Procreate Dreams User Reviews

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  • Good but a bit glitchy

    I’m an animation student so I’m currently using it and learning on the go for a final project I’m doing and I like that there’s layers to each frame and the sound track feature and stuff like that is really useful and easy to navigate however most of the time when I’m sketching or doing lineart there’s these lines that appear randomly on the canvas and it’s a bit of a pain to keep rubbing it out and occasionally when I undo it will remove more than my last stroke and sometimes have glitch looking pixel boxes appear on the screen on the drawing it goes away after undoing or redoing but it’s still a bit weird, another thing which I see others are having issues of too is that it stops me from drawing and doing anything so I have to keep closing the app and loading it back up which gets annoying after working on something for a while, I’m looking forward to seeing where this goes though as I absolutely love Procreate and would love to use dreams to animate bigger projects.
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    Developer Response

    Hey MiaRose_00 - Thank you for using Procreate Dreams and for sharing your feedback with us. In terms of the bulk undo behaviour, we would recommend heading into any movies in Procreate Dreams > tap the movie title > Preference and increase your Stored Undo Steps here, as this should mitigate the problem and reduce the chances of encountering the bulk undo. As for other glitches, we would recommend updating to the latest Procreate Dreams 1.0.8 and seeing if things improve for you. If any of them persist, could you please get in touch with us directly via our Support Form and provide us with a bit more information and visual reference (if possible)? We will do whatever we can to help you further 🙏
  • Good, but missing a few features

    As a long time Procreate user, I was very excited for the release of Procreate Dreams. Having used the animation option on Procreate, I had thought that Dreams would be the same, just with more features to enhance the experience. Now coming into Dreams, I can say that I do like the way it is laid out. The dashboard is easy to understand and get a hang of after watching a few tutorials. What I was mainly hoping for this software to have was an option to add audio, use keyframes, and not be limited by layers, which is what we were given. Though, there is still the lack of many tools that I use regularly while animating on Procreate that were not transferred onto Procreate Dreams, such as the tool bar. I use the liquify tool a lot for animating. In terms of drawing, the tools are limited, but not a turn away because you can easily import projects from Procreate into Dreams.
    Overall, I do really like how this software is set up, not to mention the one-time payment. Yet I am still struggling to animate comfortably because a lot of the tools I am used to are absent, though that may just be a matter of me getting used to it. I am hoping that we may receive these features with future updates as they come!
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    Developer Response

    Hey Manney Wolf - thank you for the review of Procreate Dreams. We are grateful for the input here, and we'll do our best to take all user feedback on board for when it comes to improvements to the software over time. It's great to hear that you like the interface and the layout, and we're happy to share with you that some of the tools from Procreate will for sure make their way into Procreate Dreams as well. 🙌
  • They got rid of several essential features and I want them back

    I love the idea of making a separate procreate app just for animation. Typically I would make several small animations and then edit them all together with another platform which is why I had no hesitation getting this app. I figured it was the same thing but with farther animation capabilities, I was wrong. My first issue was when you go into the drawing part, the animating board shrinks. Its pretty big and at first I thought you could just swipe it to the side. You can’t. Next thing is there is no redo button as far as I’m concerned. In procreate there are two buttons on the side: the undo and the redo, although you can also undo by tapping on the screen with two fingers. In procreate dreams you can only undo by tapping the screen with two fingers and either I don’t know how to do the redo or it just doesn’t exist. This seems harmless in a way, but I can’t draw with resting my hand on the screen which is commonly mistaken for the undoing action. Another thing about the redo button is that a lot of times I don’t like how I drew things so I rapidly spam undo although when you do that it goes back way farther than it should and once again, no redo button. They also got rid of the feature to move and adjust stuff. Very annoying. You also can’t liquify or merge down. Another thing is that I can’t add music as it has to be a file and saving a file on an ipad is beyond my knowledge.
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    Developer Response

