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  • Unreasonable Customer Service

    I paid for the pro subscription because I thought it would do (simply) what I needed. It did not, and therefor I never used the app. When I reached out to cancel and have the amount refunded (during the pandemic mind you), I explained I never used the tool and that it did not do what I’d hoped. Here is the only response I received - “Per our TOS and as stated on our Help Center, we can only issue refunds for subscription payments that occur within 48 hours of your payment being processed.” Basically, they aren’t willing to do anything to help me (even though I’m certain they could). I prefer to work with companies that are willing to have a human approach to these situations, not companies that want to hide behind their terms of service as an excuse to take me money for nothing. I will never be recommending this company to clients again.
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  • Love it 😊

    I have recently written a review about how I love this app and I do I’d say it’s the best planner app ever !!! But I have been spending to much time on my screen planning. So I decided to plan with the millions of note books I have got. I stills highly recommended this app and will definitely get it again if my screen time goes down and my note books run out
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    Developer Response

    We appreciate the feedback! can be an extra productivity tool on top of your note books, to ensure your most important projects always get done ;)
  • Strange todo app

    This app has opinions. It thinks integration with everything is good, especially if it’s an app or service of dubious utility, or run by data pirates after plunder. It thinks grocery lists are by far the most important lists, and you should be able to get to them quickly from any screen. It has lots of features, but I’m not sure what they do. There’s a tag feature, but you only get one tag without paying $36 a year, and I can’t figure out how to filter with it anyway. Help is no help. There’s a focus mode but that’s premium too, so I don’t know anything about that. There’s icons all around the periphery of the screen, and some of them do things. You can look at your todo’s sorted by date or by project. There’s a panel on the left-hand side which lists projects (and grocery lists!) in big rectangles. It’s probably no fun if you have more than 6-10 projects. Oh, Projects may be lists. Or maybe some lists are projects. It’s all so hard. And pricey.
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    Developer Response

    We're sorry you feel this way! 90% of the app is completely free and unlike similar apps, we allow our users to enjoy most of the features for as long and as much as they wish without any 3rd party ads or a requirement to upgrade :) Furthermore, ee have an extensive Help Center detailing how to utilize the features ( or via Settings - Support - FAQs in the app), as well as wall as our Blog which contains lots of articles on how to best apply these tools to your daily routine ( Lastly, we're more than happy to assist users with any issues they encounter, should they reach out through the app or via with any questions.
  • Totally shock

    I just installed today...tried a couple of the functions, definitely like and joined the premium immediately. BUT, after few hours start to realise my tasks in outlook disappeared, and i found it was deleted without reason, try to put it back by uncheck it, doesnt work..and the status keep changing everytime I go into the app, either duplicated the tasks or deleted the tasks, left me now with Outlook, iPhone and ipad all diff tasks and diff status, try to find answer via FAQ, but can't find the solution at all :(
    Not sure what to do...
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    Developer Response

    It sounds like you may have created a specific trigger in Zapier that might be causing this. Please reach out to our team at so they can look into this for you :)
  • Glitchy

    This app has tons of potential but glitches with iPhone 11. Consistently auto enables alarms and sometimes won’t let you rearrange your lists. I tried to let them have enough time to fix it, but I’m moving on to something better.

    *update for developers :

    Auto alarms cannot be disabled, if they can it’s glitched and auto enables anyway. The real issue is that when you try to turn the alarm off, half of the time it doesn’t go through and you have to resubmit it multiple times - occasionally you can’t turn it off at all. The list rearranging bug I experienced yesterday WOULD NOT LET ME REARRANGE A TASK AS I NEEDED. The alarm removal glitch accompanying issues rearranging tasks is enough for me to use a different app. I have this months and it still has issues!!!
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  • Keeps crashing

    I got the app today every time I tried save something it crash
    I don’t know how to cancel my subscription

    Developer Response

    We're sorry for the inconvenience! Please contact our team at and they will gladly look into this for you ASAP!
  • Great app except for the task list glitch

    My sister and I love this app. We mainly use it for the shared task list for when we do grocery shopping. She can add to the list, and I’ll get a notification for it. And she’ll get a notification for when I check off something. However, there’s been this weird glitch. I would try to add things to the list, but it won’t always show up. It may show up on her end, but not mine and vice versa. Or she’ll check something off on her end but it’s still on my list and vice versa. There was also a glitch where she sent me an invite to a list but it wouldn’t show up on the app. And I kept getting notifications and emails about this invite for a couple of days before it finally showed up in the app and I was able to join. I’ve been having more problems than she has. I finally got fed up and deleted the app and reinstalled. I’m hoping this will fix the error. Other than that I really like this app.
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    Developer Response

    We're sorry for this! If the issue still occurs please reach out to our Support Team at and they will gladly help resolve this :)
  • This used to be great—now overly complicated

    This used to be awesome—by far the most streamlined way to share different to-do lists with different people and have everything checked off in real-time. Simple, foolproof as long as you had an internet connection or cell signal.

    They have since added so many additional layers of “functionality” and ways of organizing things that my husband and I now struggle to be sure we are actually looking at the same grocery list. I nearly threw my phone across the room in frustration just now because the same grocery list we have been using for years in the app now looks entirely different for each of us and no longer seems synched, so we spent a bunch of time texting to make sure he was able to pick up everything we need while I was at work(so, I am having to text extensively while at work when I already put a lot of time into the list earlier today). It’s a real shame, but I will probably have to move on to find another solution.
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    Developer Response

    Really sorry to hear that! We built a dedicated grocery experience to help families shop better together: please give it another try.
  • Best in task management

    Beats other task management apps due to its simplicity and intuitive functionality. Others make a task out of task management and over complicate the process making you less inclined to use them. Having tried a number of other leading to-do list applications, this one always comes out on top!

    Developer Response

    Thank you, we’re blushing ☺️
  • Crazy performance lag

    I really wanted to like this app - even if I wasn't sure I'd end up using it in place of my calendar.
    Functionality looks great, and it would have actually come in handy. The problem is it lags so much on my phone (iPhone 6) - and no other app has or has had any issues - that it's quite simply unusable. I wait multiple of seconds just to register an action and then some more to implement it. That's after all the onboarding.
    Pls fix guys. You can't let poor performance ruin the great work the rest of your team has done.
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    Developer Response

    We're not aware of any lag issues but would be happy to look into this! Please contact our team at so we can help resolve this for you :)

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