Timing – Calendar & Planner

Timing – Calendar & Planner

Mindful Organizer & To Do List

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Version History of Timing


November 21, 2023

## Improvements --- - Natural language input continues to get more robust, able to better magically interpret many more more abstract/casual presentations of date/time. - It also won’t trip up when trying to add to a date in the future, whether next week or next year. - You can add things to “someday” now too, resulting in them being sent to your Inbox’s unscheduled list. - Leading dashes show besides live/next Agenda pills, to be consistent with other timed entries. In general, on the light theme, these should be a bit more subtle. - Menu items for your gaps should have more clear language, and more sensible ordering of items with less visual noise due to unnecessary symbols/colors. - Speed in which you’re taken to entry if you choose to add a new task/event from here should be super quick too. - Placeholder string in anytime text field on the Day view more helpful for day after tomorrow onwards: indicate how many days from today the addition will be for. - Entries on Day view slightly more compact in feel. - More compact emojis when appropriate to avoid top edge clipping, whether in Day view or on a time keyboard. - Improved appearance, position and tap target for [x more] button when there is a task overflow on Day view. Transition between toggle states improved too. - Placeholder text on add text fields reset to ”Add…” when appropriate. - Placeholder text on Unscheduled widget in Week view updates when you are in the process of adding items, and is also more succinct for 2 weeks from now and onwards. - There’s no hint of animation lag when doing so, and when you’re done, keyboard dismisses immediately. - Background changes smoothly when going into the app menu and transitioning back into the main app. - When you resume the app and the day has changed since the last session, the greeting that slides down will stay up for a more reasonable time. - Can now better tell that something is starting before the start of the hour on the Day view. - Completed task cards are no longer translucent but have a reduced opacity. - Removed unnecessary stroke on task cards for cleaner appearance. - Task cards in entry’s time keyboard appear consistent to other instances (no ghost checkmark). - Open pinned notes doesn’t have text unnecessarily animate in/out. - More descriptive strings when you have slipped items from earlier today, yesterday or last week in Anytime on your Agenda. ## Fixed --- - Natural language input will make sure interpreted strings do not end with an incorrect suffix. - When your natural language input changes an event to a task (or vice-versa), the selected calendar/list will visibly update to reflect this. - No unnecessary leading/trailing spacing when you only have unscheduled tasks for anytime today in Agenda. - Consistent space between unscheduled and scheduled entries in Agenda. - Year in progress shouldn’t momentarily flash when going from Day back to Agenda, or when toggling filters in Agenda. - No unnecessary animation on count badge on Inbox cards when navigating between them. - On the first day of a week, if you had any flex last week tasks that were not completed, they will show under slipped in your Agenda.



November 13, 2023

## Improvements --- - Natural language input gets even better by now being able to capture emoji (when at the start of the title) as well as hashtags (anywhere). Estimates are now understood too for tasks. - Additionally, it should be more versatile in general to detect dates and times irrespective of how they are typed in. - If you specify a time relatively speaking (e.g. in 30 mins), it will deduce an optimal time (i.e. minute is a multiple of 5). - Notifications for anything happening tomorrow or later will begin with the day/date to reduce confusion, and only highlights start time when dealing with something quite far away. - No unnecessary ~ besides estimate duration in entry or filters list. - Metadata associated with tasks or events now show before the title on cards for better scannability. - Tags on card should be more legible, and look more consistent across cards. - Won’t show header when there’s no events/tasks within on Day view for past days. - Text sizes increased on Day view and background colors tweaked for improved legibility/better feel. - More proportionally padded [Add/Update] button on entry. ## Fixed --- - When you select a start date in a multi-day entry, focus correctly shifts to select a start date. - If the start date you selected happens to have been the previous end date, then the end date will now automatically move to the next day. - Shouldn’t state there are slipped items from yesterday in your Agenda incorrectly (and when toggling the list on, showing nothing). - Won’t receive notifications for tasks that have been completed ahead of time. - Similarly, any items that were deleted will not have a notification incorrectly sent at any point. - Possibility of duplicate entries anywhere should be greatly reduced. - Won’t ever show a gap as the first item in your Agenda. - Also, gaps should always show between the items they’re for, and never on top. - Tapping on Agenda chart will show time in the correct position. - Emojis on regular Agenda widget will be better aligned with the proceeding text. - When Agenda widget overflows, no text should be cutoff. - Correct times should always display in entry’s time keyboard after they were set through natural language. - When you are in a fullscreen recurring task that is overdue, setting it to complete will remove overdue tag. - Should no longer see splash screen when resuming the app for the first time after a new launch. - Won’t receive notifications for cancelled events, or any you declined an invitation for.



