NOCD User Reviews

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  • Very Hurt & Disappointed

    I was working with a NOCD therapist for about 6 weeks and had already seen a 28% decrease in my symptoms, so the therapy is very helpful and effective but that is not what I’m reviewing. This past week I had to cancel my appointment due to being in the hospital. I ended up being placed on a hold and was transferred to an inpatient facility. I checked the app today and it said I am no longer enrolled in active therapy. There was no conversation, no message sent to me, no discussion…I just was unceremoniously kicked out of the program which honestly really hurt my feelings. I’m not in the most stable of places and I agree that ERP at this time is probably not the best idea. I just would have appreciated the courtesy of a discussion or a heads up that this would be happening. It felt like I was being punished for having a psychiatric emergency. If I do decide to undergo ERP in the future, it will definitely not be through NOCD. To say I’m disappointed is an understatement.
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  • Community Groups Have Become A Joke

    When I first started therapy with NOCD, the groups were led by a licensed therapist named Jenna. She was very professional and seemed dedicated to her work. At that time most of the groups were also facilitated by licensed therapists. But we have recently noticed a shift in how the therapy groups are organized. Most of the groups are led by the same advocates, sometimes in 1 day there are back-to-back groups by the same host, repeatedly. The company gives the impression of offering a variety of OCD-themed groups, but in reality, 70% of the groups are managed similarly, lacking actual variety. Unlike some groups run by licensed therapists that have a specific viewpoint and educational component, many groups turn into open-ended forums until the final minute of the hour, where the same, often narcissistic attendees repeatedly dominate discussions. Groups are frequently canceled last minute when moderators fail to show up regularly, and we’re lucky if we’re notified in advance. While emergencies can occur, this level of inconsistency is offensive. These groups are crucial for our recovery journal while in therapy that we pay NOCD very much for, and they should not be seen as just an additional benefit.
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  • Not sure yet…

    I just started, but in my opinion, the app is extremely overwhelming for someone like me and possibly others with OCD. You have to check multiple areas. And all of the proprietary type language and acronyms. it’s hard to keep it straight. Most of us have likely been in therapy on and off for our whole lives and I can only speak from personal experience, but I’ve never heard of these acronyms and labels for the tools… I feel there’s way too big of a learning curve. it just seems that these labels and acronyms are NOCD specific. I don’t know if there’s a way but I feel like it needs to be simplified. Like it needs to be cut down to a fourth of what it is. It is way overload for me. Also the constant texts and emails about appointments. I’m sure it’s very helpful for some people though. I hate leaving a negative review. I’m sure this was created with the best intention of helping people. This is just my honest review of the app. I haven’t been long enough to know if the therapy or method will work…but I do agree with another review that said it is very formulaic and checking boxes. But the app is very discouraging and makes me want to not do this. I need as few obstacles as possible to get help. It’s like they say when you’re picking a gym it better be on your way home from work and the least obstacles in getting there and working out the better or you won’t go, just my two cents.
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    Developer Response

    Thank you for sharing your honest review with us. We understand that navigating the app can feel overwhelming, especially for those with OCD. Our goal is to provide a supportive and user-friendly environment while ensuring members are familiar with the tools that aid in their therapy journey. Simplifying the Interface: We genuinely appreciate your feedback on the acronyms and terminology. Your suggestion to simplify and streamline the experience is invaluable, and we're actively working to improve this. We'll review the app’s language and navigation to make it easier to understand. Notifications: We strive to ensure members don't miss their sessions, which is why notifications play a critical role. However, we recognize that the volume might be overwhelming for some. While we currently support push notification customization, we will explore ways to offer more control over texts and emails in the future. Learning Curve: We acknowledge your concern about the learning curve. We'll look into creating more comprehensive guides to help new members easily navigate the app and familiarize themselves with the terms and tools used in our therapy approach. Your input is instrumental in helping us shape a better service. We hope you’ll find the therapy beneficial, and we’re always here to assist you. Please feel free to reach out to our support team if you have further suggestions or need assistance with any aspect of the app.
  • Insanely simple brain rewiring

