Resy User Reviews

Resy Network Inc

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  • Looks better than it is, always disappointing

    Resy looks cool but in reality there’s nothing much behind the curtain. Open Table is so much more user oriented. Resy, it seems, is more restaurant oriented. For example, Resy asks you for reviews but doesn’t allow customers to actually read the reviews, so what’s the point? Only the restaurant can read them. As a customer, we only get to see the aggregate rating which we all know can be manipulated. Plus, I like to be able to read reviews and decide for myself. Another pet peeve is that you can’t read a menu. Instead you have to go to the restaurant’s website, read it there, then go back to the app to make the reservation. Time consuming and annoying. Open Table’s app is far superior in many ways but unfortunately Resy is cheaper for the restaurants (so I’ve been told by restaurants when asked why they choose to use it). Yelp too, leaves a lot to be desired, and you expect that from Yelp, but even it works better than Resy. Would love to have this app actually put some functionality into it, otherwise it really is kind of lame.
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  • My first ever app review for this horrible app

    You would think that Resy, with all its competitors and users, would invest more into making sure that their app is highly functioning and operational at all times. Resy is the absolute worst booking app I've used because it crashes. All. The. Time. No matter how many times I check to make sure my phone software and the app are both up to date, it inevitably crashes when I 1) try to add a reservation to my phone calendar and 2) when I try to invite other guests to my reservation. The app is so unreliable and frustrating that I ditched it completely and started to literally just call into the restaurant to make reservations by phone just to avoid Resy completely.
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  • App is so buggy

    I use resy constantly because it has the best restaurants and the notify feature is great but it is so difficult to use. I really wish the company would fix the app. It is so hard to browse by location or by neighborhood, it is always resetting to your current location. Also If you try to browse by an area in a map it will only return restaurants for like a tiny 5% square inside of the map area you’ve selected. It will also do this thing where you think you’re going through a list of restaurant but then you realize it’s repeating the same 20 restaurants every time you refresh. Also if you make a reservation while browsing and then return to the browse it will reset the list. If another app came out that had the same restaurants and the notify feature but had good UX without bugs I’d immediately start using it instead.
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  • Cool Concept, Terrible Execution

    This application has so much potential but it is ultimately behind the times. I don’t know how it has such high ratings. If you don’t live in NYC then this app is a hassle to navigate because it defaults there and rarely registers that you’re trying to search a different location. Activating access to current location doesn’t fix this issue. The search function has been like this for at least the past 2+ years.

    The app constantly crashes. I used to think that it was just the instant version that I was using but now several versions later, I’m beginning to realize that it’s just the app. If the app isn’t crashing because of a non-NYC search, then it’s crashing because you want to share your reservation, or it’s crashing when you try and change the date of your preferred reservation.

    I didn’t realize how bad Resy was until I started using Yelp, Tock, and OpenTable.
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  • I don’t get it

    I can’t really recall a time where a company makes an app and it’s completely unusable unless you’re in NYC. I try to add a Home or Work location, doesn’t let me. I try to search near me, nothing happens. I manually type in and search for the restaurant, it takes me to an About Me screen for the restaurant with no ability to check for reservations. I’m simply looking for an experience that’s like the web or mWeb experience. Search a city or for a specific restaurant, what are the next open reservations, give me a calendar in case I want to look further out than the next 7 days. Please focus on doing one thing well first(finding + booking reservations) then move on new features. I don’t find restaurants by searching resy I find them by social and Google first then move to resy for a reservation.
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  • Was Good Now Full of Issues

    It used to be a good app. Not as good as another booking app but the restaurants were usually better. Recently, it has been super buggy and losing functionality. Like another reviewer said, it recently has had trouble changing the location. I would type in a location that it recognized, eg New York but then when it went to search, it would just search around me. I had to physically change the map to change the area. Then I would change the date it would keep the current date when I booked, eg I would search for 2 people on April 17th but then when I booked it would be for today March 27th. It’s basically unusable. I would have to either go directly to the restaurants website or go to a desktop to make a reservation, neither of which is ideal.
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  • Always opens to NYC when I rarely go there

    It is annoying to always have to switch location. And lately, when I do, it doesn’t recognize the new search location. It stays with NYC. I love Resy for so many reasons but app is getting more buggy and is starting to annoy me. Today it refused to switch and I had to actually point to Houston on the map and then zoom out. Then for one of the restaurants it said it would not accommodate my time but didn't ask if I wanted to search for another date. That field was missing from the page. App center did not list Resy as needing to be updated but when I search specifically for Resy it said there was an update. Maybe it is an Apple issue but wanted to report all this so you are aware.
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  • The worst app you can’t not use

    I live in NYC and unfortunately most restaurants are on Resy. This is by far the most frustrating app that I use regularly. It constantly glitches. I search for restaurants in one neighborhood and it shows me restaurants from another neighborhood or occasionally a different city. I select a restaurant to see availability and the search resets to my current location. I am sometimes randomly not able to set notifies for a dinner reservation past 7:30. You cannot customize searches or notifies for only indoor/outdoor seating. I do not understand how Resy got the adoption that it has.

    2 stars because although app experience is impossible, it has all the best restaurants.
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  • Impossible to search in a different city

    1. Searching for restaurants in a different location is not intuitive and requires several taps in different parts of the screen. This should be a logical flow.
    2. Worse, the app usually forces the location back to your home location, so that it’s actually impossible to search in a different location. The full web version is typically required
    3. You are forced to scroll through tons of restaurants that do not have availability to find ones that do.
    4. The app ignores the time period you search for and instead shows you whatever slots are available, say for lunch when you need a prime dinner reservation
    5. Reviews are worthless since every restaurant is 4.5-5 star

    1. Simpler interface compared to Open Table, which has annoying groups and requires vertical and horizontal scrolling.
    2. Added bonuses for Amex members.
    3. Restaurants are better curated than Open Table. Resy has more local favorites while Open Table tends to have more tourist traps and chains
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  • Super slowwwww and Laggyyyyy

    I have never written a review on app before. The experience using this app is so frustrating. For one, the app is slow and does not react well to modifications. But perhaps the most difficult part is, when you choose a specific neighborhood to look(while physically being in a different neighborhood) the app will NEVER register it. It will always default to the physical location your in.

    The obvious answer is to turn your location off (which you shouldn’t have to do) . But in any case, when you do that, other things don’t register such as the time, the amount of people.

    In conclusion I wouldn’t use it if good restaurants weren’t on it. It is a shame. Lots of work to do on the UI / UX.
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