User Reviews: The Pump

Top reviews

  • Great community

    This all started with Arnold’s emails. I loved the healthful tips, solid advice, inspiring stories, humor, and real life examples he provided for health, longevity, and really a happier lifestyle. When I started using the pump app it was like going to a gym that was like Cheers (everyone knew me for anyone that doesn’t know the reference). The price point is great. The workouts are solid. The articles are helpful. The ability to comment on them and interact with other members is great. It really is the positive corner of the internet. People are interacting from all over the world and it has been helpful, encouraging, supportive. It’s a welcome break from some of the rest of reality !
  • The best workout

    Dear Arnold Schwarzenegger,

    I wanted to take a moment to express my deep gratitude for the significant impact you've had on my fitness journey. In my twenties, as an amateur bodybuilder, your books were my guiding light, providing me with invaluable knowledge and inspiration. They played a crucial role in my success back then.

    Now, at the age of 70, I find myself turning to your expertise once again. Your "The Pump" app has been instrumental in helping me regain strength and flexibility. It's especially important for me to stay healthy and fit because I run a sanctuary for parrots. The physical demands of caring for these beautiful creatures are significant, and maintaining my strength and agility is essential to effectively manage the sanctuary and ensure the best care for the birds.

    Thank you for being a constant source of motivation and for sharing your wealth of knowledge. Your work continues to inspire and benefit individuals of all ages, including those of us with unique responsibilities like mine.

    With warm regards and deep appreciation,
    Don Scott
  • This app has greatly improved my quality of life

    Get this app if you would like access to a wide variety of Arnold-inspired workout routines that take the guest work out of your strength training. From bodyweight, dumbbells or full gym, equipment, Arnold and his team have you covered.

    Get this app, if you would like to be a part of a positive community of individuals, seeking to improve their lives and encourage others along the way. by the way, Arnold regularly participates in discussions.

    Get this if you like to read interesting articles on fitness, nutrition, mindset that are all based on real scientific research not “bro- science“
  • The App That Changed My Life

    Like so many people, I am a skeptic. And I never write app reviews. If an app stinks, it’s a ‘delete’ and I move on with my life. If the app is decent, it stays on my phone, and I never bother writing a review on it. But this app is different. It’s run by three very talented people: Daniel Ketchell, Adam Bornstein, and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Yes, that Arnold. And yes, he actively interacts with members, writes amazing articles, opens himself up to tons of Q & A sessions, and remains a solid rock that everyone can lean on.

    But that’s not what got me hooked on the app. What got me hooked on the app were the customized workouts themselves coupled with the positive attitudes and encouragement from other members. It truly is THE positive corner of the internet. And it truly is a VILLAGE. I’ve been sticking with the program since September of 2023 and my body has changed in ways I never thought was possible for me. And now I’m hooked for life and thinking of ways to give back to the community.

    If you’ve been on the fence about joining, trust me, you will not regret your decision.
  • The best motivation, habit forming and fitness app

    In 2021 I hit 300 lbs, started to take blood pressure meds and no matter what I tried for the following 2 years I could not lose weight and keep it off. At some point all programs I tried ran out or resulted I me losing interest and gaining everything back.
    In January 2023 I got an email from my childhood idol Arnold Schwarzenegger, on a mailing list I forgot about a long time ago, inviting me and 2499 others to be a founding member of The Pump club and app. I singend up. Now in 2024 I am still there, working out 4-5 days a week, lost 45lbs and dropped my body fat to less than 25% which is huge. I eat better, sleep better, have more energy and at age 58 I feel better than I did for at least the last 20 years. The app keeps me engaged, the Village is always positive, tracking my habits is super easy and to boot Arnold is there to cheer us all on, answer questions and provide guidance. The team behind this is amazing and the app has limitless potential.
  • Can’t praise enough

    I have lifted weights off and on most of my 63 years. I have seen bigger gains here in just 8 months than any other time. I’ve lost 5% body fat and haven’t modified my diet (I was already eating healthy). I haven’t been this strong in a long time.
    As a experienced lifter, it took some adjustment to only lifting 3 times a week. I stuck with the Foundation though and started Next Level after. The Next Level is no joke! I made it 3/4 through the program and switched back to the Foundation.
    I think the key to the success of the app is locking in new users to the Foundation. It helps people new to working out stick with a program and really builds a strong foundation for more experienced lifters.
    I also love that I don’t have to think about what I’m going to choose for a workout. I open up the app and just do it. If you can’t do an exercise because of limitations or access to equipment (busy gym) the app gives you alternative moves.
    This app also provides a really positive community. Arnold, Adam, and Daniel answer questions, provide up to date information, and allow space to share your wins and setbacks
  • Best fitness app in the world. Period.

    This is the best fitness app in the world. I’ve been using it for 6 months and it’s completely changed my life.

    What’s more this is also the positive corner of the internet. Arnold and his team have cultivated an incredibly supportive community. You will feel pumped up and encouraged by all the amazing people working alongside you. It’s such a breath of fresh air in a really negative world.

    As Arnold would say, put down the cookie and keep pumping!! You will not regret it.
  • Cannot recommend highly enough

    I’ve been lifting weights with purpose again for over a year after a long layoff, but I’m noticing huge gains the last 3 weeks since I joined the app. It helps beyond giving you a routine by tracking progress against past lifts, setting rest periods between sets and keeping you moving. As someone who lifts alone it also drives a focus on not cheating a rep, exercise, or set based on how you record your efforts.

    I’ve been making better nutritional choices and building a routine, but the articles and content are expanding my knowledge and giving me tons of great tips.

    The biggest part is the positivity Arnold and his team drive and the sense of purpose and accomplishment the app drives. Some of the lifestyle tips are helping me improve routines beyond exercise that drive better quality of life.

    For anyone who wants to improve their fitness and themselves as a person this app is a fantastic tool.
  • Life Changing

    I have worked out most of my life and never thought much of fitness apps. Having been inspired by Arnold most of my life, I decided to give this app a shot.

    Let me say that it has by far exceeded my expectations in so many ways. I am in the best shape of my life and this app has coached me to be consistent with all phases of my training.

    The customer service is top notch and there is full transparency with everything that is updated and improved. I have already referred a number of friends and they are all extremely happy with their results too.

    Plus, Arnold drops in to pump people up, give advice, and share his own personal experiences from his fitness, movie, and political careers - now how much better could that get?
  • Arnold and I are buddies now.

    Arnold, Adam and Daniel run the app. They are always on and interacting with us. I say “us” because we are all in this together. Everyone on the app uses the messages / comments feature to support and advise one another. I don’t really have anyone in my life that works out and it’s been hard to choose to use my time for exercise. Too many distractions and reasons to say I should take it easy and relax. My cholesterol and related numbers were all too high for the third physical In a row back in January. I started the app when it first came out in April and because of the village I’ve worked out three or four times a week, every week and all my numbers are now on the middle or low end of normal.
    Arnold, Adam and Daniel are always working to make the app better and I know they’ll never stop. They take pride in the app and in knowing how much it’s helping us. You can’t go wrong giving The Pump a try. It may not be for everyone but I can guarantee you will never feel like the time you spent with it was wasted.

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