User Reviews: Intoxalock

Consumer Safety Technology, LLC

Top reviews

  • Just a big scam

    They got ya by the you know what once you sign there contract. They’re completely unethical and use the system to their financial advantage. I’m entering my last 6 months and cannot wait to be done with these people. They raise their rates and have all sorts of tiny bogus fees like “roadside assistance” -which you never use. I’ve been charged $75 twice for a battery change even after I notified them. All you can do is file a dispute and supposedly it goes up a level but you never get any response and it’s not like you can just stop paying them -they just add it to your bill and all of a sudden you’re paying these crooks $300 a month. Where I live we have 2 options but it’s expensive to disconnect and reinstall with another company and they know it -so they just nickel and dime nickel and dime. They’re equipment is clunky and outdated so it is t like you’re even paying for good technology. Avoid the scammers.
  • Don’t drink and drive (period)

    As much as I want to bash this money sucking company, I want to take time and reflect on this punishment I deserve, in a good way I’m never going to drink and drive again… however I do have one complaint, when someone like myself goes into rehab to better themselves and you guys are threatening me that if I take it out that I will have to restart it over again when I’m only 2 months away is insane, so the fact that I was dirt broke and you were constantly charging my card putting me in debt when I was trying to better myself in rehab and also giving me penalties for my car battery dying because of your stupid machine is insane…

    And to the people that are reading this, I hope that you find some sort of resolve, I wanted to drink myself to death

    my dad was dead and they kept taking more and more of my money

    I hated myself and I believe many are at where I was, it will get better it may seem hopeless but please go to rehab, you will only hurt yourself more if you keep letting these greedy people win, we humans are unstoppable we keep going even when there is no hope…. I love each and one of you and hope you have beautiful lives ❤️❤️
  • If you have the option of using a different company, take it.

    This company is one of the few that can get away with being absolutely awful in every aspect and still stay in business. If you do use this terrible company, make sure you are on top of EVERY move, from beginning to end. I had my intoxalock installed a month ago. I had them install it a few days before I was eligible to get my license back. I had everything set up and waiting so I could start driving myself to and from work. And 4 weeks later and I’m still waiting to get my license because INTOXALOCK won’t let me contact anyone in person and my state needs this company to verify that I have their awful equipment installed in my truck before I can get my license back. It’s nothing more than a clown show from both the state department to the intoxalock company. My only advise is use a different company. The app they offer is a joke and the service is worse. From the very top to the very bottom, just a poor service.
  • Sean

    It’s a scam. I understand what the device is made to do keep you from driving drunk. It’s to bad they don’t just focus on that. Battery dies that’s $80 miss a blow while driving that’s $80, mouth wash, pizza, pickled items, that’s another year. There are so many inevitable scenarios that will make you frustrated and sometimes desperate to keep vehicle going to support your family. Sometimes I feel like my life is in danger due to being stranded in far away areas. Family member may need medical attention and vehicle does not start. I assume most don’t finish the program and some probably commit crimes to stay on the program. This system doesn’t care about public safety. They are creating unnecessary jobs when they could invest in safer system. I am all for breathalyzers however I know this is not designed to rehabilitate. I drive with it everyday and my god watch out because nozzle falls off regularly, can’t find device when asked to blow and hey if it happens then I make my case.
  • Worst app/company/device

    App: Designed to make it impossible to reach a person. No way to troubleshoot anything outside of a lockout. Company: So many fees! Even after you get your device removed, they keep charging you unless you’re wise enough to read in the small print that you have to cancel roadside assistance separately by email (I was not, so now I’m dealing with trying to get refunded). The representatives lie to you. Ask for a manager every time. The phone menu takes on average about 20 minutes to fight through including wait time. Device: I’ve gone through four car batteries (yes, even though I always put it in “power saver” mode). Now I’ve had it removed and my alternator is a goner. I’ve had to have my car jumped and towed so many times, then I got charged $175 for a lockout fee even though my device wasn’t locked out — my battery was just dead because a faulty interlock device was installed that was draining my battery power way more than it was supposed to. Representatives have told me over and over I would be refunded to my bank account, which still has not happened. Even the people at the auto shop I go to hate these guys because they are incompetent liars and a nightmare to deal with. CHOOSE ANOTHER COMPANY IF YOU CAN! I wish I did — it would have saved me literally THOUSANDS of dollars. This company makes getting a DUI, which is already a difficult experience, so much more difficult.
  • You’ve been warned

    We all make mistakes in life , that put us here; Don’t Make This One!!!!
    Horrible company. A legal scam! Device is totally a nightmare to live with. Especially in the real cold. Forget about car maintenance. Forget about warming up your car. Get ready for dangerous rolling tests. Prepare to fail a test from tooth paste, spicy food, hand sanitizer, mouthwash, gum. Welcome hidden fees, lockouts costing 100$ plus, added months to your contract, 100’s of dollars to remove the device after court order end dates and lock outs that will wreak havoc on your probation.
    You may never get more angry in your life than dealing with this company, ever! The IRS is waaaay more fun!
  • Customer

    This app and system is horrible. It kept asking me to reset my password following the instructions and being computer savvy as I am, after following the instructions, it seems like the program is confused and kept asking me to reset the password over and over and over again yet they keep taking my payment because I can’t contact them. Bogus app, bogus system, strongly recommend finding an alternative instead of using this app.
  • Lies

    They say on the automated phone call how to avoid lockouts and to do your maintenance logs on the app well I did that and one better called to make sure they new and they did but not only did I still get locked out I ended up getting vehicle towed back to my house and battery charged up and back in and now it’s in a service lockout and they say I need to have it towed back to the installer to have it reseted so my e experience is if you lots of money and want have good relation with tow truck driver you can pick intoxalock me I should of just went a year without license, way less stressful
  • Terrible

    My app never worked - just a frozen orange page that says Intoxalock on it. Also, it’s almost impossible to reach a human being when you call. Additionally, the device they originally sent me was faulty - my garage tried to rewire it and the entire system was faulty and had to be replaced. The new device makes me retest at least 3 times while driving. The other day, I had a few places to go and it constantly wanted me to retest - most of the time, it goes off before I even leave a parking lot, after I just gave a sample to start my car - but this particular day, I lost count at 14 times! Plus, it goes off while I’m driving in New Jersey traffic, merging onto major highways, driving on busy highways where I have to be alert for other car’s changing lanes or merging onto the highway from an on-ramp, navigating a busy circle, or making a left (or right) turn, using a jug-handle (what we have in NJ when a left turn is not permitted). It’s extremely dangerous!
  • Smoke and mirrors

    They tack on costs never mentioned in the beginning. They bleed you to death. The device is a piece of $&@t. It hardly works in cold weather. It takes a very long time to get a reading. So I sit in 5 degree temps cussing at it hoping I won’t be late for work. Hey intoxilock. I am from Northern Mn. You are aware that blowing into this causes moisture. You know what 0 degrees does to moisture. It freezes it. Making your machine worthless. The only good thing about it is I can drive once the thing works. It locked me out two days before it was supposed to. That’s a problem in itself. I was thirty miles from home on a Friday night. There is no 24 hour help line as I was told. I had to leave my car in a different town parked and inter locked til Monday. I had to have it towed 60 miles because the calibration location is 30 miles the opposite direction from where I live. Very frustrating and no they did not pay for it. I hate the thing.

Alternatives to Intoxalock