    I was blown away by how profoundly this super simple app changed my thinking. I went to 3 therapists and could have spent the years (maybe the rest of my life) talking about cognitive behavioral therapy techniques without being able to readily implement them. Obviously there are always multiple arenas for combatting mental health issues, but the change these exercises made in my brain was so fast, so effective, so easy. I used to think that the “be aware of your thoughts and challeng them” approach sounded like toxic positivity, or just like a tiresome, endless exercise of smacking away an endless barrage of negative ideas—like one of those tennis ball machines shooting balls at you faster than you can smack them away. But this app took away the need to try to combat those obsessive thoughts in my own, or in real situations. It gives you the opportunity to just sink in positive thoughts with such repetition, and with the added effectiveness of seeing them and swiping them away…it just drills it in so much more solidly than if you just try to drum the thoughts up on your own. For me, this was a GAME CHANGER. Like the difference between trying to get in shape without a gym or equipment or personal trainer vs with having that.
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  • Relief

    To know that this community & this application and all of these wonderful resources are available. I suffer from pure O OCD & I’m going to book a therapist that specializes in OCD for the first time, hopefully in ACT therapy. I just can’t stand living like this much longer. I’ve seen therapists on & off for years but it’s just been too difficult (for me, anyways) to get through to them without being fearful of fully disclosing my waking & walking nightmare. Finally found this NOCD community volunteering for a clinical trial.
    Just downloaded the app - there is catharsis just in the knowledge that I’m not alone. Excited to be here!
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  • Accessibility is amazing

    I wasn’t sure about using this company because I am skeptical of mental health apps/ large mental health companies. But I knew I needed help and it was the only ERP provider that was in network. My experience has been extremely positive, it was very easy to set up an appointment and I started treatment within 3 days of my initial call. My therapist Debra has been really helpful, understanding, and supportive. She pushes me to do exposures but is always checking that it’s something I can handle. I don’t know if I ever would have made the leap to start treatment if this did not make it so accessible. Very appreciative
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  • This app changed my life

    I started experiencing OCD symptoms when I was 18 out of nowhere. I struggled with OCD for about 3 years before I started therapy. I did cognitive behavioral therapy and Exposure Response prevention therapy through the NOCD app. I don’t remember how long the program was because I did my therapy in 2020 and it is now 2023 and I’m just now getting around to writing a review. I would say that my symptoms have Improved by about 98%. OCD used to affect almost every part of my life and now most days I don’t even think about it. I will occasionally still get intrusive thoughts, but I use what I learned in therapy to just brush them off and not let them cause me anxiety. If you are suffering with OCD I highly recommend getting therapy through this app.
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  • Do not use NOCD

    After signing up for my first appointment I was really excited to finally be getting help for something I was really struggling with.

    Do not use NOCD unless you want a traumatizing experience that makes you feel like you’re in a social workers office who couldn’t care less about you.
    With no warning I was expected to answer a series of traumatizing questions about really challenging events. One after another. No check in. No pause. No support.
    And when I started to crumble because that’s literally traumatizing and I began to open up about how hard it was it was just on to the next question.
    When I began to cry I did not feel supported, at all. I was told “yeah this is hard you just have to get through it” which is not how your first session should go at all. Especially with a stranger you have no trust developed with. I had to end it early.

    When I reached out to support they didn’t respond at all, even though the weekend before they were quick to respond constantly to get my money.

