Resy User Reviews

Resy Network Inc

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  • Buggy but necessary

    For an app that is widely used by both restaurants and diners I’m pretty shocked at how buggy it is. The “Near me” location setting is useless and doesn’t update properly and I’ve had to redownload twice. Adding a work or home address doesn’t populate anything leaving me confused as to how this even shipped. I’ve had to create multiple accounts using the same phone number but with different email addresses because there is no syncing across web and native iOS. But yes, it’s where all the reservations are — I just expect more from this product team.
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  • Horrible UX

    I’m not sure why restaurants decided that Resy would be the main reservation tool as their app makes it incredibly frustrating to reserve anything. Searching for a specific restaurant? Make sure you don’t actually press the “search” button or you’ll be sent on cross-country tour of un-related restaurants. Trying to find get something as soon as it opens up? No dice. Even the main interface of looking around a map and seeing available places is impossible. I usually give up and switch back and forth with Google maps to see what’s available. The website is manageable, but the app makes me want to tear my hair out and throw my phone against a wall and I try to avoid it at all costs.
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  • Horrible UX

    I am an avid yelper and make restaurant reservations several times a week using a plethora of apps, and Resy has BY FAR the worst user experience of all. Honestly I still don’t really know how to use this app AND I DESIGN APPS AND SOFTWARE FOR A LIVING (facepalm).

    - Resy has some of the hottest restaurants in its roster
    - The app is visually pretty
    - I like the “alert” me if there’s a seat feature

    SUPER hard to navigate this app - for example, from the landing page I might type in the restaurant I’m interested in making a reservation for in the search bar, but after clicking into that restaurant it tells me there are no seats available. Great - maybe I want to change the number of people and date for the reservation. BUT HOW?? The restaurant’s page doesn’t show me options to change the date + number of seats desired. If I want to change the date / seats, I need to hit BACK, change it on the main page, and then fingers crossed the restaurant has slots.

    This might be a bug, but it’s a super annoying one. Plz fix
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  • Totally Stupid App for Lazy Restaurants and Data Grabbers

    I made a reservation over the phone with a restaurant that I have been frequenting for years. Having recently added the RESY system to their business, they finished the call and put me into the RESY system.
    A few days later I needed to cancel the reservation. The restaurant said I had to cancel with RESY.
    I didn’t have an account (and don’t want one), but I had to open an account to cancel the reservation, then CLOSE the account.
    The app also does not offer landscape presentation (childish with the amount of Ipad Pros in use) AND only offers to text (rather than offering the choice of emailing) security codes, a sleazy way to make sure that they snag your phone number.
    I will try to avoid the RESY App and establishments that employ it.
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  • An awful, unresponsive experience

    I had such high hopes for the app, considering the quality listings of restaurants! Unfortunately, the experience is not responsive AT ALL. The search bars to enter location or types of cuisine don’t load properly, the map refreshes every time you click out of a restaurant, and the on-site experience is sadly similar. I live in Dallas and every time I search or go back to look at the list of picks, the lists default to Fort Worth. For anyone who has been to or lives in the DFW, they are an HOUR apart, so it’s frustrating to have to scroll back over to Dallas every single time I click out of a restaurant. Please fix this as you expand your reach to other cities!!!
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  • The best restaurants w/ the worst search functionaity

    A lot of my favorite restaurants are only on Resy. I appreciate that I don’t have to support Yelp. But my god. I dare the engineering team to try to search for a restaurant in a different city. I’ve tried on both my desktop and in the mobile app. Whenever i try to edit the location, it defaults to my current location.

    I generally like to make reservations before I go on a trip especially if I want to try a particular restaurant. The only way I’ve been able to manage to do this is by going to the restaurants website, selecting make a reservation and then ending up on their Resy page. This is 3 clicks too many. While this is not just a bad user experience, it is likely costing Resy partners a lot of missed reservations (& revenue).

    Please fix this. I want to love this app but it simply doesn’t function as intended.
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  • Search Function Needs Work

    The branding of this app is so cute and all of the features are nice- but the search feature is so annoying to use. Multiple times in the last few months I’ve tried to search restaurants in other locations (because I’m going to be in those cities soon and trying to book things ahead of time) and every time I do this the search defaults to my current location, or the map zooms out super far from the location where I’m searching. Please improve the search functionality and give it better “memory” so I don’t lose my place when I’m searching for restaurants in my own and other cities, and when I’m using the map feature.
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  • Charged $75 For a Reservation I Didn’t Know I Made

    I’ve used the app for years and never had a problem. This past week I made reservations at a restaurant in Asbury Park, NJ for Saturday night while a friend was in town. When we got there, there was a private party. I showed the restaurant my reservation but they didn’t know how it happened.

    A few minutes later I saw a missed call from a restaurant with the same name in Cambridge, MA. It was at this point I realized the reservation was made at the wrong restaurant. All the texts I received just had the name, no location so I never new. At this point it was too late to cancel my reservation at the wrong restaurant several hundred miles away and I was charged $75!!! So not only did we not get the dining experience I was expected, I was charged a huge fee for not showing up to a restaurant I didn’t know I had a reservation for.

    I’ve noticed the location functionality has been acting buggy the last few weeks, I recommend you call any restaurant you want to make a reservation with and NOT use this app. $75 is a lot of money to be charged for a meal I didn’t eat.
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  • Bad app

    Like most recent reviewers, I found this app incredibly non-intuitive and difficult to use. There is zero information on how to use it or what anything means. I thought I’d made a reservation and turned up at the restaurant only to find we were on the Notify list and there wasn’t room for us. Oh, so *that’s* what Notify means. I guess at least I know for next time, not that I plan to use this app again if I can possibly avoid it.
    btw, I work in the tech industry so consider myself to be pretty tech-savvy.
    Also, since just about ALL the ratings for at least the last couple of months are 1 or 2 stars, how come the overall rating is 4.8? Definitely something is off with that…
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  • Difficult to use, unintuitive and annoying

    I’ve never rated an app before but this one drives me so nuts, I’m writing my first review.

    This app is not intuitive or user-friendly. Every time I have to use it I am frustrated. It is so difficult to figure out how to navigate or find things. It doesn’t explain anything or make things obvious within the interface. It moves around as you’re trying to search but doesn’t let you search a certain location on the map. For reference, I’m 31 and work at a tech company, so I am decently tech savvy. That may be why this poorly constructed app frustrates me the most because they should be able to do so much more with such a high profile app. Open Table works much better to the point where I’d rather pick a restaurant based on if I can find it on Open Table rather than going to the Resy App. I only use Resy when I already know the restaurant I want to go to and have to book via Resy because that’s what the restaurant uses.
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