SplashID Pro 9 User Reviews

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  • V9 is a Great Upgrade

    I’m guessing many of the poor reviews are related to previous/beta versions of this app. I just finished upgrading from V8 to V9 and so far haven’t seen any of the issues others have reported. I much prefer the new interface and the app is much faster. I really like that I can still choose to keep all of my data local, and 2FA is a great addition.

    My data rransfer was simple enough. I had to replaced a few of my custom icons, but no biggie. I was very pleased that Splash Data is honoring Lifetime Subscriptions from V8 for V9. I’ve seen other apps use upgrades as a way to screw lifetime subscribers to generate more subscriptions (Hello Wondershare!).
    Customer service was excellent. My concerns were addressed with only 2 emails and responses from Ram were very timely. All-in-all, I’m very pleased with the upgrade.
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  • Poor upgrade from SplashID Pro

    I was urged to upgrade to this version having used the original Splash ID for many years. My biggest complaint is the way the App loads - every time it takes at least a minute to stabilise the record list. When you’re trying to navigate to a record the list keeps resorting back to the beginning - this is very frustrating and slows down user access to the information. Also I think they took my subscription for the old splash ID!
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  • Terrible upgrade, rubbish app

    The v9 is a terrible app.
    It is painfully slow, the syncing is flakey, and it has long lags when completing tasks.
    It cannot import reliably.
    It is an all round dumpster fire. V8 looks positively rock solid compare to this dumpster fire.
    I’ve had it arbitrarily wipe all the data on a number of occasions.
    After >10 years I’m looking for a new password manager.
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  • Well , I'm a happy camper!

    I migrated to SplashID Pro 9 a few days ago, and I want to add my very positive review. I've been a SplashID user since 2003, and I had a really messy file, developed on many different PCs and Macs over the years, so I was very concerned it wouldn't migrate well. I also knew it was time to organize the mess, but I decided to do the cleanup on 9. So I made a backup, set myself up for cloud sync, and gave it a try. Migration was flawless once I found the migrate link--turns out you have to have the app in full screen mode to see it. I learned that from a very helpful support person via email not long after I'd sent my question. No trouble transferring my lifetime subscription, either. Then I started editing. Considering the age of my file and the assortment of changes I made over the years, I wasn't surprised to find some weird characters. I created some new categories and eliminated some old ones; ditto for types. I synced frequently to make sure I hadn't lost anything. I finally ended up with a clean listing of records, with over a third that I'd archived for further study later. Then I put SplashID Pro 9 on my iPhone, and the sync was flawless. I'm delighted with the new system and my new level of organization!
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  • Nope Nopity Nope to “Upgrade”

    I’ve used every version of the Splash ID
    app going back over 20 years. It’s always been a bit hinky and the upgrades get onerous, especially when it won’t completely sync. The new version is more difficult to use, doesn’t properly sync and doesn’t import well. It takes a day to try to sync and even after that, it is sooooo slow. Ugh, Splashid Pro 9 is by far the worst of all the iterations and I will spend the next two months chained to my computer transferring all my data over to another app - ‘cause I don’t have the time or inclination to be their beta tester and my data is important to me. Super disappointing and I feel ripped off because ai tried to stay loyal. If I could give it a negative or imploding star, I would. Do better.
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  • Find Something Else

    I have used SplashID since the Palm days. This recent update has so many bugs that make it unusable. The biggest is that it takes almost 5 minutes to show you your accounts when you first login to it. It works the same on other platforms too. It doesn't follow the desktop themes or lock settings either. I have to log into it every few minutes. Technical support no longer responds to me either and I've sent them many helpful messages during beta testing.
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  • Horrendous update

    Wow been using SplashID pro forever. Tried out version 9 and the app is basically unusable. When I need a password I like to login with faceID to get quick access to it. Now it takes several minutes to become stable enough to scroll and even then it freezes up. What’s a shame. Going to stick with version 8 until forced to upgrade. Hopefully they fix it by then.
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  • Excellent Support for v9 Pro

    I have just switched over to v9 Pro and had a few issues/user error situations. The new version is very different and more modern as the developers add clever and useful functionality. I had a response within 24 hours to each user question and each response was accurate and complete. Excellent support service (Thanks Ram!)

    One other request, as a long-time v8 user, is to please update the on-line user manual with more feature detail, lots going on here and a great app for those who want a wi-if only sync (nothing on the cloud.)
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  • Horrible update

    Slow to sync, takes a minute to login. Needs fixing urgently.
  • Lifetime license?

    I had a “lifetime license” with v8 and transitioned to a lifetime license for v9 which was fine for about a month, then today it starts asking for an annual subscription even though it still says that I have a lifetime license for pro 9????? Don’t really like the new interface either. I used to be able to open the app and without clicking anywhere just type the first few characters of what I was looking for and boom it went there. Now I have to click in the search box first and it is much slower. “Downgrade” if you ask me.

    Update. License is still an issue but recent updates significantly improved functionality so I changed my rating to 4 stars.
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