NOCD User Reviews

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  • Garbage. Science doesn’t exist within this app.

    Not only is the creator of this app a witless, uneducated, back-alley hillbilly who has lost far too many brain cells to whiskey and crack, but he/she definitely does not have OCD.

    Allow me to explain:
    Their solution to your intrusive thoughts is to just sit with the intrusive thought. There’s no further instruction after that. The person on the recording basically brings you to a meditative state, tells you to accept the intrusive thought, and then abandons you in a perpetual loop that is so detrimental it could bring someone to suicide very easily (which is a highly regarded concern with intrusive thoughts specifically). This app definitely does not have five stars; everyone I have talk to who has used it feels the same as me. They are faking their reviews, and this app has such a little science behind it is disrespectful. This bafoonery (yes I made that a word) needs to be taken down from the App Store immediately. Wherever is Steve Jobs when you need him the most? Smh
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    Developer Response

    Firstly, we appreciate the time you've taken to express your concerns about our app. It is our mission to provide a useful, science-based tool for managing OCD, and all feedback, both positive and critical, helps us to continuously improve. We understand that you have strong feelings about our approach, particularly with the method of handling intrusive thoughts. However, we would like to clarify a few things. Our founder does indeed suffer from OCD, and the creation of this app was fueled by a personal journey and a desire to help others navigate through similar experiences. We sincerely apologize if there was any misunderstanding about this. The method you're referring to - sitting with the intrusive thought - is a core component of Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy. ERP is widely recognized and endorsed by numerous medical and psychological associations as the most effective method for treating OCD. It's backed by extensive scientific research and numerous peer-reviewed papers. We agree, it can feel counterintuitive or even uncomfortable at first, but the objective is to reduce the fear and anxiety associated with these thoughts over time. It's important to note that this approach may not be suitable for everyone, and we always recommend that users seek professional guidance in conjunction with using our app. Regarding the reviews, we assure you that each one is genuine and from an individual who has used our app. We value honesty and integrity, and it would go against our principles to manipulate reviews. Apple has strict rules against such practices, and we comply fully with all their guidelines. However, we understand that not everyone will find our app helpful, and that's okay. Each person's journey with OCD is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. We're sorry to hear that your experience didn't meet your expectations, but we are always here to listen, learn, and improve. If you have any further concerns or suggestions, we invite you to contact our customer support directly, Thank you for your feedback. We hope that you find the resources and support that best suit your needs.
  • READ: Be Skeptical of Negative Reviews - I wasn’t and should have been.

    I am always thorough when researching things I’m going to do, but, etc.

    When I read about NOCD, the majority of the reviews were good with a few negative ones, so I took that with a grain of salt.

    The company takes your credit card info and insurance info and communicates with your insurance provider on your behalf.

    I received an email at the beginning saying congrats your insurance provider approved you for out of network. At that point, I was just happy to start my sessions.

    The whole 6 months of sessions, I never had any balance in my account.

    Then the day my out of network waiver (single case agreement), which I never even heard of other that that first email saying congrats, my account showed $400 due.

    I started digging and they have charges from the first month still pending insurance verification, which tells me that they are going to hit me with $80 deductible fees due all at one time, rather than per session.

    Additionally, they randomly charge your card on file fees. I think I’m not at $800 they are charged.

    I feel bad for the Therapists, because they are good.

    It’s just very scammy, so do not do!
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  • Changed my life

    This app and the therapists are truly incredible.
    When I started using NOCD I was at a point where I was truly incapacitated by my OCD. OCD was negatively affecting my most important relationships, it has caused me to fall into a terrible depression and I felt as though I was surviving every day but not truly living.
    After only a few weeks of working with Gary Vandalfsen I was seeing significant change.
    I no longer have days where I can’t get out of bed, my relationships are healthy again and I although ocd is still a part of my life, it doesn’t run my life.
    I couldn’t be more grateful for NOCD and Gary Vandalfsen for giving me my life and my hope back.

    If you’re looking for a sign to download this app please take this as it.
    You’re not alone and change is absolutely possible.
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  • OCD er’s BEWARE!

