User Reviews: Safeco Mobile

Safeco Mobile
Safeco Mobile
Safeco Insurance Company of America

Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • RightTrack is rigged against you

    Our insurance agent convinced us to switch to Safeco for lower premiums now that our daughter is driving. We’ve always been safe, defensive drivers with a clean record. But RightTrack penalizes us for driving defensively and only seems to go down, affecting our final rate. My daughter had to stop somewhat quickly for kids who crossed an intersection while she had a green. My wife was penalized for getting up to speed in a short merge lane. And if we don’t “aggressively” decelerate or accelerate in our increasing number of roundabouts in our area we’ll never be able to enter one. This app will drive you crazy and make you a more nervous driver. It certainly is making me second guess switching to Safeco.

    Edit: was told to avoid roundabouts, and take the phone out of our pockets and put in a holder to keep it steady (pocket is more defensive). That’s terrible advice from an insurance company! RightTrack is flawed and I’ll be looking to drop it.
  • Right Track is woefully inaccurate

    Avoid using. The app uses GPS data to track acceleration and braking. Insurance rates aren’t determined by your actual driving record, but rather by isolated data points that don’t account for road conditions, amount of traffic, or the fact that as a driver much of what you do is in response to other drivers’ actions. To make matters worse, the app consistently records hard braking or rapid acceleration when no such thing has occurred. It definitely does not measure whether or not you are a “safe driver.” It doesn’t even accurately measure the level of risk of risk that the company is taking on when they insure you. For example, if someone runs stop lights, that’s totally fine, just so long as they brake incredibly gently. If someone stops abruptly in front of you or cuts into your lane, then your score takes a significant hit because you responded appropriately. And there’s no way to raise your score. Once your score drops a percentage point, no amount of “good” driving will raise it, you’ve merely lowered the ceiling on your score, which will be used as justification to raise rates in the future.
  • Safe co

    Safe co has been a good insurance company for me. Meeting my needs. I just got my new registration and my policy renews in May. Feel comfortable with safe co. Knowing I’m prepared on the hwy. company cares about me. I feel I’m talking with a father figure when I talk about my needs. They care about not only my driving and safety but the vehicle as well. I learned a lot over the years about safely maintaining my vehicle. They’ll even go as far as to replace a windshield or tow you if needed for maintenance. As a result I was able to see my son through high school. He’s onto college now. And they’ve ensured everyone in my home. Thank you.
  • Not a great app

    For the insurance part, it’s fine. For the “right track” driving portion, it’s absolutely horrible.

    First, the hard breaking is ridiculous. My wife had to stop for a deer and her driver’s score dropped. I guess SafeCo would rather her hit the deer?

    Secondly, the hard acceleration is highly inaccurate. Good luck getting onto a 70mph highway and not get flagged for hard acceleration. One exit that I use has a very short on ramp that requires you to accelerate rapidly to get up to highway speed. According to this app, that’s bad thing that will negatively affect your score. SafeCo wants you to get onto the highway at unsafe low speeds.

    Lastly, the maps are not accurate. While my GPS is accurate on my phone, the app is not. It shows me starting or driving down one road when I was actually on a different road.

    Overall, the accuracy is not good for its intended purpose. Thankfully, my good driving keeps my score up but I have to be careful which ramp I take to get onto the highway.
  • Does not track real time

    So far I have been using the app a little over a month. What concerns me is that the app is not able to track in real time and when I go to view and confirm trips it becomes unclear at what time I was driving or a passenger. The times often don’t match mile mileage tracker. The other concern is that lanes used to merge into traffic are short and require acceleration to merge safely. The other issue is people always thinking that being one automobile in front of you is better than being behind you. That’s why I use cameras in my vehicle, so that if the situation arises I will have video documentation. It would be nice if they would have the ability to use cameras to match the events. I just hope at the end of the end of the driving review a print out is provided.
    That my reasoning to only be able to rate at 2 stars.
  • Stay Away from this SCAM app and company!

    They lure you in with a huge proposed discount on your car insurance to give you this app that tracks your precise location. No matter how you drive, it will give you a low enough score to not give you a discount. On purpose, I tested it driving 35 mph on a road alone, in my Tesla on self driving. So it’s literally impossible to drive outside a lane. In this car you don’t even need to hit the brakes because it slows itself down with regenerative braking smoothly to a slow stop. I did this to test the app and it said I had hard braking…. On a 35 mph road alone with only two stops that the car slowed at a grandma’s pace to come to a stop. It rated me 82% which goes from a 30% discount to zero. It’s a 100% scam to deny the discount quoted to give you a better price.
  • Not worth it

    I’ve been doing it for 70 days now. I understood it tracked your hard breaking, acceleration, and nighttime driving but no one ever said it tracks if you are on your phone driving. I use my phone to listen to Sirius XM. That is not being on my phone while driving yet it has impacted me negatively. Also I have 20 days left and my husband and I confirmed several trips with good driving but our discount rate has suddenly stopped increasing. The whole thing is a sham, they tempt you with 30% possibly and then cut you off when they want. The data collected is not accurate. And They get so much data from you that they probably sell to others. If I could choose to do it again, I wouldn’t.
  • Lousy

    Take a moment to really look at the trips before you confirm them. The app doesn’t make its assumptions look very different, so it’s easy to accidentally confirm a trip that you don’t mean to. For instance, I took a long trip yesterday, driving to my destination in the morning and returning home in the evening. I went to confirm the trips and as I did, I realized too late that one of them thought I was a passenger. Unfortunately, once you click confirm there is no way to edit that trip or even review it. It would be nice if there was a more obvious indicator of what the app thinks you were doing other than the very small print. On that same note, it would be nice if the edit button was larger or at least not right next to the confirm button, as I have accidentally confirmed trips that I meant to edit. Frustrating UI combined with excessive location tracking makes me regret signing up.
  • Too sensitive/inaccurate

    I’ve been flagged for heavy braking 10 times now. Only once did I brake heavily to avoid hitting someone who ran into the road. I have DASHCAM footage with data on my speed, g force and location to back that up. I called Safeco. They don’t want to see it. Not surprising - it’s to their benefit to give out smaller discounts. I find that if I keep my iPhone in my pocket or wedged someplace where it can’t move at all it’s fine. If my phone can move around even a little I’ll get flagged for heavy braking for coming to a gradual, complete stop at a stop sign. It’s ridiculous. I didn’t have this issue with a different insurer’s app last year.
  • Please read

    I have no words for this awful, shady company. Be prepared to being passed off with little explanation to another adjuster when you deny acceptance of a low ball claim even though you had a 35 ft. tree fall across your roof during a heavy storm. Be prepared for them to ignore the documentation and pictures you sent of the incident. Instead you will receive a text pushing you to accept the low amt. and than a letter but not a phone call from tour adjuster after you repeatedly reached out.
    Second adjuster doing the same thing with emails and voicemail. Denied that too. Now nothing.
    Going the legal counsel route. :(

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