User Reviews: Princess Cruises

Princess Cruises
Princess Cruises

Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • It’s a Joke

    This app is a joke. I thought the first Ocean Ready / Medallion app was bad but by the last cruise I used it on it was actually working. But then came version two. We booked a cruise in July and were able to enter all our data and became green lane ready. Then about a month and a half later I went in to check what time our dining reservation was and found ALL of my information gone. And I mean all. The only thing there was the cruise reservation. However, everything was just fine on my wife’s app. Called Princes and started the process of re-entering the information. Some data it would not let me enter, but we managed to eventually get it entered. I could not link to out dining companions on our dining reservation (though my wife could) and could not enter a payment method (credit card) though it clearly was present on my wife’s app. They even charged $10 for medallion shipping to the card. My wife was able to get us back with our dining group. For the last three weeks I have been trying to get my charge card entered with no success. Six calls to Princess, who referred it to the “back office” (Ocean Ready) has not resolved a thing. Two weeks out and I am still blue lane while my wife is green lane.

    The app is more advertising for onboard upgrades and services than help for getting required information entered. The whole process is just a joke, starting with the app.
  • Poor at best navigation.

    Princess truly does cater to the senior population and one thing that is for certain. 95% of us can’t find our way around a computer unless we have a grandchild with us. We are ona cruise to hide from them for a couple weeks. The app is not getting better it’s getting worse. it only shows in half page, one can’t find anything on the site as navigation is poor at best. I would suggest that you scrap it and build another from the ground up. The company keeps trying to fix this format and it is like trying to get a horse with a broken leg up to run. Seriously, I just added my airfare on to our next European cruise and I put it on the account a week or so ago. I can’t even find where to go pay on it and I have been looking for over half an hour. I would at least thing you would make it easy to spend the money. When I came onto the site to buy my air through your service, it took two separate visits and a stroke of luck to figure out where to go to do that.

    It is seriously flawed and I love cruising with you. You have taken great care of us on the trips we have taken but, your app is definitely an issue
  • Worse then the previous app

    I’ve read the previous reviews so I’m not going to repeat all. My wife and I have traveled on Princess before and after the introduction of the app. I see benefits to the app but the negatives out way the positives. When you order the medallion we experienced the same as many others. The app confirms you did then comes back and says you didn’t. When we called in to princess 10 days prior to cruise they confirmed we did and would ship immediately. That they did do, just in time. When we looked at what time we were to board ship we never got a time. When we got to port to board ship a line was starting to form. By the time we boarded you couldn’t see the end of the line. Reason, nobody that we talked to knew when they were suppose to board. The app is not intuitive or user friendly as many have already commented on. On this past cruise I tried ordering drinks a number of times and finally got tired of waiting and got it my self. The list goes on and on.
  • plan to settle your bill in person

    we set up the app for our cruise at least a month in advance, which includes putting a payment method on file. this payment method was still linked to our profiles when we began our cruise. on the last day (the morning everyone is disembarking) we get a call to our stateroom saying we need to pay our bill, when some documentation we’d been given days prior by the staff said that if we had a payment method on file on our app, we would not need to settle our account in person. when speaking with guest services they said they didn’t see it on their end so we had to pay in person, taking time out of the busy morning of getting ready. what’s worse is that when we were being cleared to leave the ship, my partner was stopped for “not settling his bill” when we literally had done that with guest services less than 2 hours ago and had the receipts to prove it. it was a hassle and we were stopped at the gangway for several minutes, and just added to our annoyance of trying to get off and meet with our family. all of this could have been prevented had the app worked and connected with the cruise services.
  • Amazing for those who know how apps work

    There are a few quirks, but generally, this app is fantastic. I was able to add shipmates to my travel experience and find where they were located in the app (location sharing required). Easy to chat with shipmates. Onboard WiFi experience was fantastic. Entire ship map and ship schedule is available via the app. Making those paper printouts redundant. Add onboard packages, view your onboard charges, make dining reservations, order room service. It’s amazing. Crew is very helpful through the onboard app support. I don’t know why so many people are giving this a bad rating. The experience so far using this app has been most excellent. Probably just a bunch of boomers that don’t know how to navigate the application.
  • Needs Work

