Slack User Reviews

Slack Technologies, Inc.

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  • An amazing FREE workspace app.

    I never feel this like strong desire to write reviews but i am now-

    Slack is a wonderful group workspace app.
    A lot of the complaints seen are due to APPLE updating to ios16. Americans (and i am one) want things in an instant- slack has to adjust.

    That said, I've been using slack for about 3 years. I think a lot of reviews are ignoring the fact that it is FREE! You pay NOTHING to use this app, when all other apps cost at MINIMUM $100 depending on how many employees you have. All the complaints seen (to me) are glitches that just require in person communication. Companies shouldn’t be depending solely on slack- it’s a GREAT tool though.

    What reviews we see are called minor inconveniences. In the grand scheme of things. Slack is amazing, it’s even more amazing that businesses can DEPEND on slack FOR FREE to communicate with everyone from really anywhere.

    THAT SAID, all apps have issues. I have had good runs with slack and i have had issues just like every other app i have. Instagram, Twitter, Facebook etc included. Is it worth it for all the features you get? The various work spaces ? User interface ? Etc. ABSOLUTELY.
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  • Almost unusable in recent months

    I used to LOVE slack. I manage a company with 47 fully remote crisis workers. Timely communication is vital, as people’s lives are on the line. I send hundreds of messages per day leading my crew. But nearly every time I try to open a thread, I get “Message Unavailable” error that says the message has been deleted. I have to close and reopen the app several times just to see the message. Notifications don’t work properly, the app crashes while I’m typing a message and loses my work.

    I am forced to restart this app literally dozens of times a day. I’ve reinstalled, cleared cache, bought a new phone. Slack is essential at my workplace and I feel so helpless. These constant glitches are a massive timesuck, to the point that i cannot perform my work on the go. As a salaried manager I am always on call outside of normal hours, so being able to work mobile is non-optional. This is incredibly frustrating and I’m at my wit’s end. Slack developers, PLEASE, how can you let it be this broken for so long?
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    Developer Response

    We're very sorry for the disruption to your work. This doesn't sound right at all, and we'd like to look into this for you. Please write to us at We'll be standing by to help.
  • Does not work well with iPadOS 16

    When resizing the window of Slack, the changes to editing a post are lost.
    When pressing ENTER on the iPad keyboard, the message is not sent; you have to press a button. But this button is hidden behind a tiny floating language selection & dictation bar. I had to move it out of the way, and quickly hit ‘submit’ before the bar jumped back, a matter of milliseconds. I know Slack used to be a game company, but this is not the type of game I’m interested in playing :)
    I also find the app to respond slow on iPadOS, as if it’s not native but some kind of ‘HTML shell’ that doesn’t really bring the best of the native CPU/GPU capabilities.
    Lastly, I think they need to rework ‘search’. I would like to see a more clear distinction between ‘search everywhere’ and ‘search within the current channel or private conversation’. It takes ages to find something now. I also would like to see a more user friendly search query system (AND/OR) where I can add criteria. Right now it doesn’t ‘feel’ right - I know that doesn’t really help but perhaps they’d benefit from a larger user-acceptance phase for UX.
    Luckily it’s miles better than Discord, which although more powerful, is not easy to use or grasp.
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    Developer Response

    Thanks for your feedback. We'd be happy to investigate the issues you are having with editing and sending messages. Please write to us at
  • Weak, frustrating app

    I am forced to use this product but find it terribly limiting, frustrating and an impediment to efficiency. Despite providing insight to Slack on many occasions, the company consistently limits user productivity by refusing to enable standard features such as printing, multi user chats, and copy/paste. Always claiming it’s for security reasons, the company is adamant they can’t safely provide the product features their competitors can. Most recently Slack would not allow me to paste a contact name as a DM recipient. It would only let me type it in or select it from the thousands of members in my company. Why not let me paste text?! Ugh. All my peers are frustrated by the poor feature set, the ugly UI, and the single window limit. My God, how did we ever select this tool and why do we still use it?! My recommendation is — use a different product. You can’t do worse.
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  • Missing messages?? Only on mobile

    Mobile Slack worked fine for me for years, until the last 3 months or so - now, I pretty much exclusively use the desktop app, because some reason, my mobile slack app never shows all my messages.

    I’ll get a notification that I got a new message, click the notification, and it’ll take me to the channel… but the last message that shows in the channel is from over a month ago. Then I’ll exit the app and reload it to try to do a “refresh”, but that time the last message that shows is from over two months ago, and this will just repeat — each time loading a different date as the “latest date” of messages (always weeks or months ago), despite the fact that I know I have new messages all the way through the current day.

