Expensify User Reviews

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  • Locked in to 4X price increase - can’t cancel

    Great product! But...

    You can’t cancel your account until you delete your company policies. You can’t delete your company policies until the end of your subscription. If you try, the error message says, “Unable to Downgrade Account” until the end of your subscription.

    I don’t want to “downgrade” I want to CANCEL. Unfortunately, I didn’t turn off Auto-Renew. So Expensify has billed me for 2x the price I was paying, and they said that will increase to 4x, since they Auto-Renewed me in March.

    I explained to “Concierge” (their AI driven ‘support’) that during the pandemic I’ve gone from 5 employees to 1 and I haven’t used the product since April 2020. Nothing. “Concierge” might be great at reducing cost, but no empathy for real customer situations; it doesn’t understand why I’m asking to cancel. Won’t consider circumstances. If this is the world of AI, no thanks. Instead of providing a small refund of $150 and canceling my account, I’m on the hook to pay $1,200 for a product I no longer use.

    A bitter lesson learned. All I can do at this point is say Expensify is a great product but their business practices are selfish and don’t take into account the needs and concerns of their customers.
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  • Shady price hikes

    I used to love expensify and used them for many years. This past year I noticed my fees were going higher and higher and I don’t need the service for my current job so I contacted them to put it on hold. They tell me the prices are going up and will increase 100 percent (from 5 to 10 $ per month). And then when I ask how to pause the service until I need it they say I can’t. They claim I was given notice. It was one sarcastic email that said “if you’re bored in quarantine go read our updated terms”. Nothing warning you about massive price hikes or limited time to opt out. I haven’t used the service in over a year. I think it’s shady to take the price up in 40 percent increments each month. It seems they want to make you gloss over this in your cc statement. I asked for the phone number and their isn’t one. Just some chat bot. I hate when companies do this! So shady. I wouldn’t use them again. Price gouging customers in a pandemic and hoping they don’t notice is just a new low.
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    Developer Response

    Thanks for your review - as we discussed via chat, all customers were notified via email about this price change, and existing customers' subscriptions were not changed. When customers started new subscription, those were gradually moved onto the updated pricing over a period of time.
  • Cannot cancel subscription

    This is the worst customer service ever! Once they get you in, you can absolutely not cancel your subscription no matter what. You can only do the online shot, there’s no way you can talk to a person on the phone, and of all keep your subscription for a full year no matter what. In pandemic nobody is using expense reports because there’s no business travel. They simply don’t care. They keep charging the credit card every month, they never warn you about renewing your plan in advance. And then they don’t want to let you cancel and get out of it and get your money back. So they get a guaranteed income for a full year no matter what you do. The worst company ever. I would not recommend them to any small business
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  • Account Manager

    I got an email from your company today that both appalled me and mad me really angry. I don’t know why corporations feel they should take a stand on politics. We don’t use you for your politics. Why can’t you keep your opinions and lies to yourself. The email sent today was the most unbelievable lies I have every seen. I am an independent and what you sent out made me sick. I watched all year long while BLM burned down cities, police and people were killed in cities across this country. I also watched people vandalize the capital building. Both were wrong and neither were peaceful!!! I don’t want your opinion or lies shoved in my face. Please keep your personal political opinions to yourself!! I will suggest to some rather large companies that I know the owners to never use Expensify. You just alienated half of this country with your lies!! Trust me, I am not the only one angry over your ridiculous email!!
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  • Amazing App

    I downloaded this app to submit my dining out receipts to insurance. We had a recent flood in our kitchen and unable to do our usual cooking while we wait on contractors. The receipts were piling up (over 100 so far) and task seemed daunting as far as submitting them all to a Mercury Insurance. I thought of xeroxing all of them and mailing them off to my adjuster but my printer is low on ink and then I decided to search for a receipt scanner app. Expensify was the best overall rated app and I am happy to say it blew my mind in that not only did it read receipts that had low ink and were a bit crumpled but it sorted them by date automatically making it so easy and get through the huge pile. I will check back when I find out if it was easy for my adjuster to open and receive the report.

    thankful from happy receipt scanner!
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  • Political Opinions Are Unnecessary