November 6, 2023

## New --- - Natural language input is now possible in *any* entry textbox. It can currently detect dates and times mentioned in the inputted title, and convert them intelligently. We will be extending its capabilities over time so it’s able to similarly detect any other piece of metadata, such as recurrence, task estimate, energy etc. ## Improvements --- - Post-it w/ pinned items will only ever show when you have 1 or more. - +1 on Tab Bar icons after adding an entry won’t look as heavy. - Agenda chart will optimise color of colored bars (representing hours with entries) to ensure they are always visible, regardless of theme and accent. - Similarly, any text fields caret will be clearly visible regardless of theme/accent picked… and colored to accent if appropriate now. - Calendar clip will appear/disappear more smoothly, and have a nicer more subtle shadow regardless of theme or accent. - Chevron below current hour on Agenda chart should be more visible. ## Fixed --- - Rare crash on start-up when you have pinned specific items should never occur. - Offset of chevron below current time on Agenda chart will be correctly positioned regardless of screen size. - Slipped from earlier today pinned reminder won’t say ”0 days overdue” when you open up pinned items’ post-it. - When brightness is set to 100%, color picker will work correctly detecting all changes as you drag between options. - Wrong background color won’t ever show when you open custom color picker. - Brightness dial should look full when it says 100%. - Post-it won’t jump when you are in split-screen, and either tap into a card or open entry. - Toast notification won’t show in split-screen. - When Agenda widget is full, there won’t be an unnecessary top gap. - Agenda widget shouldn’t incorrectly not load stating calendar permission denied. - When going back to Agenda from Week, there should be no issues: 1) date should be correct and 2) calendar clip should come back without any visual issues.



October 13, 2023

## New --- - Subscriptions now have family sharing turned on. ## Improvements --- - Editing an item — regardless of where you trigger an edit from — should open up the entry interface just as fast as when you hit [+]. - When you leave split-screen calendar mode, earlier today won’t visibly scroll up during the transition back to default. - When you receive a notification for an event that is happening tomorrow or later, this will be clearly communicated. Previously, regardless of event date, they all looked like an alert for something happening today. - Calendar weeks have reduced vertical spacing between rows only when necessary: on a smaller phone + on a month with 6 weeks displayed. - Improved removal transition of section when you finish all your anytime tasks for the day. - When you [Schedule] items in your Inbox, cards will jiggle and have a draggable symbol cue too… similar to doing so from anytime today in your Agenda. - Inbox count at the top animates nicely when you [Schedule] items. - Nicer gear icon for settings on the Focus (timer) screen, and also a bit higher up away from core UI. - Keyboard doesn’t unnecessarily bounce when adding items to anytime on the Day view. - Consistent spacing below anytime today toggles and items on Agenda. - Faster open/close of anytime tasks too. - Tap target on concurrent live entries in Focus much better. - Transition when toggling list on Focus much nicer. - Consistent trailing padding for [Schedule] on Inbox cards compared to task cards within. - Energy keyboard responds to taps too now (and doesn’t require a drag). It will be more bouncy too. - No unnecessary text animations when you change value on energy, priority and LNO keyboards. - Chevron under current hour on Agenda’s chart correctly offset whether post-it on it or not. - Calendar date on clip transitions between when toggling split-screen mode. - Early hours on Agenda chart consistently distinct whether or not it’s where post-it is located. - Slipped and Unscheduled inbox cards have reduced top padding. - Better transition from Inbox card to split-screen scheduler. - Cleaner transition when you [Schedule] on anytime Agenda today. ## Fixed --- - No jagged edges on post-it note. - When switching between concurrent live events in Focus, time will be correct. - When you remove an event/task from today, Anytime on Agenda won’t animate incorrectly. - The +1 over Anytime won’t get clipped as it travels up. - Custom accent picker won’t incorrectly have a red background, and have the rest of UI indicate a mono black is picked. - When you go into the app menu, you shouldn’t ever see an underlay of your calendar. - Keyboard hides if up when you tap on a task to open fullscreen. - No floating ”Today” title when you press [Schedule] in Inbox.



