Run Lines With Me User Reviews

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  • Great scene partner!

    Using this app was a life saver as I prepared for my show. From the start, it was helpful to hear the same scene on repeat so that I could keep running lines without interruption. As I got more comfortable with the lines, I was able to use the cue feature. I look forward to using the speed run Thru as I approach opening night and also as a brush up between performance weekends.
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    Developer Response

    Thank you for your review. Very glad to hear you've found Run Lines With Me helpful. Break a leg!
  • Free trial version

    Would it be possible to adjust the free trial version to include 10 recordings on your account at a time, no matter if you’ve previously deleted and re-recorded them?

    It took me a few attempts to work out how to use the app, then have since only recorded short clips, and after deleting the original failures have only 6 audio clips available to use on the app.

    Now that I know how to use it, I’d love to be able to have access to the previous 4 free audio slots! After deleting audio clips from the app, would it be possible to re-record them as part of our free allocation?
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    Developer Response

    Thank you for leaving a review. I definitely want everyone to have a good chance to try out the app for free and see if it's something they find useful, which is why everyone gets 10 free recordings. In many cases, those are enough to get off book for an entire project. If someone could delete and re-use those 10 free recording slots, the "free trial" could simply become "free forever." Sometimes for various reasons someone needs more than the initial 10 recordings to really try out the app before paying anything. Send me an email at "" and I'd be very happy to help.
  • Very useful app!!

    This a great app for learning lines. The only areas for improvement:
    1) I wish the screen wouldn’t time out when running lines.
    2) I wish there was option to have gaps without the recording sped up.
    3) I was surprised you could only do around 8 recordings before having to pay for a subscription. I tried deleting the lines I was most confident in to create space, but it still wouldn’t let me record any more.
    On the positive side, the subscription options are super affordable - I just wish I had realised that before I deleted all of my original recordings! I will re-record them now that I have my subscription, but maybe there could be a “recently deleted” folder?
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    Developer Response

    Thank you for your review and your feedback. It's much appreciated. I'll make notes of your suggestions for consideration. One bit of good news: you *can* run lines with gaps, without repeating your lines, and at normal speed. Once you're a subscriber, look under settings (tap the Mask Icon, then "Settings") to turn on Advanced Controls. With those on, go to the playback screen and you'll see new options available. Thanks again. Cheers!
  • Great Tool, Amazing Price

    I’m almost 60 and have a supporting roll in a show I’ve never done before. I’ve been able to record and rehearse all my scenes in order. It’s simple to use and well thought out. I should be off book a week before the required dead line.

    There are two things I would like to see improved. You are unable to reorder the recordings and sometimes if your line is at the end of a section and you have that recording on repeat mode it skips it and goes back to the beginning again. However with a subscription rate as affordable as this has the value more than makes up for these issues. I’ll definitely be using this again and again!
    Two things I
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    Developer Response

    Thank you for your review and your feedback. It's much appreciated. Good news: you can reorder recordings. In the list, tap and hold on any recording (or folder) and it will "lift up" so you can drag it to anywhere you'd like in the list. (This feedback is still very helpful as it tells me the feature is not always easily discoverable.) Break a leg!
  • Ads

    I wish there was an option to watch adds to get more recordings. I am a student who can’t afford any kind of subscription. I completely understand why the subscription is there, but you get money off of adds too.

    I just *really* need to memorize things and don’t have anywhere else to do this. It doesn’t help I’m so incompetent and need to re record five times to get a good enough recording to practice with.

    Not to mention I don’t practice lines often enough to justify a subscription.

    It’s a shame because this app was so freaking good until I couldn’t record anything.
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  • Waste of time.

    I got this app to practice my a school assignment. I read the tutorial more than 3 times but still nothing was working for me. I didn’t care too much about anything other than the video, so I filmed it and I made sure it was less. Then 15 minutes, in fact it was only 3, I was just reading a speech i made, but the video got cut short literally 2 seconds. I tried a couple more times, but got the same results. Bad app. Would not recommend
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    Developer Response

    Hi there. I’m sorry you’ve had a bad experience. Run Lines With Me doesn’t record any video, so there is maybe some misunderstanding there. The audio recording certainly isn’t supposed to stop after two seconds. If you’d like any help figuring out the problem, please send an email to “”. Thanks.
  • Ripoff

    Even after you delete the recordings you can’t get the free ones back, they force you to pay or not use their app, not worth the effort.
  • Brilliant app!

    This is my favorite for running lines because it offers several options for learning and rehearsing. I love the speed options! I have noticed that it doesn’t always Play Next when that is selected. It would also be nice if there was a button to return to the beginning of a scene rather than having to scroll back when I don’t have Repeat selected.
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    Developer Response

    Thank you for leaving your review, and for your suggestions. I'll note your feedback for possible inclusion in future updates. Break a leg!
  • Awesome helpful app

    I’ve been I’ve been using this app for over a year now to learn lines from all sorts of different plays and films that I’ve been going for it’s very very helpful and I love it! I actually just discovered the advanced settings and I recommend using those for more control and options. This app is even cooler than I originally thought!
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    Developer Response

    Thank you for leaving a review. Glad you enjoy the advanced settings. Break a leg!
  • Not too bad not perfect either

    It doesn’t exactly help u learn lines it just makes u record the script and then hear ur self speaking I thought it would not say your lines and just say the Line before ur line its alright this just doesn’t help me very much

    Developer Response

    Thank you for leaving a review; feedback is always welcome. Run Lines With Me does actually do what you've described. If you marked your lines during recording, then when playing back try sliding the small control along the arc to one of the other playback settings. You can have the app leave a silent gap for your lines, and even repeat your lines after the gap so you can confirm you got them right. Set the control further to the right and you can speed up the playback to help you get your lines down cold. If you have any questions about this, feel free to reach out at "". I'd be happy to help you try out all Run Lines With Me can do. Break a leg! (Completely up to you, but if this is helpful and you feel it would be appropriate to consider updating your rating/review, that can really help other actors find the app. Thanks.)

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