User Reviews: Barclays US Savings

Barclays US Savings
Barclays US Savings
Barclays Bank of Delaware

Top reviews

  • No external transfers

    I use my Barclays account as a secondary savings account. I was super happy when this app came out because I’ve always found their website to be a bit more complicated then it needs to be. When the app first arrived, you could transfer between your Barclays account and an external account. They seemed to remove this functionality. Thought this may have only happened to me (I’ve had other weird issues with this app - Touch ID not working, etc), but after reading reviews, I see it isn’t.
  • Needs Work

    Facial recognition doesn’t always work when I want to log on to the app. It won’t let me transfer funds into my account on the app. Keeps saying I need to verify my external account when that’s already been done. I can only transfer funds into my account on the website online. This app basically only lets me check my balance and does nothing else. Even then my balance on the app and on the website are not the same. This needs to be fixed.
  • A first cut with a VERY dull knife!

    I realize this is Barclays US’ first cut at a mobile app for their online savings customers. That said, they really should have allowed their developers the necessary time to create an app that is actually useful and that provides a better user experience. Aside from checking your balances and transactions, the app is basically useless. The transfer function has crapped out after only having the app for about a month – and this is without any published update during that month! So, if I need to make a transfer either to or from my account, I’m out of luck if I am not near a computer to access the full website! This app needs SERIOUS work, Barclays!!!
  • No external transfers

    As far as I can tell, there’s no way to do external transfers with this app, which really defeats the purpose for me. I use other apps to check my balance, and that’s about all this one is good for. I would really love to see the ability to move money to/from my main checking account.
  • No longer adequate

    This update generated a significant flaw - external accounts no longer included, only Barclays accounts shown. No more ACH transfers unless performed on a Windows computer.
    The Savings and Credit card apps look almost the same and have same name. Recommend combining apps.
  • Useless app - transfers not working

    After the recent app version update, the core and most important function of app is not working - Transfers.

    I’ve done multiple successful account transfers on app since it first became available and was exciting. Now, I don’t see the purpose of using and keeping app if all you can do is see account balance and activity details which transfers now have to done on computer or browser.

    I have iPhone 8 and recently updated to iOS 12. I tried delete and reinstall app but transfers still can’t be performed.

    I’m disappointed and lost confidence with Barclays.
  • Icon too similar too your Barclays credit card app

    Great there is an app now to access Barclays US Savings. Has same name (Barclays US) as the credit card app for Barclays. Can you name them differently possibly? Or alternatively consolidate under one app where after you open you can chose credit or savings info?
  • The app team should be FIRED!

    You’re a supposed major financial institution and you allow this HORRIBLE app to go public?

    The interface doesn’t fit the screen properly and I don’t mean on the X I’m on a plus and it’s off. The balances on one tab don’t match the other. Just a clunky horrible interface.

    You also create 2 different apps one for savings and the other for ??? When you download the non savings app it locks you out. To unlock you have to remember your account number which is great especially when you just opened your account.....🤦🏻‍♂️

    How about 1 universal app for whatever type of account you have like every other company ie CHASE?!

    This app is a joke and absurd in 2018. This is an app you expect from a tiny local bank.

    It feels like the Barclays higher ups do not use these apps and I bet they still read physical newspapers and think apps are just a fad.....shameful. I’m seriously considering closing my newly created accounts because of the horrible app and don’t get me started on the website.
  • Can’t log in

    As other users have said, for some reason I can’t log in to the app even though my website log in works. I’ve complained to customer service before but they were able to figure out the problem. My bet is that it doesn’t allow Loggins with two factor authentication right now. Pretty stupid and should probably be fixed.
  • Can’t even login

    Unable to process your request at the login screen. If I go to Help -> Website link. I can login through the app but now through the login interface.

    It’s sad that none of the Barclay apps seem to be liked or reviewed highly. Maybe you should invest in a real software developer that can make your apps. Well, work.

Alternatives to Barclays US Savings