User Reviews: Tandem

Top reviews

  • Good in Theory

    The app itself is great but there were some things that I wish were better. I think it’s great that you can select the specific charge and split and even do reoccurring charges but I wish that there was more customization especially since you have to pay for the app. With reoccurring charges it would be nice to have a two week option rather than just weekly or monthly. Being able to make your own categories for the charges would be awesome as well. I don’t know if it was my bank because it’s a pretty well known bank but not as big as navy fed or truist but it took multiple days for my charges to show up. I’m talking like 5-7 days after I made a purchase which made it difficult to really keep track of what was being spent and what needed to be split between my husband and I. I did really like the idea but the execution is a little flawed.
  • Great for divorced couples too!

    I tried out a number of apps for keeping track of split expenses after my divorce but they all had major shortcomings. Tandem works very well for us. I love that you can connect it with directly to your credit cards and split something easily with a swipe. We have 3 kids and our decree mandates that all extracurricular-related costs and all medical costs are split 50/50, with a few odd items being reimbursable by my ex at 100%. This makes things SO easy for someone like with a very forgetful brain. 3 things I would add that would really make this app perfect: 1) ability to attach a picture of a receipt (even low res) for documentation/proof, 2) ability for the other person to see the notes I add to specific expense to help explain what it’s for, and 3) ability to customize the categories. Things like “bills”, “entertainment” or “food” don’t help me. In my case it would be extremely helpful to be able to add categories like medical, school, and extracurricular.

    All in all, though it’s not perfect, it’s the best I’ve been able to find at this price point.
  • Functions well for what it is!

    I’ve been using Tandem for about a month and have enjoyed how easy it is to enter and split expenses. I like how I can split by % or $ and can post expenses as both Requests and Payments. I have a few bits of feedback:

    • The names of categories are not clickable (only the > arrow is) when entering expenses. I would love if the category labels were clickable. [EDIT: looks like this has been fixed recently!]
    • I would love to create my own custom categories.
    • The first time I downloaded the app, I was consistently forced into a “pay to use Tandem” screen. Since I uninstalled and reinstalled the app, I’ve had no issues. But had my partner not reached out to a friend to confirm the app was free, I would not have continued using the app.
  • No more spreadsheets or $5 transfers!

    My partner and I have been living together for several year now and when we moved in we had to manually keep track of shared expenses. We started off my sending the same $20 back and forth to each but eventually tried to keep a running list but frequently one of us would forget update. We got fed up and looked into ways of simplifying our finances and found Tandem! The simple tap system makes it easy to track and split purchases. My favorite feature is the ability to customize the split for when we open a drink tab and one of us decides to have a night and the other is the DD.
  • Game changer

    When my boyfriend and I moved in together, we downloaded tandem and it is sooooo helpful for keeping track of how much we are spending!! I’m usually not a nickel and dimer, and believe “it all evens out eventually” with friends and family when it comes to money. However, since moving in together, we split utilities, furniture, groceries, etc.. let me tell you, it was NOT evening out. I love how tandem can link directly to your bank account, so once a week all I have to do is go and swipe which transactions I’d like to split! Tandem automatically calculates the net difference between spenders. You can also adjust the split so that not every purchase is 50/50! My boyfriend and I split a lot of things 50/50, but for example, he really wanted a nicer set of speakers to go with our tv, where I really didn’t care much about it. We split the tv and speakers in a 70/30 split. We love using tandem, it’s a stress free way to address money spending differences in a relationship/partnership!
  • Super helpful!

    Tandem helps my partner and I stay on top of all of our expenses. I love that you can schedule recurring expenses to split automatically and set a predetermined split percentage so you don’t have to do so much manual work for each expense — you literally just swipe. Previously, we used splitwise and venmo and it was so much work each time we had to go back through bank and credit card statements that sometimes my partner would just give up and not charge me for things. This has been tremendously helpful! The only thing I’d wish to see is better transaction history in the free version — once one of us settles up in the app, we can no longer look at expenses. My partner likes to go through Tandem once a month while I go through it weekly, so whenever he settles the balance, I can’t review what he charged or payed me for.
  • Perfect for couples sharing expenses

    I live with my partner and we split expenses for rent, utilities, food, cats, and more. I love how easily Tandem connects to all my banking accounts and credit cards to have one combined feed of all my and his expenses ordered by date. They have accurate descriptions too, so you can easily scroll through and choose which charges to split. You can also customize splits if you don’t want it to be 50/50, and you can set up recurring splits for regular things like rent and internet. We try to go through once a month and make sure we’ve added everything, and Tandem will do the math and say who owes what balance. There is a link to settle up directly with venmo or enter other types of payements manually which will reset the balance owed to zero. 10/10 would recommend, makes life so much easier!
  • Perfect App for Couples

    This app is perfect for splitting expenses with my partner. The linked credit card feature is awesome so we don’t have to constantly be remembering who paid for what. Usually we add expenses as they come and then settle up at the end of the month. Really takes the stress out of cost sharing. There’s no other apps like it. Totally different format from Splitwise and Venmo and really geared partner who are constantly splitting things.

    I could see this being used for roommates, best friends, siblings as well. Any two person team that needs to split expenses on a regular basis-this app is perfect.
  • Ideal for Couples Managing Finances!

    Tandem has revolutionized the way we handle our finances as a couple. My partner and I are thrilled with its performance! The app makes budgeting, saving, and tracking expenses incredibly straightforward and effective. We appreciate the ability to set joint financial goals and monitor our progress together. The high-yield savings account offering 4.70% interest is a fantastic perk. The user-friendly interface is both clean and intuitive, and setting up the app was a breeze. Tandem has truly made our financial management simpler and brought us closer to achieving our financial aspirations. Highly recommended for all couples!
  • Great app to easily split expenses

    There were many things that my partner and I were pay for and would forget to settle up or would just write it off since there was activation energy to check the statement and add it to another app. Since using tandem, I realized I’ve been taking on nearly $1000+ in expenses each month that I wasn’t splitting out of inconvenience or forgetting.
    The reason this review is 4 stars and not 5, is the features are simple and the UI takes a little to get used to. There are not ways to see categories in spending or I’d like to see all my transactions and then next to them if they’ve been split or not vs 2 screens now.
    Gets the job done

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