October 10, 2023

## New --- - Everything upgrade is now available: you can either subscribe with a 7-day free trial, or — as a big thank you for being early — we’re delighted to also offer the chance to purchase lifetime access to our Everything upgrade. Tap on the top left app menu, and then ”Everything” for more details and to proceed with a purchase. ## Improvements --- - No keyboard bounce when you are adding tasks to top of mind on your Agenda for today. - When adding via top of mind on Agenda, the unscheduled list does not expand into view if it was collapsed. Instead you get a subtle animation to confirm entry success and indicating where the item lives. - On a similar note, there’s no toast notification when this occurs because it was considered as an unnecessary distraction. Too many things going on is unhelpful/overwhelming. - Several crash fixes for improved overall stability. - Calendar pulldown layout optimised for smaller and bigger screen sizes (less or more vertical spacing between week rows). - [Reset] button in Focus less faded out when in a disabled state. - Expanding/collapsing anytime tasks on today’s Agenda should feel better. - Subtle fade on leading/trailing edges of anytime tasks when there are multiple toggles. - Improved count animation when anytime tasks change, and the count is more prominent in general. - Faster transition when you [Schedule] anytime today tasks. - Unscheduled week tasks have bigger text size. - Adding to an unscheduled week will add it to the top. - No keyboard bounce here either. - […] menu distinguishes today and tomorrow for unscheduled week tasks, and adds a “Next week” option too. - Expanding/collapsing overflow tasks on a Day view will be more snappy with no transition issues. - Improved haptics when customising accent color/brightness level. - Pinned task that’s completed will be crossed out on post-it. - Drag visual cue on task cards when you [Schedule] anytime tasks for today. - Past and future dates from the previous/next month on the Month widget have a more faint appearance than dates form current month. ## Fixed --- - Doesn’t say “Not energy set” on energy keyboard when no value set. - If you are scheduling tasks for the day, and have moved your post-it to a custom location, when dragging over a day or week, the post-it won’t be visible. - Settings should not be overly stretched ever, regardless of display settings. - No Agenda chart UI clips underneath calendar clip when the current hour is midnight.



October 3, 2023

## New --- - We originally shipped with eight accent colors. We had thought about adding more options to pick from, but we decided what would be best is if we allowed you to pick *any* color: use our intuitive new color picker to select any accent color. To have made the wait worth it, we’ve also made optimisations so that if you decide to go with a color theme, everything will look good regardless of color picked. - On a similar note, we’re aware our italicised font — used most visibly on the Agenda’s calendar bookmark clip — isn’t to everyone’s taste. So, in Settings, you now have new options to pick from that are less opinionated: condensed, standard and round. Changing to any of these does impact the app’s overall feel, so hopefully there is one that suits you. - Previously, you could start a timer for an estimated task only. For those ad-hoc scenarios when a timer (focus!) is required, you can now long-press on the [+] and select “Start a timer”. Doing so asks you to select a timer duration before you’re taken to Focus mode. From here, it works the same as previous sessions linked to an actual task. - The long-pressed [+] also gives additional options for the type of entry you wish to add, so it pre-populates the entry form accordingly. ## Improvements --- - Small tweaks to the initial onboarding screen to make it a little more playful. - Transition between themes if you press on the discreet [Good _____] button should be nicer. - Timer text size reduced only if length is 100 mins or above. - More clear strings to describe background options for Focus. - Live activity will appear much quicker when leaving the app during a Focus session. - Multi-line tasks in Inbox will have their checkbox aligned to top of card. ## Fixed --- - When incrementing 60 mins on timer, slider should continue to function always. - Opening a fullscreen card should have all its elements be immediately tappable. - No overrun of title text on Focus session beyond a single line. - Can now drag end time to be before 1am on time keyboard edits. - Shouldn’t have the editable slot on a time keyboard to suddenly become disabled after changes. - When you background out of the app when in Focus mode, when you resume, time remaining should be correct. - Border on task cards on Day view as well as week entry on Agenda. - [Stop] on live activity for a Focus session should work again. - Hitting [Rewind] in Focus after resuming the app will correctly reset the clock. - No event not found error message when opening notification related to a focus timer finishing. - Going into overtime, or adding more time, at the end of a Focus timer session will work correctly.



