Smoke Free User Reviews

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  • This is the app if your serious about stopping smoking

    I have tried many times over my 34 years of smoking to quit, this app has been a huge reason why I’ve now been smoke free for 37 days and counting. I found the to be very research based and highly interactive, I recommend you actually follow and use all the features this interactive app has as I found that when I first started with this app I didn’t really follow through with some of the great features this app contains and relapsed twice before I took this app seriously. Actually doing the daily missions and seeing the statistics during my quitting period how my health is improving, money saved, actual time not spent smoking, and how many cigarettes I would have smoked and all helped me build resolve, In the paid feature I found being able to talk to a large community of people going through the same journey as me extremely comforting and confidence building, as well as having trained quit smoking councillors to help you through the rough moments we all have during our quit journeys The best app I have used that actually really helped me quit and stay smokefree, I’ve been smoke free for 5 weeks and im still using the app multiple times a day to continue supporting me through my smoke free journey and to stay away from my addiction to smoking
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  • Actually really helped!

    I was fairly determined to give up anyway so I downloaded this app and picked a day. The countdown was unexpected and really encouraging. Filling in the diary and looking at the health benefit percentages rising has me using the app when I would have been smoking. I never paid for full use of the app and after a month or so I’ve found that I’m not looking at the app as much and have forgotten to fill in the diary. But I’ve still gone back and filled it in as it’s good to look back and see how much easier it’s getting. It’s the first week that is hardest, I cried every day in the morning for the first week and shouted at people and sulked. But it stops really soon. This app really helps. Use anything that helps. Anyone can do this!
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  • Great app

    I had been a smoker for 33 years with a pack a day.
    I had always said I would quit and always thought ‘another time’ I didn’t even know any smokers, so was fed up of trying to snatch a moment to have one.
    This app I thought I’d try as had looked at a few. The motivation it gave me and encouragement was amazing. The check ins to see how your going is helpful.
    I’m only 6 days in but have never been 6 days in ever.
    Definitely worth it if your keen like I am to quit for good 😀
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  • How is this real?!

    I have tried quitting so many time. So many. Today is 1 month of not smoking. It sucked, obviously, but at the same time it was somehow easy. I honestly had very low expectations when I downloaded the app based on past quit attempts. I read the reviews and I didn’t believe. But by golly, turns out those people were flippin’ right! It’s so annoying to hear “x will cure you of your addiction.” Read this book, take this drug, bla bla bla. It used to just make me angry to read positive reviews bc I would have bet serious money that NONE of those methods would work on me, including this app. Fast forward one month… humble pie is my new favorite food. Give it a try, it could truly change your life. Good luck if you need it, pass this on to people you care about if you don’t. PS the fb group is one of the best parts. It sounds absurd coming out of my cynical mouth, but connecting with people who understood was invaluable.
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  • Worth it.

    I knew I would that once I stopped buying cigarettes I would begin saving money but not wasting money so I honestly felt like this was a good investment. I like how I get notifications of my progress. I love how it shows me where I’m at with my health improvements. Although I feel like smoking weed must cancel some of these out by a certain percentage, but I feel like my health has greatly improved! Well worth it i.m.o
    It took me a month after purchasing to tell myself to officially start the quit journey but I did enter a date initially to make it more real that it was overdue time to begin. I’m so happy I’m continuing on this journey and this app really does have some nice motivating factors. If you’re already wasting money, why not try it? It nice to see the progress♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ just my opinion though!! Wherever you are in your journey, I hope you make it to where you are going to!!
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  • Motivational App

    Finally I am tobacco free , I was addicted to it from last 13 years , I thought to quit it several times but never succeeded but after knowing that I am pregnant, I stopped from first day from 5 cigarettes to 1 but I was not satisfied with that, I always thought if my unborn kid get any disease because of smoking I would be never forgiven myself, and started to search many motivational things to stop me to smoke then I got this app which helps me to track everyday achievement , and finally I am now 0 cigarettes soul.
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  • Extremely helpful

    Howdy, In 2019 we rely on technology for a lot of things - and quitting smoking is definitely on that list. I have quit with sheer willpower and this app. Today I was at the pub with the gentlemen, throwing money at the blue dogs, and I said no to all the cigarettes offered to me - something I couldn’t have even thought about before I quit. This app is helpful in many ways. It is very user friendly and easy to navigate, and the deeper you look into it, the more features it has; my favourite being the ‘trophies’, which is good for me as I don’t have a very big support circle. Thanks for making such a good app Dave, All the best.
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  • Update. I’m now 7 months quit. Cold turkey. Love the quit bot!

    Ive tried so many times and failed, this time ive gone for the pro version which is imo totally worth the extra money. There is a quit bot that really keeps you motivated (checks in twice a day) - this bot is my dream life partner! The app in itself is useful and one of the best ive seen (whether pro or not). A couple of things i think would make it even better would be the badges, id like a badge per day for life tbh but it seems to jump and leave you hanging at future points in your quit journey for me the first few weeks are relatively ‘easy’ as youre so focussed on quitting it takes so much energy and the fight consumes you but its when the honeymoon period is over (and you’re bored of fighting) that i start wanting to smoke again and secondly id love an app which talked about the quit journey not just health but explicitly what you expect on each day for example day 3 is hell, day 4 cravings start to decline by 40% etc so you can see when things will ease, i can find this timeline online but would love an app to tell me it :)
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  • I’m a non-smoker

    I smoked for over 25 years, and tried to quit numerous times (including using pharmaceutical help) before. I am now approaching 1.5 years smoke free, using this app in conjunction with NRT. I read every article, I downloaded every recommended app, I did every recommended activity and earnestly pursued quitting. I certainly struggled in the first few weeks, but I practiced the 4-Ds strategy and that was a LIFESAVER for me. I had to set aside my pride, drop my skepticism and trust the quitting process. I acknowledged and accepted that I’m an addict.. and just like an illicit drug user, my brain tried to falsely “trick” or “convince” me of all the ways and instances where I ‘needed’ to smoke. Once the worst of the withdrawals passed and I learned the mental acrobatics I had to get through, it was much easier. I will remain vigilant against potential relapse, but credit this app with contributing significantly to the strong foundation I’ve utilized to start and stay quit. 5 stars!
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  • Ready Support

    I tried quitting before with this app and went back to smoking after 3 mos from being around smokers. This time around, I tried the app again but utilized the journal entry notes section this time as well as actually read the tips (ie. don’t be around smokers, lol). Taking just a minute to jot down notes about cravings I had and what was going on around the cravings really made it obvious to me there were links and triggers for my cravings. The notifications are also encouraging and helpful, and I like seeing the percentage progress back to a healthy state. It’s nice to learn things like your circulation is improving. Definitely give this app a try. Everyone is on their phone nowadays anyway, so instead of taking a smoke break, try a journal entry break using this app. It gives you the space and opportunity to learn about yourself in a new way. Highly recommend 👍
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