Hinge Health User Reviews

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  • It really helps!

    Sometimes we don’t realize how our pain keeps us from moving and how by NOT moving we are contributing more to our pain. Now, with Hinge, when I have that terrible ache and tightness at the end of my work day, instead of sitting down or laying down and wincing in pain- I will do my Hinge exercises- even if I don’t have my phone handy- I’ll run through my exercises- and magically- the movement and blood flow from the 10 minutes or so makes me feel so much better. I’m not completely pain free, but my pain level will go from a 7 to a 4 or 5. That is huge and helps me be more active, which, in turn, further reduces my pain. Thank you Hinge! Who knew that something so simple and not time consuming or costly could be so helpful!
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  • Extremely helpful

    I’ve loved using this app. I’ve had a lot of trouble finding the right exercises to help strengthen my back. This app slowly builds up the difficulty of various strengthening exercises and puts in stretches that release tension either didn’t know I was carrying around or that I didn’t know how to release. Having a coach has really helped with my accountability, so I put in more effort consistently than I might have otherwise. My coach has also been very helpful with suggesting modifications if I need them. After each exercise session, there’s also a helpful short article that gives some really good insight to what influences pain levels, ways to cope with pain, etc. I’ve been recommending this to many of my friends who also suffer from joint pain.
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  • fine if you believe anecdotal data and can be brainwashed

    The exercises are okay- sometimes the sensors are not correct and can’t tell that I am standing up. One exercise had incorrect directions.

    But my real problem is with the “Education” portion of the program. The articles are based on anecdotal data and are designed to brainwash you into thinking that your pain is just in your head and not important enough for you to miss work. So by gaslighting you into thinking your arthritis isn’t real, you can stay at work and damage your body further. I already had one joint replacement at a young age, and because I didn’t know what was happening, my posture and range of motion deteriorated because I didn’t seek help right away. This app would have told me I was imagining things and I didn’t need to get a replacement, I just needed to read these articles and move a little each day.

    *My* anecdotal data says otherwise. Too bad Hinge Health is just interested in keeping you at work rather than really educating you about what is happening with your body and what each exercise can do to help. I know what happened to me and trying to rewrite history is ridiculous.

    Maybe they should have considered that some of us understand cognitive behavior therapy and might recognize the tricks they were trying to pull. In fact, if they had more training in it, their app might be more successful.
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  • Getting better!

    My neighbor and I talked in January about our New Years resolutions. We both experience daily neck or back pain. Listing mine I started to say I wanted to be free of pain. I had to “do something.” He told me he had just started Hinge and how he was improving his range of motion and getting a lot out of it. He said Hinge inspires him to do a bit more stretching after doing the short exercises from the program.
    Every time I see him now I thank him. Pain was the first thing I thought about every day. Neck pain was making every day tasks harder to do. The simple exercises help ease the pain and get things moving. When I am hurting, my tendency was to lay down with a heating pad and ibuprofen!
    Hinge exercises and the self care article following it, really have made a difference. The coach check in makes me accountable.
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  • Needs to be Expanded

    The program works fine until you reach level 40. It took me about 5 months to get there. Then all progress stops. You are stuck on level 40 with the same 10 exercises and reps. As has been mentioned, there needs to be a maintenance aspect which rotates through various exercises after level 40.

    The motivation of points and progressing to the next level stops even if you start back at an earlier level. Since the idea is progression from one level to the next, it isn’t ideal to go back very many steps as you will be doing fewer reps on the same exercises.

    Doesn’t seem that it would be very difficult to add a plateau level that rotates through different exercises every session that are appropriate for maintaining joint health.
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  • Life-changing

    I started Hinge Health in February 2021 as a last resort. I am missing three pieces of cartridge on my knee and was on a daily prescription medicine for pain. I also had a synthetic joint fluid injection to try and help. The orthopedist said I’d be a candidate for knee replacement in 10-15 years (I’m 46).

    When I saw Hinge Health offered as a new benefit with my husband’s employer I figured I didn’t have anything to lose. With the simplicity of the daily exercises I didn’t expect to see any change - they were just too easy in my opinion. I was wrong. Within a week I no longer had pain walking. Within a month I could go up and down stairs pain-free. Within two months I was snorkeling and hiking for hours a day. It’s been nothing short of miraculous. I haven’t missed a day of exercises since I started and intend to do this for the rest of my life.

    I can’t say enough about this program. I’ve told all my friends about it. The coaching (Brittni Troyan has been amazing!) and the education have given me a better understanding of how much I’m actually in control of my pain management.

    Thank you for this program. It’s given me back my mobility.
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  • Great but wish it would continue

    The Hinge neck program has been great. I first thought that the easiness of the exercises was because they don’t know the degree of your injury or chronic pain, but it’s really just to get you moving and progressing. The exercises never really got too much harder but they certainly worked the supporting muscle groups so my neck and back feel stronger and my chronic pain is greatly reduced. The program has 40 levels and you can get through a level in a few days. I wish the levels advanced beyond 40 but my coach said you just need to go back and repeat some. This is less motivating than trying to complete a level. I suggest they offer a way to generate Levels 40+ that would mix and match exercises from levels 30-40 and then you just keep going as long as you want to. Otherwise, this has been a great program and I thank my employer for making this available for free.
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    Developer Response

    Hi HoyaSaxa1983, Thank you for your feedback! We welcome opportunities to make improvements and sincerely appreciate you sharing your thoughts. We are delighted to be working with you, so please don't hesitate to reach out if we can be of assistance. Best, Cass from Hinge Health Support
  • The road to recovery is now the Hinge Health app!

    After a botched arthroscopy (and a second surgery to correct the first), my right knee had been painful and swollen, with limited range of motion for over twenty years. After a recent visit to an orthopedist, I learned that I have the onset of arthritis in this knee.

    The Hinge Health App and program has helped me to minimize the knee pain, build strength, and regain some range of motion in this knee with a daily exercise regimen, coaching

    (after an initial phone consult, Coach Suzanne reaches out via text almost daily - shout out to a great Coach!!!),

    and a variety of articles that address well-being, including importance of sleep, impact of diet on joint and body long-term health, and most importantly, a better understanding of pain.

    In just four months (and counting) the Hinge Health Program though this app has enabled me to jog again, exercise with renewed vigor, and reduce the pain in the right knee!

    Multiple attempts in physical therapy have not brought about the progress that I have attained with Hinge Health through the Hinge Health App! The road to recovery begins with the Hinge Health App!
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  • It changed my Life!!!

    I’ve been on hinge health for about 7 months now and it’s changed my life. I have a wonderful coach who encourages me to keep up the good work. I’m active again. And with me being active, I was able to loss some weight, and all I did was my stretches 3-5 days a week and only took me 10 mins a day . My kids are involved in my stretches. They do them with me. It keeps them off the Tv and games. Don’t get me wrong I’ve slacked off a little here and there and had some flare ups with my back pain but that’s because I wasn’t doing my stretches. I’m back in the game and enjoying my life a whole lot more now. I highly recommend joining Hinge Health.
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  • The program works

    I was almost at the point that I was going to make an appointment with my surgeon, my knee kept swelling up, and walking with pain often, but after having done this program for several weeks my knee is feeling great again, I was able to do some hiking recently with out any pain and the swelling has not returned. The coaches are there to support and guide you and they check in with you just enough so you you don’t feel alone in your healing journey, my coach Danielle is caring and a great encourager. You can put the application on your phone and take the program with you anywhere.
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