September 22, 2023

## New --- - New option in top-right of Focus to select its wallpaper. ## Improvements --- - Adding time, or going into overtime, in Focus once the timer is up will not have started the clock before you’ve confirmed a choice. - Changing start time on time keyboard by tapping on it will preserve event length. - Changing from a list (task) to calendar (event) will preserve the date you had selected in entry. - Tapping anywhere on the chart on top of Agenda will briefly reveal the time on the point you touched. - You can now once again swipe to dismiss fullscreen cards, except we’re now following system convention by accepting an leading edge dismiss. - Cleaned up empty states in Discover. ## Fixed --- - When you go into overtime in Focus, time will be displayed correctly. - When you add time after the Focus timer is up, time will be displayed correctly. - Tap targets on monthly calendar widget will work as expected. - If app resumes in a new day, and you were previously on the Day or Week views, it will know to move to the next day (or week if you have entered a new week). - Choosing delete or delegate on an Eisenhower entry will fix the correct slot. - When switching from a color theme to non-color, entry keyboards should update and not retain their color theme. - Potential fix for when you hit [Back to top] mid-animation scroll on Agenda and it doesn’t register. - Post-it will be positioned correctly when on Week view and calendar pulled down to its compact state.



September 21, 2023

## Improvements --- ### Focus - To reduce any confusion (and keep things simple), live events in Focus mode don’t have any interactive controls: the time simply counts down to its finish. The ability to manipulate the timer is only available for tasks. - When in deep focus, you can tap anywhere to toggle timer active state. - Accessing a live estimated task in Focus will prompt you on whether you want to reset the timer to the original full estimate. - Accessing a live task that’s not estimated will ask you whether you want to set a timer for it. - Transition into Focus should be nicer whether you enter in deep focus or not. - No references to focus session anymore — keep it simple: it’s a timer! - Text below focused entry will show appropriate text based on whether you are accessing a live entry or not. - Nicer transition of timer clock. - When you are in Focus, screen won’t turn off. --- - Estimated tasks that are happening now will show remaining time on their fullscreen card. - Estimated tasks with a reminder set on Agenda view will show their end time. - If they’re live, you will get a live line run through it too indicating how much time to go, similar to live events. You will have access to their [Notes] via a single tap too. - In-app toasts slide in more smoothly. - Post-it pinned notes will have an optimal size/text spacing based on number of entries it holds. - Dragging the top area via calendar clip won’t be a struggle anymore: it will follow your finger movement. - The view picker should be more visible when there’s content underneath. - Emoji on entries in the month calendar widget should not break layout alignment. - On the time keyboard you can drag/drop over any time (previously, nearby minute intervals where inaccessible, including the time within event start/end time). - Won’t get a misleading visible cue that you can drop on a past time when you hover over. - Notes on a fullscreen event card should show instantly with no scrolling issues. - More start-up optimisations to prevent crashing. ## Fixed --- - Month calendar widget days of week start on a Monday. - Cold-launching the app from month calendar widget’s day pane will not result in navigation issues. - Pausing the timer in Focus when you are in overflow should show correct time. - [+] shouldn’t get clipped on regular sized widget even when there’s an overflow of items. - No reference to a rogue [Auto] button when you open the split-screen scheduler for the first time. - All in-app toast notifications will be bottom padded consistently (not too close to a notch). - Live tasks won’t ever show as overdue. - [In x mins] aligned horizontally same as other buttons such as [Live] on Agenda view. - Live activity for Focus won’t have title text run over two lines. - When you enter a new day, app should be resilient and not crash when you resume into (or if you were on the app at the time too). - Chevron indicating time now on Agenda chart should be positioned correctly on bigger devices (Max). - Transition of notification when app updated should work again.



September 18, 2023

A hot-fix for the last update to ensure users with write-only calendar permission are prompted to upgrade to full access when updating to the latest version.  This aside, so much new! Here’s the highlights: * You can now tap on [Live] to see a countdown of time remaining on any active event or reminded task. But there’s more — if you have a task with an estimate set, tapping into their fullscreen card enables you to begin a focus session for them too by pressing the [Play] button. If you stay on this screen, and leave the app, you’ll get a live activity running for the time remaining and a notification when time is up. This is just the start though. We have so many cool things planned to make timing actually help you get _through_ your lists of things. * You can now change your theme to be colourful based on the accent colour. Like the above, expect way more control to come in future updates. * The existing Agenda widget is interactive! * There’s a new Month widget that is interactive too :) * Long-press on the post-it note of pinned items to enable you to move its location and be universally accessible if you wish. And so much more!



September 18, 2023

So much new! Here’s the highlights: * You can now tap on [Live] to see a countdown of time remaining on any active event or reminded task. But there’s more — if you have a task with an estimate set, tapping into their fullscreen card enables you to begin a focus session for them too by pressing the [Play] button. If you stay on this screen, and leave the app, you’ll get a live activity running for the time remaining and a notification when time is up. This is just the start though. We have so many cool things planned to make timing actually help you get _through_ your lists of things. * You can now change your theme to be colourful based on the accent colour. Like the above, expect way more control to come in future updates. * The existing Agenda widget is interactive! * There’s a new Month widget that is interactive too :) * Long-press on the post-it note of pinned items to enable you to move its location and be universally accessible if you wish. And so much more!


