User Reviews: The Pump

Top reviews

  • Simply The Best!!!!

    I’m in this for LIFE!!!! I am a yearly member and I am loving this app! The app you guys created has helped change my life completely! From the daily goal setting to the workouts. It is so enjoyable working out now without having to think about anything except doing the work and keeping the commitment to become the best version of myself. The articles and content are awesome. I have learned so much and I’m going into my 8th month. I have seen so much progress and growth in my short eight months then I have my whole life of lifting weights. I would always lift for a while, for a few months and then end up falling off the wagon missing my workouts… This app keeps me committed. It keeps me going. I’m EXCITED for EVERY workout!!! I have a passion for fitness and health now! You guys helped open my eyes to the reality and the truth. The best part is having the interaction with Arnold, Daniel and Adam and the Village. I can’t thank you guys enough! Arnold, Daniel, and Adam, you guys are my heroes!! You guys helped change my life and I thank you for that!! 🤙🏼
  • Truly life changing

    I joined the app on a yearly subscription the day after Thanksgiving 2023. Little did I know the drastic positive changes this app would push me to! In the now 8 months since I’ve joined the app, I’ve completely reformed my body, I am 6’1” and weighed 217 when I joined. Now I’m at 185 pounds but have significantly gained strength. The game changers for me were the articles that gave honest, science backed research on nutrition, mindset, supplements, and of course the amazing workouts! I truly look forward to each workout, and I do not have to overthink things - simply select a program, follow the first set mindset approach outlined at length by Arnold, Adam, and Daniel, rest on the given rest days and enjoy the mental and physical results. I constantly get compliments on my “look” from friends and strangers, but nothing is more rewarding than the feeling of commitment to my long term health so I’m around for as long as possible for my family. Speaking of family, my wife joined the app as a yearly member too and also loves everything about it and occasionally my kids will join in on a workout. I never leave reviews on products, but for the Pump, I felt obligated to do so due to all the positives it has brought my way. I highly recommend this app for all genders and ages, please do this for yourself, and as long as you keep showing up - you will not regret it!
  • Best way to a healthy life

    I’m so happy I found The Pump App! Three things make it the best health and fitness app I’ve ever used. First is the workouts. A lot of alternatives I’ve tried overwhelm with options. Pump app is no nonsense- they give you the plan and knowledge you need, no more no less. It’s great to just focus on working out and not get decision fatigue from choosing 100 different workouts. Second is the inclusive and supportive community- Arnold Ketch, and Adam have put together a truly positive corner of the internet to share highly useful and pragmatic information about health and exercise. Lastly is the integration of a habit tracker, which gives the app depth and makes it more than just a platform for workout routines.

    At 42 I’m in the best shape of my life after fits and starts of working out over the years. Give it a shot!
  • Easy to use and incredibly helpful

    I’ve struggled to find a good workout routine for years. The Pump has been the perfect solution to what I was looking for. The app has a great introductory program to get you moving followed by multiple workout plans based on your goals. It has flexible options to substitute movements based on your equipment and video clips with tips for every movement to help you ensure you’re doing them the right way. There’s a great calendar to help you track your days to lift and rest, and lots of great content on fitness and nutrition. Also, there’s a tremendous social community with people posting about their wins, their struggles, questions, and encouragement for each other. I love it, and I’ll be resubscribing once my initial year wraps up. Last note - there are links to subscribe to Arnold and the team’s daily newsletter. I highly recommend it. It’s one of the first things I read every weekday morning, and it’s full of inspirational and informative content. Happy lifting!
  • THE absolute best fitness app!

    This is more than just an app for exercise routines. There is a special community with an incredibly positive bond. As a woman who lifts and plays sports, it is so refreshing to be able to share wins and accomplishments without the negative comments and bullying that exists on other apps. It is simply NOT tolerated here.

    In addition to the support of the community, the workout programs are unbelievable. I have never achieved results like this. I have never pushed myself like this. ANNNNND there’s a wealth of knowledge on mindset, nutrition, fitness, etc. shared via articles from some of the greatest experts in the field of wellness. It’s just wins all around. Not to mention that there’s tons of discounts on protein, creatine, and other products, so the app eventually pays for itself with 20-30% discounts on products one would be purchasing anyway.

