Rally® User Reviews

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  • Horrible app!

    I downloaded the RALLY app because my health insurance made me use the app to check into my local gym. I downloaded it a month ago and already had to call support 3 times. Either the app won’t open the rewards section for me to check in or the app won’t reset the next day to allow me to check in at the gym again. The worst part is I don’t get any feedback from support until 3 days later. By then I missed out on 3 days of check ins. Luckily for me I go every day so I was able to make my 12 check in per month.
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  • I like it

    I like the app. It keeps me honest. I use the app faithfully to check into my missions. It keeps me from procrastinating and I can earn a few bucks on the side to treat myself. I give it 4 stars because there is a part in the app where you answer a series of questions and then it tells you your age based on your health. I am 50 years old in great shape. I eat well and don’t smoke. I work out 4 to 5 times a week doing various programs such as boxing, strength training, running, Zumba, etc. Well you would think the app would take at least 5 to 10 years off my real age but it doesn’t. I can keep up with the best of 25-30 year olds. Anyway, it’s still a very good app.
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  • Good way to motivate yourself

    I started it only a few days ago but have already made more of an effort to get things done than I had before. When I look at my phone I see the notifications and it reminds me to do my missions. I have usually been motivated for exercise, but lately have let other things get in the way and this has helped me get back on track. There is also a wide variety of wellness-related challenges, so it isn’t difficult to rack up points here and there for things you know you should be doing but often don’t.
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  • Works with my Apple Watch!!!

    Ok so I made sure my Apple Watch data is tracked in my iPhone activity and from there the Rally app is able to import in so I can see the steps taken. Accurate or not is another story but my data are in as long as I continue to wear my Apple Watch everyday and workout. The daily check in at first was a bit annoying but guess what the daily repetition is now ingrained in me as I would say time to go to sleep as this is something I set out to do or eat smaller portion.
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  • I have used better less buggy and I don’t have to join ‘The Circle’ to use some services

    I had other health providers request use of other apps that are more functional and lower on the marketing BS’o-meter! I still use one today.
    With all the tightly-wound heath providers pushing ever more onerous service requirements under the HIPPA umbrella, this app’s requirement to agree they can use my data in the public realm is really annoying. The FAQ says the release is optional, but not REALLY option to use many of the functions. They need to relabel the help page as FAAQ (read it real slow).
    I would have rated this as a zero, but I like the design and mobile layouts; major kudos for the designers.
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  • Very Useful app

    I do agree with some reviews, where's the accountability, it is easy to cheat the system. I am also surprised that as a paid system, although paid by my company, that it doesn't use your food tracking app for its info like it does for steps. I would also like the ability to upload my own profile pic. Those things are ugly and limited.

    Otherwise, I really like this app. It is user friendly, easy to get points and cash every month, so there is motivation to use daily. Plus, there are challenges I didn't think would be there that I use. I did use the FitBit discount and it was better than I thought. I cannot wait to connect my Charge 3 to my Rally. Thanks Rally, just need a few tweeks to make it better.
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  • Sad sad sad

    This app only counts steps done while you have your phone on you. Evan then it dose not count all of them gathered. I meet the goal most every day while the Rally app says I’ve only done lea than 1/3 of them. I know this because my watch, (not apple, Fitbit, etc) measures my steps and it says I have done 3800 and the app both on my phone and rally say 1700. This is just not right. The options to pull from other devices needs to happen. My watch is a NUYU device and is always on except if I’m doing something were my arms get wet. I’ve seen in the blog that I’m not the only person with this problem. If it doesn’t work then people will stop using it. That may be me soon. After having a stroke, dealing with useless apps is not in my recovery plan.
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  • Stress inducing, useless, waste of time

    Being forced to use this app is the most stressful and useless part of my day. It is pure clutter. This is part of why healthcare is expensive. We are all paying higher premiums because of garbage arrangements like this.
    Read the Terms of Service if you have a few spare hours. Excerpt: You grant us an irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, royalty-free, fully-paid, transferrable, sublicensable, worldwide license to use, reproduce, modify, transmit, distribute, publicly display and perform, prepare derivative works of, incorporate into other works, and otherwise exploit, Your Materials in any form, technology or media now known or hereafter developed. You hereby waive any moral rights you may have in Your Materials under the laws of any jurisdiction. You agree we may exercise any of these rights without compensation or attribution to you.
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  • Where’s the accountability?

    I have participated in other apps that promote healthy habits, linking to either Fitbit or an exercise app. This program only holds you accountable for opening the app and clicking a button saying you completed the “goal” for the day. There is no way to log dietary/ fluid intake, viral signs, weight, % of body fat/water among other health factor. Literally you can login the app and click complete- never even getting off the couch... anyone can “claim” they completed the “goal”. Also, the rewards.... 10-20% off different items? Why can the reward points be cashed in FOR the items? Save them up and get a real incentive for no cash out of our pockets! That’s what I’m talking about!!! I have been using the app and lost 30 pounds—> guiding my own diet and exercise plans! There should be better incentives!! I’m sure entirely with more thoughtful incentives, more people would suggest the program to friends and family!!
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  • Good app

    I like the app, and it does motivate me. Especially for things I might not do regularly or to try something new. I wish there were more options. For example, my exercise of choice is sculling, but there’s nothing specific for that. I do however feel there are some vague enough options to make it work. It does motivate me, but I miss a lot of my check-ins due to not being constantly on my phone and at the end of the day, going to bed instead of checking in. Maybe having an option in the morning to catch up on the day before would be helpful.
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