Timing In-App Purchases History


Everything (Monthly)

Unlocks every premium feature


Everything (Yearly)

Unlocks every premium feature


Everything upgrade (lifetime)

Unlocks every premium feature forever

Price History of Timing

Description of Timing

Looking for a way to simplify your life and boost productivity? Look no further than timing – the ultimate mobile planning tool!  An intuitive timeline seamlessly combines your events & tasks, so no more context switching is required. And — best of all — there's no login required. timing is compatible with all your existing calendars and reminder lists synced to your device. Your data is always private and secure. Here's how timing can help you maximize your productivity: Focus — Our immersive timers will empower you to get through your lists, and make the most out of your time. Recall — You can pin what’s important so it always stays on top of mind. Organize – You can customise each entry leveraging our rich metadata library that includes #tags, emojis and much more, to help you stay organised. Reflect – Our powerful filters let you see how you're spending your time from a variety of perspectives. Slice and dice your commitments by the calendar or list they belong to, their day of the week, time of day, priority, tags, emojis, energy-level and so much more. You'll be amazed at the insights you gain! Discover — External calendars ensure you stay up-to-date and don’t ever miss out on local events, live sports & important dates. And so much more! Note-taking, time blocking, gap management, widgets, notifications, alerts, dark mode, theming etc. Notes: In order to gain access to timing’s full feature set, you will need to upgrade to its Everything plan. This is available as a lifetime purchase or monthly/annual subscription. A lifetime purchase gives you access to everything for forever in return for a one-time payment. The subscription plans come with a free 7-day trial. If you cancel the subscription within the trial period, you will not be charged. If you decide to proceed with a subscription beyond the trial, please note subscriptions will then automatically renew unless cancelled within 24 hours before the end of the current period. You can turn off auto-renewals at any time by going to your Account Settings on the App Store after a purchase. All payments will be charged to your Apple ID account at the confirmation of purchase. To be clear, for the lifetime purchase, this occurs immediately, whereas for subscriptions, this will occur once the free trial period is complete.
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Timing: FAQ

Is Timing compatible with iPad devices?

No, Timing doesn’t work on iPad devices.

Who released the Timing app?

Mindful Productivity Company is the developer of the app.

What is the minimum iOS version for the Timing app?

Timing currently supports iOS 17.0 or later.

What user rating does Timing have?

The Timing app receives plenty of reviews and currently has a great user rating of 4.7.

What app category is Timing?

Productivity Is The App Genre Of The Timing App.

What Timing application version is the latest one?

1.1.9 is the most recent version of Timing.

What date was the latest Timing update?

The latest Timing update came out on September 19, 2024.

What was the Timing release date?

Timing was first released on February 6, 2023.

What’s the age rating for the Timing app?

Mindful Productivity Company: Contains no objectionable material.

What are the languages offered by Timing?

The Timing app can be used in English.

Is Timing one of the titles available through Apple Arcade?

No, Timing is not part of Apple Arcade.

Does Timing feature in-app purchases?

Yes, you'll find in-app purchases featured in Timing.

Can I utilize Timing with Apple Vision Pro?

No, you cannot utilize Timing with Apple Vision Pro.

Does Timing display any ads?

No, Timing does not display any ads.

Screenshots of Timing


Alternatives to Timing

Reviews of Timing

  • Flat out lie

    The advertisement is good , but we like buying these app to separate from apps like calendar and reminders and if you told people that this app doesn’t work without being connected to apple products nobody would buy in less they want to connect this app needs to fix that so as of now I will this app a 0 because it’s a lie and everything it offer a you can’t use in less you connect to app them what do I need this app for why pay money when I can use what you are requesting for free on calendars and reminders
  • Just what I was looking for

    I’d been looking for a “tasks on calendar” productivity app and tested a bunch of others before deciding on timing.is. The complete integration (two way sync) with my Apple Calendar and Reminders is what sealed the deal. While they don’t have a MacOS app yet, it looks like they’re aiming to have one by the end of 2023, it is the only significant feature missing. I’m really looking forward to seeing where the dev team take this app!
  • Very promising

    I’ve tried a lot of apps. I’m still getting to know this one but I’m finding it very appealing.