 16. My planner where I write everything down says day 16. This app says day 20 and I should be fasting less than 13 hours. I went back to see if I entered it wrong, but there it is, 16 days ago, announcing day 1...but yet, still with the day 20 advice. There is a LOT on here that I want to love, but it just doesn't see ready yet.
  • Skips the Power Phase Day 16-19

    I love the idea of the app. It was easier to look at the app and see what phase I am supposed to be in. Worked fine on days 1 through day 15. Once I got to day 16 it fast forwarded me to day 20. I tried to adjust my cycle to see if I could trigger the Power phase day 16-19 but it just skipped it. I love the little tidbits in the app but would like to see a list of the ketogenic and the hormone boosting foods.

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