User Reviews: Zen Planner Member App

Top reviews

  • The worst

    This is literally the worst app on my phone. I really wish our gym didn’t use it to sign up for classes so I could get rid of it. It never works; I can never sign in, it kicks me out all the time, or inexplicably makes me redo my password. It’s so frustrating. We have a joke in our house that the Zen part of ZenPlanner is when the Z pops in and out for 5 minutes while it tries to open the app.
  • Very Problematic

    This app is very unstable. They constantly have server application connection errors which renders the Application unusable. You can not book classes when the Zen Planner servers are unavailable. This past month has been the worst with connection issues. Also one key feature that is missing is the ability to integrate with the built in calendar app on your phone to import your reservations when you book a class.
  • Going out of my way

    I almost never leave app reviews but making an exception for this. I use because my gym uses it. The app constantly logs me out, then will not except the password that I know is correct. This has happened several times and when trying to rest the password via the “forgot password” button, I get no email... Extremely frustrating!!!
  • Slow app

    I use this app for the CrossFit gym I attend. I find it has several issues, but a main one is the constant logging you out and slow response while using the app. It is very frustrating when you are trying to view the available classes to reserve a spot and it takes forever to load. Often times I have to delete the app and re-download it get it to work, which is silly considering I have the latest iPhone.

    Any prospective gyms looking to use this app, take it from me, a 2 year gym member Zen planner app user, invest in a better app or a website that loads quickly, and even better, can sync your clients workout classes onto their google calendar to set a reminders.
  • Glitching garbage

    Do you want to be frustrated and super annoyed at an app? Well, this one is for you!!!

    Quick into the point one day the app will work and load and the next day it won’t. One minute it’ll open something that you want to open in the next minute it won’t. Whenever the app won’t do something it just closes down on you and it crashes. It crashes on me at least 6 to 7 times before I’m able to access whatever portion of the app I’m trying to open it’s infuriating!
  • Unstable, limited feature app

    My two CrossFit gyms use this app and I simply can’t explain why. It’s undependable, glitchy, and has very little to offer users such as historical data and analytics on results like that offered in BTWB or numerous other apps out there. If this is simply a platform to control class sign-up, then ✅, it does that. It just doen’t do much else. I expect more from such a widely used app.
  • Unreliable App

    Our fitness facility is requesting that we use this app to reserve our spot during COVID. Not sure why this app was chosen but it is very unreliable. I have had to delete and reinstall the app more than twice for the last month. Errors such as “unable to comment to the server”, “try again later”, the usual frustrating statements communicating to the user.
  • Glitchy

    I have been trying to add a gym and I am stuck in a loop of logging in, Adding account and logging back in. I have tried updating the app by deleting and re downloading several times. I also tried to go to the website but it’s only for purchasing the zen planner er for businesses.
    This app is not user friendly and is very frustrating.
  • Beyond awful

    We’ve been members at our gym for years...this app does NOT work! We cannot register for classes, our gym has re-entered us and reached out to the developer for help - crickets! No hope and no resolution! We are paying for something we cannot use because this app lacks the functionality and service to make it right! What do we need to do to get this resolved - meanwhile I wouldn’t recommend this to any business!!!!
  • Unreliable and full of bugs

    My daughter’s martial arts class uses this app, and I really hope they switch to an alternative app before they lose me as a customer. This app is incredibly buggy and doesn’t load half the time. The user email addresses are used to populate an email list to send important information about the class. Unfortunately, not all of the email addresses make it from zen planner to the instructor, and therefore some people aren’t aware of what’s happening at the dojo. Find an alternative!

Alternatives to Zen Planner Member App