    There are a few perks: ship maps, being able to communicate with shipmates, step by step directions, pre-boarding, tracking shipmates and seeing the schedule. But, the negatives outweigh the things that do work well. Needs Fixed: - There are no notifications so you have to constantly check the app to see if someone you’re cruising with sent you a message. - Spa appointments don’t appear on your daily schedule. - Restaurant and bar open and closing times are missing. - Shore excursions take a long time to load. - The schedule on the app doesn’t always match the schedule that’s provided each night. - It’s difficult to find some info. Such as seeing all the events at a specific venue. It’s there, but you have to navigate through several steps to find it and it’s not always accurate. I’m hopeful that it’ll be updated as time goes on.
  • App is useless as well as customer support

    If the app is any indication of our upcoming cruise, we’re in trouble. Not looking forward to it! Very frustrating app, especially trying to book Specialty Restaurant reservations for 7 people. The app wants to charge me for 2 people when we all have Premier Packages. Customer support is useless, I got different responses (with no resolution) when calling their 800#, which is a giant call center where most cannot speak English well enough to communicate. No one was not helpful or knew what their talking about. One person in our group can’t even get the app to reflect the cruise reservation so he can enter his travel checklist. With so many complaints Princess obviously does not invest in correcting their app or educated customer service reps. This will be the last time I sail Princess and I haven’t been on the cruise yet!
  • Terrible

    This app was incredibly cumbersome and clunky to use. To start, it was virtually useless until we actually got on the boat. So trying to figure out how to use and navigate it prior to our sailing was not an option. Once we were on board we had to quickly figure out all the features amongst the chaos. Nothing in the app was intuitive. None of the features that would have been nice to be able to access quickly like “locate a shipmate” were easy to get to. That feature is buried in your profile tab. Not to mention that the location of a shipmate was always delayed.

    There is a chat function, but there are no notifications and it’s not even an option to get a notification.

    When ordering through Ocean Now, many times the app would delete my whole cart. Or sometimes place a duplicate order. Or change when or where I wanted my items to be delivered, if they were ever delivered at all.

    And although Princess claims that this app increases personalization, I found none of my preferences were actually acknowledged.
  • Horrific

    Firestone Princess Cruise, and day 1 was a nightmare. We spent the entire first day of our cruise rebooking everything. The line for “guest services” was worse than anything you’ve ever experienced at Disney! It seems the Princess “system” was responsible for cancelling all of our pre-paid bookings, including our premier package. The more than $2000 spent and verified by receipts in hand was unexplainably just gone within the last 24 hours. We would now be required to rebook and repay for this while someone stateside at the office tried to find our refund which should have been issued when their “system” decided to cancel everything. First day was lines, 5 different people, no drinks, no spa, and honestly no concern. The only resolution was pay again and “we hope you receive a refund from the error”. While it was an obvious Princess system error, no one onboard was empowered to resolve it or honestly even cared. Given the number of people in line upset on the first day, this cruise line has some serious deficiencies.
  • App is useless as well as customer support

    If the app is any indication of our upcoming cruise, we’re in trouble. Not looking forward to it! Very frustrating app, especially trying to book Specialty Restaurant reservations for 7 people. The app wants to charge me for 2 people when we all have Premier Packages. Customer support is useless, I got different responses (with no resolution) when calling their 800#, which is a giant call center where most cannot speak English well enough to communicate. No one was not helpful or knew what their talking about. One person in our group can’t even get the app to reflect the cruise reservation so he can enter his travel checklist. With so many complaints Princess obviously does not invest in correcting their app or educated customer service reps. This will be the last time I sail Princess and I haven’t been on the cruise yet!

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