    Hey addinton - thank you for the review of Procreate Dreams. We have some good news. You can Redo by tapping *three* fingers on the Stage at the same time. We are also planning to build out Undo and Redo buttons, and also the ability to select and move items independently on the Stage area. Thank you for the feedback! Also, if you notice that you are accidentally Undoing too much, try tapping on the title of a Movie on the left, after loading into it. In here, tap Preferences, then reduce your Stored Undo Steps, or drag your Rapid Undo Delay slider all the way to the left to disable it. 🙏
  • Blurry brush

    No lasso or liquify tool, also in a previous review I said when you paint while zoomed out the brush strokes are blurry, you guys said it’s expected but in procreate this doesn’t happen, let me elaborate, when you zoom out in procreate and your canvas gets smaller, brush strokes you do also are smaller relative to how far you’ve zoomed out making it so that if you make a brush stroke when zoomed in or zoomed out they are both the same size because the brush stroke changes size relative to the canvas changing size, now in dreams, it doesn’t get bigger or smaller depending on how zoomed in or out your canvas is, as a result the brush strokes get bigger and blurrier relative to the size they are supposed to be the more you zoom out, they also get smaller the more zoomed in you are, this shouldn’t be expected since this doesn’t happen in procreate, the only thing that should affect the size is changing the brush stroke size
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    Developer Response

    Edited 11/01/2024 - Hey there - Thank you for providing more information. Selections for Draw & Paint is being worked on at the moment and we are trying to get it to our users as soon as we can. As for the liquify tool, it has been listed as a requested feature and we have added your support load to it. In terms of the issue with brush resolution, we have had a further look into this issue and noticed that there are indeed some consistency issues when using Dynamic Brush Scaling, in comparison to how it behaves in Procreate. We are and will continue to work hard on investigating and bringing a fix for it. We apologise for the inconvenience caused and hope to bring you a better experience in the future. 🙏 27/12/2023 - Hi there - This is expected behaviour due to how the brush strokes are rendered at different zoom levels. You can learn more about this at our Help Centre:
  • Using this app is a struggle from beginning to end.

    First and foremost this app will definitely be a breakthrough for more animation apps and I’m glad it’s making animation accessible to the everyday person + being a one time purchase (which is a bargain considering the power packed in it). But, gaining access to the app itself with the the accessibility ends. I loved procreate over other apps and other programs because of its seamless blend of simple features while maintaining the ability to allow sophisticated artwork to be made. This broke down the barrier for many individuals to enter art and increase their skills at an amazing rate, including me. I though Procreate Dreams would be the same. I was sadly mistaken. I hadn’t expected to have to watch a 30 minute tutorial on how to navigate an app with features and and interface that was not only confusing, but nonsensical at times (see: the onion skin mode hidden behind the TIMER???). All to still struggle with using the app. Switching between modes is a struggle, adding frames is a struggle, understanding the interface in general is a struggle, and to little to no reward. I can appreciate that the team is doing their best and I don’t regret my purchase. My only consolation is that things can only go up from here; and I’m sure they will.
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    Developer Response

    Hey swwetsalt - Thank you for sharing your feedback with us and we are sorry to hear that you did not have a pleasant experience with the current version of Procreate Dreams. User experience is critically important to us and we will definitely take your suggestions on board. Additionally, we would highly recommend checking out our Help Centre Here you can find our Procreate Dreams Handbook, as well as other articles our team has specifically prepared to help you get familiar with Procreate Dreams. 🙏
  • Not enough features

    Like this app is probably better than most other animation apps though there are some suggestions for the app, I’m unsure if since the app is still in a bit of development though I mean these all in a positive manner. I feel like the app is lacking a bunch or features such as in-app tutorials where it tells you how to use the app cause it took me a while to figure out how to use the app properly. And buttons for things like undo/redo ect. would really help and the rulers and the Lasso tool they would really be helpful. And adding/editing brushes without procreate.
    Although this app is really great and is way better than a lot of other animation apps
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    Developer Response