    I got a long email from the founder/CEO (It was a blanket email to all customer) telling me to vote for Joe Biden and if I don’t vote for Joe Biden it will be the end of democracy as we know it (hard not to role my eyes. Ha.) I disagreed with most of what he said, but that’s okay. One of the main reasons America is the best country in the history of the world is because we all have the right to voice our opinions however we see fit. Apparently, the CEO of Expensify feels the need to express his first amendment right by repeating what he heard on CNN to his customers. That’s his right and I think it’s a great thing. As a customer, I also have the right to cancel my subscription if I get annoying political emails when all I really want to do is create my weekly expense report. I appreciate all opinions, and it’s not really a huge deal, but I think there is a time and place for politics. My company email account yesterday is not the time or place. Just my opinion.
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  • It’s an expense app... but wait there’s more!

    Not only do they provide an expense app that we canceled because we found a more stable & end user friendly option but David will email you at 2am telling you “I know you don’t want to hear this from me. And I guarantee I don’t want to say it.” After he settles that interesting internal conflict with himself, he’ll tell you how to make better personal decisions. Awesome right? David feels his opinion is valuable to you & wants to give you even more than you paid for. He teaches you what he thinks is important & that you should too, he’ll enlighten your life with how it should be & he criticizes his customers to ensure they make better decisions for their families. So if you need an expense app AND a personal life coach David is your guy. If you’re comfortable with your life & you just need an expense app well as we again found there are MUCH more stable software. We chose another app and Wayne Dyer books. Good luck & I hope you can learn to be the right customer for David, not disappoint him with your decisions and overall meet his expectations for your life. Wait... who is David again?
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  • Unbelievable!!! Owner emailed me trying to sway my vote!!!

    I just received an email from David Barrett, the owner of Expensify, trying to ridicule a vote in one direction and calling the other way (his thoughts) as the only vote possible for a rational person!
    This is unbelievable!!! I have my personal & business email and information to this company in order to use their ap and service. Me Barrett crossed the line and used my information to push his own personal political agenda! This is not right snd I feel even a breech of confidence.
    I let him know that I will be deleting his ap and asked him to remove all my inform from his files. This should never be allowed to happen regardless of the opinion. It doesn’t matter which side he was on. Just because he feels a vote for Biden is the only logical choice, it is obvious that both side of the fence are exactly the same. They breech confidence and trust for their own gain.
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  • Missing important function

    I like Expensify but have grown so frustrated with the app or website not having a simple search by amount function. When you have hundreds of receipts it is impossible to find a receipt easily. Sure you can search by vendor but when entering receipts what happens if you Mis-spell the vendor or what if you enter credit card transactions from a statement that uses a different vendor name. That happens all the time making it impossible to easily search for a receipt.
    In looking at the forums people have complained over and over about this basis function being missing and in three years Expensify has still not added it.
    It is mind boggling why such a basic search function is missing.....
    I therefore can only give the app 2 stars due to the wasted hours of searching screen after screen for receipts.
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    Developer Response

    Thanks for leaving an honest review! This sounds like you are manually reconciling transactions - have you tried importing your card for automatic reconciliation? If that's not the case, we’d love to know more about your use case - could you send us an email to help@expensify.com?
  • Don’t be fooled- you can’t cancel easily

    A few years ago, I decided to improve my record keeping. Expensify was the mode I chose. After buying the app, I never really got started, and that’s not the fault of Expensify. So, the monthly credit card charge just kept rolling while the app sat unused in my phone. Today, I decided to cancel. I couldn’t find a cancel option on the app. I wrote concierge and got an immediate response asking how to help and keep me in the fold. I again asked for instructions on canceling. Concierge went cold. After multiple messages from me and 7+ hours time, I got the SAME “no answer” response. Then, finally, instructions that DID NOT work! I then called the phone number given for Expensify on my credit card statement. Guess what? The answering machine mail box is FULL! So, I’d advise those looking for an app of this type to look elsewhere. I’d hate to have a pressing need with this app- you can’t get a response without much effort, and then all you get Is the runaround.
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    Developer Response

    Thanks for your patience and for reviewing our app. This is definitely not an expected experience. Please reach out to concierge@expensify.com so we can help out!

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