    Nobody has checked in on me since. Avoid at all costs
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    Developer Response

    We sincerely appreciate you sharing your experience with NOCD. It's our top priority to ensure a safe, supportive environment for our users, and we regret that your session left you feeling unsupported and unheard. Our goal in initial sessions is to build a relationship with you, balancing information gathering with establishing rapport, to ultimately deliver a supportive and effective therapeutic experience. We understand that discussing such challenging events can be overwhelming, particularly without sufficient support. It's clear from your feedback that we fell short in this instance, and for that, we are truly sorry. Your feedback is crucial, and we will use it to reevaluate our processes and ensure all users are treated with the empathy and care they deserve. Your comments regarding response times have prompted us to review and revise our messaging systems. We're grateful to you for prompting this necessary change, which we've already implemented. We understand that not every therapist-patient pairing is ideal, and we're more than willing to facilitate a switch to a different therapist should you decide to give NOCD another try. Our diverse team of therapists enables us to provide the best possible matches to meet individual needs. Our mission is to alleviate the suffering caused by OCD, and this principle guides our continual training and development. We would greatly appreciate the opportunity to directly address your concerns and work on making things right. One of our team members has already reached out to discuss your session further. Your feedback is invaluable and helps us to ensure our platform offers the best possible support to all our users. We're dedicated to learning from this experience to prevent such situations in the future. Thank you again for your candid feedback.
  • Minimum of care

    I want to start with that NOCD is probably good for people with milder ocd than mine and that I’m leaving a low review because of how they deal with billing and appointments in specific

    I was told that this is a “minimum of care” and that they probably can’t help me, I was also told that if you miss an appointment you get a pretty large “cancellation fee”

    I really disagree with this, as it’s guaranteed with my mental health that I will miss at least 1 appointment.

    I know that people with ocd, including myself struggle with making appointments on time.

    I was told something along the lines of “you will be charged a hefty cancellation fee if you miss an appointment, because there are a lot of people with ocd and that time could have been used for someone else”

    This feels like a unnecessary punishment, and also feels highly exploitative of people with ocd.

    I will not be using NOCD because of this, if I am charged a hefty fee, I will NOT be able to afford my basic survival essentials.

    I’m really disappointed in NOCD after hearing such good things about them

    Symptoms should not be punished nor monopolized, im better off just paying out of pocket for a real in person therapist… because It would cost about the same

    Im disappointed, very disappointed, it’s incredibly wrong and even offensive
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    Developer Response

    Thank you for your honest feedback. We're sincerely sorry to hear that your experience with our service did not live up to your expectations. We understand the specific challenges faced by individuals living with OCD, and our cancellation policy is in no way intended to exploit or punish anyone. Our aim with the cancellation fee is to ensure that all individuals seeking our services have access to the support they need, and when appointments are canceled on short notice, it can prevent other users from being able to schedule in that time slot. As a gesture of understanding, we waive the first cancellation fee because we know that unexpected situations can arise. However, we understand your concerns and are actively reassessing our policies to ensure they are fair and sensitive to all users' circumstances. We would appreciate the opportunity to further discuss your concerns and explore ways we could address them. Please reach out to us directly at Again, thank you for your feedback. It plays an essential role in our continuous efforts to improve our services.
  • It was alright

    The structure of the program was good, but I got canceled on two weeks in a row by my therapist and I didn’t have any other days during the week available to switch my appointments to when it happened. Thankfully my ocd is on the more mild end and previous sessions helped gain the tools to manage it. The notifications about appointments were ridiculous, I got multiple emails and text messages about appointments; a single reminder text would have sufficed. Then there were emails about the session finishing...I mean yeah I already knew that
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    Developer Response

    Thank you for taking the time to share your experience with us. We're glad to hear that you found the program structure beneficial and that our sessions have provided you with tools to manage your OCD. However, we're sorry to learn about the issues you've faced regarding scheduling and notifications. Your satisfaction is our utmost priority, and we regret that our service has not lived up to your expectations in these aspects. We understand how crucial consistent therapy sessions are, and we apologize for the inconvenience caused by the cancellation of appointments. Concerning the notifications, we designed our system to ensure users stay updated and informed about their therapy sessions. However, your feedback suggests that we may need to reassess the frequency of our communications to better suit our users' preferences. We would really appreciate the chance to further discuss your concerns and find a solution that caters to your needs. Please contact us directly at so we can provide more personalized assistance. Once again, thank you for your feedback. It helps us improve and provide a better experience for all our users.

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