    Come join The Pump! You’ll love it here 💪🏽
  • Not just some app for gym meatheads

    Sure, with a name like the pump, you may think this app is only for big gym rats pumping themselves with supplements of all kinds.

    Not even close.

    The Pump is a community created by Arnold, Daniel Ketchell(Arnold’s chief of staff going back to Governor days), and Adam Bornstein(fitness guru and diet culture hater(in a great way)).

    This app ask you questions to find your goals and then assign you a workout plan starting with walking yourself in for focus for the first 90 days or so out to make sure you start with building better habits. On top of that, it also includes an action tracker, so you can make sure you are working toward your best self, not only in the fitness world, but in whatever part of your world that you need it. Finally, you can count on the three founders to personally pen articles in the community section with everything ranging from family life to proper supplementation to form to injury, prevention and recovery, and even weekend schmoozing. oh, and all three of them personally respond to as many comments as possible.

    Yes, there will be bugs. That’s what happens when you fund an app entirely by yourself and have a shoestring crew of dedicated people, including the founders, taken care of everything, including customer service tickets. However, they have always been transparent when there are issues, they always fix them as quickly as possible take feedback for future functions.
  • The Pump App is the Best!

    A year ago, I decided to find a fitness routine that worked for me. I developed a regular yoga practice, peloton power zones and was searching for a strength training component. I wanted to workout from home. I don’t know how I found the pump app but I am so happy that I did. I have almost completed the foundation program and have achieved goals that I never met in my 20 or so years of varied CrossFit/ strength training etc. I can do push ups and pull ups with proper form. My core is stronger (had 3 c-sections). It is the consistency and specific exercises with increased weight/reps. Each workout pushes me to my max and I feel so much stronger. I love watching the vintage video and superb instruction and tips. I get to max out the movement and really gain. My yoga and peloton have also benefited from my increased strength. I feel empowered and excited to move onto the next program! Thank you:)
  • Highly recommend

    I’ve been using the app for over a year now and I highly recommend it. In my 40 and in the best shape I’ve been in, in over a decade. The best thing this app has done is helped me build & stick with a routine 1st & foremost.
    It has a simple uncluttered straight forward design. The programs are focused strictly on weightlifting and I love that it can be customized based on what you have access to from bodyweight only to dumbbell only to gym equipment as I’ve been slowly building up my home gym. They also post great articles on science based health & fitness along with Q&As from the team and Arnold himself. There is also a great positive community that helps pump each other up when needed & celebrate the wins too.
    I see a few negative reviews note you can get the works out online for free so why pay. While at its base this is true (& is true of any fitness app actually), the programs here are already put together & structured for you to use & track immediately. Plus the built in calendars, ability to record your lifts, and ask the team & community questions, I like having tied into one app.
    Lastly, the developers have been constantly updating & improving the app. They have a roadmap laid out for future improvements, taking in community feedback. So it’s only going to get better!
  • Love it!

    If you’re looking for a workout app with character, integrity, and a kick in the behind from time to time, The Pump is for you. The expertise of not only Arnold Schwarzenegger, but also his team, Adam Bornstein and Daniel Ketchell provide you with a well-rounded exercise program, articles, and support. The app also encourages members to interact, ask questions and provide support to each other. Arnold, Adam, and Daniel host regular Q&A’s of members and respond back. There are many programs curated according to your exercise level and access to equipment. They have thoughtfully set up a program so all you have to do is follow it. The results show already and I’ve only just begun! There is a treasure trove of expertise on The Pump and for $10/month or $100/year it’s quite affordable and I’m very grateful for them.
  • Unlike anything else

    For years, I’d been content with making my own routines and changing them every four to six weeks. I subscribed to the daily emails and was happy with that. Eventually, I decided to get the trial and was surprised how much I loved everything about the app. I was more motivated than ever and looked forward to the daily articles and comments from members. I got a monthly subscription to make sure the novelty didn’t wear off. After one or two months, I switched to the full year and have ni regrets.

    The Pump is not like anything else out there. It is completely positive. The content is informative but not preachy. The people in the village are supportive, motivating and inspirational. It has not only improved my strength and fitness but also my outlook on life.

    I look forward to opening the app everyday but it’s set up so you don’t spend too much time there. This has resulted in less scrolling on other apps and their empty content. It really is just the perfect mix. Highly recommend!

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