    Folks BEWARE of this company. I had one session with Dr. Ruthie Brooks. No Help at all. These folks will tell you that you are in network with your insurance company to get treatment. Then they DO NOT bill your insurance as in network. They will wait until a year later to bill you the FULL Amount of your session. I disputed the charges and if I did not keep the email where they said they were in network, I would be on hook for the full amount of the session. Once I sent them the email, I kept for over a year, where they told me they were in Network, I would have had to pay the FULL amount! When I spoke to the therapist (Dr. Ruthie Brooks) all she was concerned with was how many sessions she could get out of me. I have had the same therapist for 20 years, who would NEVER do that. They got $500 from my insurance company b4 I cancelled every sessions with Ruthie Brooks. She is not even nice. BEWARE of this SCAM!
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    Developer Response

    Thank you for your feedback and for sharing your experience with NOCD. We're truly sorry to hear that your experience did not meet your expectations, and we want to address your concerns openly and honestly. Firstly, we want to assure you that we hold all our therapists, including Dr. Ruthie Brooks, to high professional and ethical standards. Dr. Brooks has been with us for a long time and has consistently received positive feedback for her commitment and dedication to helping her patients. We regret to hear your experience with her didn't mirror the positive experiences many of our other members have had. Regarding your comments on the billing, we'd like to clarify a misunderstanding. Our records show that you were never charged the full amount for the session; you were only invoiced for the copayment. We apologize if this was not clearly communicated to you and for any distress this may have caused. We pride ourselves on operating with honesty and transparency, especially in matters of billing and insurance. We're sorry if you felt misled in any way, as this certainly was not our intention. Your feedback is crucial to us as we continually strive to improve our service and processes. We'd be grateful for the opportunity to address your concerns directly and ensure your experience with NOCD improves. Please feel free to reach out to us at at any time if you have further questions or concerns. Thank you again for your feedback.

    i got this app when i was really in a dark place with my OCD. i felt like i was losing my mind, and i couldn’t tell my family because i felt like a monster.
    i got this app and found a community. i felt so much less alone. it helped me be able to feel comfortable and confident enough to reach out for help.
    this app is incredible. the feed section, where you can talk to others with OCD is my favorite part. although, if you are like me, it can set the field for reassurance seeking. but that is the responsibility of the user to recognize that.
    this app has so many other features. therapists. guided ERP & CBT….who needs to haggle and find a therapist anymore?? it’s all right here.
    i never used the therapist feature, but heard from many that it WORKS!
    10/10 recommendation.
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  • more inclusivity? community tab concerns

    I really wish pronouns were more normalized even just for the therapists. Maybe more profile and background photo variety as well. The concept of the community tab seems like it has the possibility of helping people but honestly feels more harmful as sharing triggers and obsessions and symptoms with others suffering from OCD could latch onto those and adapt them themselves. i wish there was a way to turn off or hide the community tab and/or have the option of people posting adding specific trigger warnings and blurring the rest of the post until confirming you want to read it. otherwise its been useful in some ways especially as someone who cant afford a specialist nor find one in my area.
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  • Total chaos

    NOCD is great if you want wildly inconsistent mental health advice and diagnoses from unqualified randos. The homepage is post after indecipherable post of absolute desperation, mostly with no responses. The ones with responses from other users are filled with bad advice based on way too little information. It's straight up dangerous. The interface is badly designed--just try getting actual help for your specific type of OCD here. You could overpay for an underqualified, overworked online therapist, but please, try and find yourself a good therapist in real life who will remember who you are between sessions.
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  • Don’t use this app!

    I think a lot of these people mean well, but the billing will get you. I was told out of pocket would be a certain amount and then got billed all at once for thousands of dollars, 5 whole months down the line. I was told they had trouble pulling the information from my insurance company. I work in the field. You can get a therapist out of network and more qualified for less money. This is a money making scam. I’m sure the therapists barely get paid and the company earns a ton of money. Don’t waste your time and energy. Go elsewhere. People with anxiety disorders don’t deserve to suffer more than we already are!
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  • Unable to help

    NOCD seems to be an amazing option for those with mild OCD but seems to be quickly overwhelmed by individuals with more complicate or nuanced symptoms. They have effectively turned my daughter away despite her willingness and desire to finally seek ERP treatment, because they feel she needs more intensive treatment. So effectively she’s been left with no care. Just be aware that if they are uncomfortable with your symptoms they will turn you away. Please stop telling people that they are “too severe” and adding insult to injury. Tell them you are not equipped to help and make sure they have a viable option before you leave them with no help.
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  • I’m receiving treatment.

    This app has helped, but I’ve only just started.
    I love the people and the community. OCD is a scary thing to deal with and tons of people like me have constant anxiety but the community makes us feel better.

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