    Edited 09/01/2024 - Hey Kaeyathrei - Thank you for your kind words and for sharing your feedback with us. We are happy to share that the Draw & Paint Selections is currently in development and will be available in a future patch. As for brush editing, we will be adding some basic brush editing functions at a later point in time. However, the complete Brush Studio will remain exclusive to Procreate as it is a feature specifically designed for Procreate as a dedicated illustration application. For tutorials, we would highly recommend checking out our Help Centre first. Here you will be able to find our Procreate Dreams Handbook, as well as other articles that we have specifically prepared to help you get familiar with Procreate Dreams. On top of that, we have also noted down your other feature suggestions and we look forward to bringing you an improved experience in the future. 🙏 22/12/2023 - Hey there - thank you very much for the review of Procreate Dreams. Some of the things you've mentioned, such as app stabilisation and pressure settings, have been built already! Be sure to update, then head to Movie Settings > Preferences > Pressure & Smoothing. Some of the other ideas you brought up are in development or planned for it, too, so we'll definitely keep moving forward with more tools and options. Thanks again for the feedback and for supporting us! ⭐
  • I need help

    Whenever I try to draw something on Procreate dreams the content only goes to 1 ms and I don’t know why I have to manually size it and I see so many other people not having to manually size it so what’s the problem

    Developer Response

    Hi SUPERHEROFAN2018 - Have you yet tried to use the Fill duration option? If you long-hold your content it should come up as one of the options. Is this the behaviour you are after or are you after something different?
  • Really Amazing App Procreate! Just some things though…

    I really enjoy Procreate Dreams ever since I downloaded it. But there is just one bug.
    Everything turns Orange. When I go into paint mode, my blue paint turns orange, my yellow paint turns orange, my purple paint turns orange… etc. But when I exit paint mode, everything goes back to normal.
    I am not using a clipping mask or mask.
    It also affects other animations I might start.
    Could you look into this a little bit? Thank You!
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    Developer Response

    Hi Lucy(●’◡’●) - It sounds like you have Onion skins blend primary frame turned on. Head to Movie Settings (tap movie title) > Stage and make sure that this option is toggled OFF.
  • REALLY good, but has some bugs and needs more.

    Ok, so I absolutely ADORE this app. It’s fantastic for animating, and it’s just what I’ve been needing to animate my ideas. However, it is missing some key features as well and has some bugs. The main bug I’ve come across is that whenever you undo your previous stroke, it does this thing where your drawing kinda flashes to white for a second before coming back. It also will sometimes undo more lines than the previous stroke. Like, it’ll undo my many of my recent lines instead of just the most recent. As for features it needs, It really needs a transform tool like in procreate. Because right now all I can do is adjust the position of everything on the frame, and it’s really hindering my ability to animate quickly. It also needs a brush studio so I can edit the brushes, and I haven’t been able to import my own brushes. (That might be a me problem but idk.) it also needs a way to adjust things. (Think the preferences settings in procreate.) It needs some more things and some fixes, but this really has a lot of fantastic potential and I’m excited to see it be developed further!

    Edit: I have also noticed that it speeds up audio that I add in. (Whether it’s a video or a file) by quite a bit. This has been frustrating for me and I feel as though it needs to be fixed.
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  • Don’t purchase yet (could be amazing on day)

    As someone that has just stared to animate but is very competent with procreate and was asked to deliver an animation project I am very very disappointed. It is missing so many elements and buttons that where amazing on the original procreate. The gestures aren’t obvious and there is no intro video from procreate dreams to help educate you on them. As a rule of thumb I believe shouldn’t have to ask how to delete on an art app, it should be intuitive. You also can’t (or I haven’t found out how) to select a certain part of your drawing to resize or warp, has to be the whole layer. You also can’t tilt the drawing either. It also tends to freeze a lot and when importing a video it tends to cut out and loose sections, a real disappointment procreate but hopeful that it can get easier and that you can improve and develop with time, it’s very promising just not ready yet. Please don’t cut corners
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    Developer Response

    Hi Charleyss:) - Thanks so much for reaching out and sharing your feedback! Selections and Transform for Draw & Paint are being worked on and we are trying to get them to our users as soon as we can. It will, however, still need a bit of time in development. If you need any help with finding your way around Procreate Dreams, be sure to check out our Help Centre: ❤️

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