    On desktop, notifications work and the app shows all the updated messages in every channel, from weeks ago through the current second — but on mobile none of those messages show up. I’ll get the notifications that a message came in but the message doesn’t show in the app.

    This has been happening for months and it’s so frustrating. I’ve signed out and back in, exited & reloaded, updated, uninstalled & reinstalled, everything — nothing fixes it. I can’t be the only one having this issue?
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  • Getting worse and worse

    Post-acquisition the Slack iOS app has taken something of a nosedive in quality. It went from a nearly full featured Slack client to kind of a baby-mode limited functionality version with fewer and fewer options and features. Theming is gone and the UI is stuck in high contrast mode that gives you awful visual afterimages. The ability for workspace owners to do anything is gone. The ability to control editing window behavior is gone. Hardware keyboard integration is worse, with shortcut keys being removed. It's become riddled with bugs. Just scrolling the chat will randomly throw one of your messages into edit mode if you touch it wrong. Every couple of versions it stops accepting Return to send when using a hardware keyboard. I'm glad Stew and his folks sold out and made a bunch of money, that's awesome, I like Stew personally but it's a shame what the clueless new owners are doing with the software they bought.

    Sad update:
    The generic "developer response" below, a boilerplate plea to open a ZenDesk case, is a real shame. I did, of course, do that. About four months ago. The response was -- to paraphrase -- "thanks for the feedback." The product has not improved since.
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    Developer Response

    Hi there, We’d be interested in hearing more about this feedback. When you have a moment, please navigate to your app’s “You” tab - “Preferences” - “Send Feedback” to flag this with our support team. We’ll be happy to help!

    Hate how difficult it is to get anything done with this app! So many problems, where do I begin? For starters there needs to be a better way to quickly pause notifications and determine which channels will notify you and which will not and how to be notified or not be notified and to do a better job of being notified 9-5 office or not be notified on the weekends with more customizations that do not exist. There needs to be easier way to upload or download files and not have to click on so many additional buttons to get the job done, very frustrating. I should be able to leave a voice message like you can with other Apple products or Vbox and I should be able to quickly find information or filter out junk or drag and drop information quicker. Generally speaking I’m very disappointed with Slack and feel that the entire company has slacked off with this garbage product, please raise your standards and do a better job!
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  • It’s alright…

    The most frustrating thing about this app is that you have to stay in the app while uploading photos, whereas I can start to upload photos and leave other messenger systems and the photos will still upload but if you leave in Slack, they’ll just stop and become a “failure to upload” and often you won’t be able to delete the failed ghost messages until days later. Often if you send too many photos like more than 5, it seems to not like that either and will fail to upload them altogether even if you stay with app open waiting for them…I have never experienced this with other major messaging platforms. These feel like 1990s issues.
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  • Bugs in new versions

    Used to be more stable. The newer versions have a couple bad bugs. 1. Syncing between desktop and mobile. Messages and whether a thread is read or unread do not sync 100% of the time. More like 40% of the time. This results in missed communications worst case as the unread notification only shows up on either mobile or desktop so messages get missed when you’re not going back and forth, or best case it’s annoying to clear the same messages from long ago once you switch to mobile. 2. Message loading on mobile. Messages often don’t load or take a really long time to load. Sometimes it’ll load only the other person’s recent messages and not my replies. Sometimes when you send something it seems to disappear so you don’t know if it was received. I’m on iPhone 13 pro and iOS 15.5. Typically using Wi-Fi but also Verizon.
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  • One Step Forward, Two Steps Back for iPad

    The recent iPad App update misses the mark quite considerably. In some ways, it is almost as if Slack doesn’t understand its users. No longer easy to see all unread messages in one place - which was a feature I regularly requested for the desktop app. Now, the iPad app has been turned to be quite bland. Seems like the “Dark Mode” folks won the design argument; as the new app no longer supports the desktop or web app color themes; which now makes the iPad app incredibly difficult to know at a glance which team you’re viewing. Also frustrating are the 3 or so “Unread Direct Messages” you can see, when you tap “Show All” it takes you to the “Direct Messages” sidebar that sorts in its own way, with unreads strewn about. Also, Direct message addresses are much harder to read; too much text all clumped together. Unfortunate for the iPad app, Slack has taken a once very useful version (preferred as a second screen in some cases over the desktop app) and made it into a giant iPhone app. The iPhone app now also suffers from this Direct Message unread messages “Show All” problem. The only way to return some of the missing sort and see all DMs on the iPad app is to select the sort option of “by recent” but it does not group unreads. 7 years using Slack, and this is by far the most disappointing iPad app “upgrade.” Repackage the desktop app for the iPad and call it “Slack Pro” for iPad Pro users who use their iPad in place of a laptop.
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