5K Runner User Reviews

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  • Life changing

    I don’t think I’ve ever taken the time to review an app but this one certainly deserves it. I started Couch to 5k on a whim in July and struggled to get through the first one minute runs. In September I completed my first 5k race, in November my first 10k and just now in February I have completed my first half marathon! I never knew just how happy running would make me and what a profound impact it would have on my life. I always thought I just wasn’t a runner but it turns out that my approach to starting wasn’t right and I only knocked my own confidence when I found I couldn’t run for as long as I thought I should be, so I gave up. This programme eased me in and built my confidence week by week. Consistency is key and I have absolutely amazed myself with how far I have come by taking it one step at a time. Thank you!
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    This is the first time I’ve ever written a review tour an app but I am so happy with it that I have to. I have always been active and lifted at the gym and gone got long walks but one day I decided I wanted to become a runner. I originally tried doing it myself... “ok, just run until this song is over” or “ok just run until you make it to that landmark” and I failed every time. This app literally changed everything for me. I enjoy seeing my progress and having it all logged for me. I’m getting so much better and I totally look forward to my running days now. The only thing I wish it did was tell me my pace. Other than that I have no complaints. Total game / life changer!
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  • Surprised myself

    I’m writing this as I just finished the last run. I downloaded this app because i was tired of my endurance and I had to get better at running. If I had to be honest, in the beginning for until week 3ish, I legit procrastinated so much. I couldn’t make it to 10 mins barely and I just put it off. Then one day I decided I had enough and began where I left off. If I missed a day in the week I would continue and make it up Sunday or Saturday or even Monday. I kept going straight week after week and since it’s winter, the sun sets early. I had to stop running but I continued. Finally I just realized that weeks of work and effort, that 35 mins, it wasn’t that hard. I believe that this app is amazing and it can do wonders. I surprised myself and I am most definitely going to download the next app. Thank you- Daisy
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  • Made me a runner!

    I have never run a single mile in my life that was not excruciating. I have recently made some serious strides towards becoming healthier including dropping from 240 lbs to an eventual goal weight of 160 (I’m currently 187). I started using this 5k app around 205 lbs and while I attribute most of my weight victories to my change in diet, this program has been incredible in keeping me active and pointed toward the goal of being healthier, not just weighing less. This is the first time I have EVER reviewed an app because I think THAT HIGHLY of this app. It is adding years to my life by setting attainable goals and helping me achieve them at a reasonable pace. I cannot believe that I am through 6 weeks of an 8 week training program!!! I have signed up for my very first 5k taking place just 5 days before my 36th birthday in just under 2 months. I never could’ve reached this goal as effectively and easily without this app!
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  • The worst type of cash-grab

    The app presents itself as free to use and for what it’s worth, it is free to use. Not, however, for its intended purpose. Should you wish to use this app to enable you to run 3 times a week until you’re able to run 5K without breaks, this is not the app for you. After week 2 day 1, you’re expected to upgrade the app to continue. In my opinion, it’s sleazy. The app has a lot of potential. The developers need to make a choice. Either offer the app for free and allow users to use the full potential of the app for free, or make the app a paid app so users can make an informed decision. I do not agree with potentially attracting thousands of users to download the app (thereby making some form of profit from the free downloads?) and then forcing users to pay if they wish to continue beyond week 2 day 1. However, you can simply repeat the first 4 runs if you wish. Personally, I would (and have) download a different app.
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  • Good app

    First of all anyone who gives it a bad review will probably remain on the couch pressing their tv control forever.
    That was me up until 4 weeks ago. Sitting on the couch but now I’m working my way through the runs. I have found that the jump from w3d3 to W4d1 was big. A minute added to every run but I managed it but feel this should be more gradual. Nonetheless love the app as it is getting me of my fat backside. Lost 11lbs already and surprising myself how far I beginning to run which believe is incredible as I have loathed running all my life. I’m 55 and still surviving. Yes it is hard work. My inspiration is more losing weight than being an athlete but who knows maybe one day I will run a 5k. Still a long way to go
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  • I went from hating the idea of running, to scheduling time to run every day

    I knew that running was a great workout, but I didn’t have the endurance, motivation, discipline or athleticism needed to follow through with it. I researched different apps for a while and finally came across this one. It cost $10 to get the full features so I figured I might as well try it. I’m on week 7 day 1 (each of the 8 weeks consists of 3-4 weekly runs) and today I was able to run 20 minutes non-stop at a high speed without any difficulty. This is something that would have never been possible for me in the past. The app has allowed me to learn how to run in a way in which I actually enjoy the workout and feel strong and accomplished afterwards. I know I still have a long way to go, but this app has made such a difference in my daily routine and allowed me to finally enjoy running. I’m almost done with the 8 week program, and I’m even thinking about signing up for my first 5K. Don’t think twice, download this and start running.
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  • Amazing app.

    Iv always HATED running. Couldn’t run more then a minute with out dying.
    I’m currently 7 weeks in to using this app and loving it. I can currently run for 25min at a good pace with out stopping and my fitness level has gone so up since starting this app. Pretty amazing considering 2 months ago I had almost no fitness and had never ran more then a few minutes in the last 29 years.
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  • App changed

    I’ve had this app for 7 years now—it’s pretty good but finicky with juggling music controls since it doesn’t perform as well in the background. It’s perfect if I use my headset to change songs. Forces you to have your phone *off* silent (isn’t able to override system switch settings).

    Week five jumps an insane amount but matches the official progression. I’ve never been able to do it without repeating week four at least one entire time, usually two.

    So why the two star rating after years of enjoyment and use? Because the app is no longer allowing me to use all 8 weeks. Either I paid for it years ago but it doesn’t care since the update or it used to be free and now it’s not. Either way, this app isn’t worth the $8 price tag when others exist for $3 with the same options. It’s frustrating to open an app I’ve used for years to have it start prompting me every time to activate “premium” only to find out it dead ends during week 2.
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  • Great basic app for training new runners

    This app really helped me feel comfortable moving from a non-runner to doing a 5k. Running has always been difficult for me both mentally and physically. I loved that it started out so simple—1.5 minute intervals of running and walking—and then worked up to running for much longer periods.

    I will say it seemed to jump quickly once you hit 15 minutes of running. After that, it increased your run time by about 5 minutes every time. The longest running period is 35 minutes, and without any other coaching during that time, it isn’t my favorite. I almost always lost motivation about 20 minutes in and started walking. So I switched to a new app that had coaching/encouragement for the full duration of a 5k.

    Overall though, the app is easy to use and the first 3/4 of the app are great! You can also play your music through the app, which is nice.
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