User Reviews: The Pump

Top reviews

  • It’s Fantastic

    The workouts are varied and give you plenty of options, whether you’re an expert or just starting out. The app is there to help, wait for it…. To Pump you up! It’s getting better everyday the team is great at keeping you updated and fixing issues as they arise.
  • One Part of a Broader Solution to the Modern Health Industry

    This app is many things. First, it’s a weightlifting app that gives you access to routines and programs that, for someone like me who hasn’t lifted in 20 years, make it easy to be successful. I love watching Arnold, Daniel and Adam explaining exercises. It’s hilarious and gives you some insight into Arnold’s intensity, and the down to earth feels Daniel and Adam bring to the program. Second, there’s also some mental health components to the articles and comments where positivity rules in the app and it’s really uplifting. I love logging in and reading when I need to change my mood. Third, there’s some nutrition guidance in the articles. All three tie into the group’s other projects like Adam’s book on nutrition, You can’t screw this up. And the podcast/newsletter. I use all three resources now and have lost a little more than 50 pounds and put on a lot of muscle. It wasn’t easy and required some dedication but the Pump, the podcast and Adam’s book make it attainable without gimmicky diets. It’s been life changing.
  • Great App

    I have been using this app exclusively for months now and have noticed a change in weight loss, body fat loss and muscle built. The community in the app is very helpful and extremely quick to respond to any questions, issues, bugs etc. It can only get better and the sky is the limit!
  • Life-changing app for fitness and positivity!

    I bought into this on initial launch sight unseen and am so happy I did. The programs deliver real results and the team are 100% there to support you. Arnold makes himself personally available for Q&As and the mindset content is super helpful. This is not just about fitness (though it delivers that in spades) but about lifestyle and a positive closed community.
  • TAD

    Day 1 user here and can attest to the power of positivity that has spread from the village to my home gym and across my life. The workouts are challenging and rewarding, I definitely feel like my physical life has changed in the last 107 days of using the Pump App, highly recommend.
  • Best workout app and community

    The care and attention Arnold’s team puts into this app is apparent. It’s a new community but it’s already one of my favorites. Inspiring and positive comments from other members are regular instead of rare on the posts that appear in the app.

    In addition, the workouts and tracker have helped me develop muscle in a way that works for me and has been consistently challenging and fulfilling. Thanks to the devs, the editors, and Arnold!
  • Amazing Progress

    I’ve been using this app for 15 weeks and it’s my far the most useful exercise program I’ve ever used. I’ve had personal trainers, used p90x, and so on but something about the structure of these programs make it incredibly easy for me to stay consistent, which is the hardest part of the exercise journey.
    There are several foundation programs ranging from beginner to expert for gym-goers and bodyweight only, with the focus of bulking or shredding. I completed the foundations intermediate bodyweight program for getting shredded recently and it’s no joke. My arms, chest and thighs have gained over an inch each and my waist has shrunk by about an inch as well. Each exercise has videos to accompany in order to show proper form with special tips from Arnold himself.
    For the first month or so there were some expected bugs, but the team has been transparent about their work and improvements.
    Overall I’m extremely happy and will continue using this app.
  • Fantastic App Except…

    Been using the app since it was released and it has been great overall but I’d really like the option to jump into the other workouts without having to do the foundation program first before progressing. I get the idea behind it but as someone who has been going to the gym for years now, I feel I already have a good foundation to go off from.
  • Crap

    It says I need a referral code which tells me to go to the website which tells me to download the app.
  • Turns your music off, lacks basic features

    This app is truly not ready for market.

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