User Reviews: Bright

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Top reviews

  • Horrible!!

    This app has taken money and it doesn’t say where on the app or when it would take money from your bank account. It hasn’t posted to my credit cards, it was quick to take it out I’ve only had the app for a few days. I don’t agree with your response. One of the “team members” I chatted with on the app about my frustration just kept saying he understood and bright is a young growing team. BEFORE YOU HAVE PEOPLE LINK THEIR ACCOUNTS YOU SHOULD TELL THEM WHEN THEY SHOULD EXPECT THE MONEY TO BE TAKEN OUT. This is literally still ridiculous. I had my “goal” taken out of my bank account last week and I didn’t know that they automatically take money out I just believed I would be able to click and take my OWN money out when I thought be best. They told me last week they were waiting for it to post and then it would be transferred back. Couldn’t tell me how many days even thought they were very quick to take it out. I got a
    message from Bright through my email today that it would be reversed in 4 to 5 business days after I finally emailed bright and told them I thought it was ridiculous that they couldn’t tell me when the funds could be refunded. May I remind anyone who reads my review a only had the app for 2 or 3 days before they initially took the money out and now it’s taking over a week to be reversed.

    Developer Response

    Hi - we want to sort this for you and provide a product that works for you. We would love to give you a demo of our product. We auto-save from your checking account based on the goal you set. Our algorithms analyze your expenses on an ongoing basis to make sure it is really safe to save. All your savings are then paid to your credit cards right on time and in the most efficient way possible to maximize your savings. You stay in control at any time: You can 1) Adjust your goal to account for unexpected expenses, 2) Pause auto-savings or 3) Withdraw money back to your checking account. Please reach out via email ( or via chat and our team would be happy to assist you.
  • A financial SOS lifeline

    I haven’t been the best with my spending habits and it has gotten me into some debt. When I realized I needed help I went on a search for something that would truly help me. “They” say that there is an app for everything so I starting comparing different debt reduction apps and found that most of them wanted you have you take out a loan or pay for them to help you. Then I stumbled upon Bright! Bright Money is one of the best things for me to pay down and reduce my debt and keep me on track. No longer do I worry about making on time or even extra payments to my credit card because I have a friend who’s got my back. Thank you Bright so much for helping me be more responsible and become a financially smarter person. One thing I hope to see soon is spend ability feature on the app that tracks your bills and tells you how much you can spend and not go over budget to help pay debt off quicker!
  • Awesome app BUT my accounts keep disconnecting

    I really love this app BUT my accounts keep disconnecting which is the reason for giving it a 2 star rating. I reached out to Bright for assistance but they were NO help. After troubleshooting the issue on my own I found that if I updated the password to my account that disconnected and re-entered the new credentials in the Bright app the account successfully reconnected. Well when I logged in to the app this morning (just a few days after re-establishing the connection to previously disconnected account)I found it disconnected AGAIN and another account also disconnected. I logged into the accounts and changed the passwords and re-entered the credentials in the Bright app but no luck. I keep getting a message saying the accounts are already connected BUT they are not. This is so frustrating because the whole reason I opted to download and use the app is for the convenience of having everything in one place, using the automated payment option and bonus, I love how the app automatically saves money for you. Not sure this app is for me at this point. Previously I paid my accounts through automatic payments and I may just have to go back to doing that at least until Bright improves on their customer service and fixes this bug. I really want this app to work, ugh.

    Developer Response

    Hi - sorry to know that we did not meet your expectations. We would like to fix this and build a product that works well for you. We would love to speak to you and understand the challenges you faced in detail. Request you to reach out to us via email ( or via chat
  • One of the Best Apps ever!

    I love this app! It does exactly what it promises in the best way. It takes small amounts from your bank ( in little bits that I don’t even notice or affect me) and just sends them straight to the CC companies to pay down your balance. I literally don’t have to think about it at all, ever.
    I’ve tried other apps that try to take small amounts for payments or savings, but their systems are so irregular and annoying, they end up taking bulk amounts at the most inconvenient times. Never had this problem from this app. Bright has got it right. I’ve had this app for less than two months have it’s nearly done paying off a $200 balance. My only suggestion would be to be able to manually add other types of accounts to save to or pay off. I just want to use this app for all my financial needs!!!
  • Good for Some. NOT FOR ME!

    As I’ve read through some of the reviews. I also got hit with an automatic withdrawal. Fortunately, my withdrawal wasn’t large enough to have a real impact on my bank account, but I do worry about how much more will be withdrawn until my account is completely deleted - which I couldn’t get a straight answer on. I had the not so great pleasure of speaking with Sophia. She didn’t give much help, but kept using “as mentioned”. How can you know what to safely transfer out if you don’t know what I’m spending each day?! I would’ve been good with a set amount transferring over each day or week, rather than waking up and money is transferred - it’s random! There must be some fine print somewhere about the cost! I don’t recall seeing that until I signed up and started clicking on things to see for myself. My balances wouldn’t appear, my due dates were wrong. If I have to fix everything that you are supposedly linked to, why bother linking my credit cards?!
  • Service cost

    I was really excited about this app! I installed it, gave it access to all of my banking and credit card information, set up my account completely and not once during the entire process did the app let me know what the service charge for this subscription would be. I would be fine paying the $9.99 a month for what this app is supposed to do for me ( I pay a lot more for other things that I just don’t need)..... if I was told up front what I would be paying for. But because it felt like the subscription was hidden from me due to the fact NOT ONCE was I asked or told about it during registration, I immediately canceled the service (which was extremely easy, so thanks for that) and deleted the app from my phone. Hidden service charges for things are something that are extremely irritating to me. How can you say that your going to save someone money every month and hide the fact that you charge. Very scammy in my opinion.
  • It has potential but not for me

    I deleted this app and decided not to use it.

    1st of all this app is helpful, it does what it says it would do but this is the part of my frustration and experience. Do not sign up in the app, sign up on their website. The features and settings are different and once you sign up in the app there’s no way to use the website-it will just tell you sorry, you have to use the app since you signed up in the app. But I did not know that so it was too late for me. Also, if you don’t have to deal w/ customer service, then you’ll be fine. It only gives an option to email them.

    The emails were very cold & uniformed. It is as if they are scripted. Also, Sam who provided me w/ instructions, should’ve gotten more information first before trying to give instructions. The instructions they provided didn’t help. And because I could not accomplish what Sam instructed frustrated me even more and because of that it was the deciding factor of deleting my account. More so, it took even longer to get additional help to make sure my account would be deleted.

    It’s because of your customer service and the cold, uniformed responses on the emails that has put a bad taste in my mouth about the product. It’s too bad, it is a good and useful tool but there’s no way I’m recommending this.

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